凱恩 · 喜歡花草風景攝影,而我喜歡捕捉他拍照的鏡頭。雖然凱恩是色盲,但這一點也不妨礙凱恩透過他的鏡頭捕捉上帝創造之美。如果您有興趣,歡迎您來參觀他的網站 www.believeontheLord.org
我們在德斯坎索花園有段美好時光。我拍了很多照片,也很享受這一日遊。我將我拍的照片自製成投影片, 就讓上帝創造的美麗花朵來講述他們的故事吧!
“自 從 造 天 地 以 來 , 神 的 永 能 和 神 性 是 明 明 可 知 的 , 雖 是 眼 不 能 見 , 但 藉 著 所 造 之 物 就 可 以 曉 得 , 叫 人 無 可 推 諉 。”羅馬書1:20
It’s Kevin’s birthday, so we decided to do things Kevin likes. We had dim sum at Chinatown in Los Angeles, then we went to Descanso Gardens to enjoy beautiful cherry blossom. We enjoyed the beauty of camelia bushes, whether the buds yet to open, or full bloom. Even when they fall on the ground, their fading color tells the beautiful lives they have lived. I couldn’t help but catching their beauty to tell their story with my new camera, my graduation gift from Kevin.
Kevin enjoys taking landscape photography, and I enjoy taking him taking photos. Although Kevin is color blind, but it hinders not a bit for him to catch the beauty of God’s creation through his lens. If you are interested, you are more than welcome to check out his website www.believeontheLord.org .
We had a good time at Descanso Gardens. I took lots of photos and really enjoyed the day trip. Here is the slideshow for the beautiful flowers God created to tell their stories.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20