Lesson #57 –
9/30/2017 講員:Kevin
Berg 翻譯:Angie Berg
“31What then shall we say
to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31
“He who spared not His own son, but delivered Him up as a substitute for all of us, how will He not, with Him, freely give us all things.” Romans 8:32
“19And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
“He who spared not His own son, but delivered Him up as a substitute for all of us, how will He not, with Him, freely give us all things.” Romans 8:32
“19And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
羅馬書8: 31“既是這樣,我們隊這些事還要怎麼說呢?上帝若幫助我們,誰能抵擋我們呢?”
羅馬書8: 32“上帝既不顧惜自己的兒子,為我們眾人捨了他,豈不也把萬物和他一同白白地賜給我們嗎?”
Last week we began a study of
Psalm 23. This chapter will be our last passage of scripture on how the
Christian faces adversity. After we are done with Psalm 23, we will go on to
studying an entire book of the bible, which will be the gospel of John.
上個星期我們開始了詩篇23的學習。這一章將是我們關於基督徒如何面對逆境的最後一段經文。 在我們完成詩篇23後,我們將繼續學習聖經中的一卷書,將會是約翰福音。
Last week we learned a little
bit about David, the king of Israel, who wrote Psalm 23. We learned that he
began his working life as a shepherd. We also learned that God prepared him for
his life as a king through many different events in his life. He first learned
about God and His ways; then he learned to trust God, and to have faith in God;
then he applied this faith to difficult situations in his life. Through various
circumstances and experiences of his life, he developed a strong faith, and his
relationship with God grew.
上個星期,我們學了一些關於大衛,是以色列的王,他寫了詩篇23,我們得知他工作生涯開始於作為一個牧羊人。 我們還了解到,上帝通過生活中的許多不同的事件為他的生命做預備。
他首先了解上帝和祂的道路; 然後他學會信靠上帝,並對上帝有信心; 然後他將這種信心應用於他生命中的困境。
We also introduced a concept
that we called logistical grace support. This support is what God provides us
for life itself. It is a concept that allows us to relax in life and to not
worry about the details of life. We can trust in God to provide what we need to
fulfill His plan and purpose for our lives. We saw an example of this in Matthew
chapter 6, which started out by saying in verse 25, “Do
not be anxious for your life”. God wants us to relax and
trust in Him, and assures us that He can handle our daily needs. There is
another passage of scripture that says something similar in 1 Timothy 1:7,
which says:
我們還介紹了一個我們稱之為後勤恩典支持的概念。 這個支持是神為我們供應生命本身的支持。
這是一個概念,讓我們在生活中放鬆,不用擔心生活細節。 我們可以相信上帝,為我們的生活提供我們所需要的完成祂的計劃和目的。 我們在馬太福音第6章中看到了一個例子,這是在第25節的開始說:“不要為你的生命而憂慮”。 上帝希望我們放鬆和信靠祂,並且向我們保證,祂可以處理我們的日常需要。 另有一段經文在提摩太前書1:7中有類似的話,這麼說:
“7For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity,
but of power, love, and self-discipline.
And, at the end of our class
last week, we asked a question: “Why would God support us,
and supply us with all of our needs?” We have already answered
this, but we need to realize that we often pray for things that we want, even
though we have all we really need. There is a difference between what we want
and what we need; there also may be a difference between what we want,
and what God wants for us.
即使我們已經有了我們真正需要的。 我們所需要的和我們想要的是有區別的; 在我們想要的東西和上帝對我們的要求之間也可能有所不同。
However, to make it clear, the
reason that God supplies all of our needs is so that we can fulfill His plan
for our lives. He supports us to enable us to learn about Him, to trust Him, to
serve Him, and to ultimately glorify Him. And, as long as He still has a plan
for us, He will sustain us. When His plan is complete for our lives, or when it
is obvious that we won’t complete His plan for our lives,
then (and only then) will He take us home.
祂支持我們讓我們瞭解祂,信靠祂,服事祂,並最終榮耀祂。 而且,只要他對我們還有計劃,祂會維繫支撐我們的。 當祂在我們生命的計畫完成了,或者顯然我們不會完成祂對我們的生命計劃,那麼(而且只有這樣)祂將帶我們回天家。
So, logistical grace provides
us with the basics of life – like food and clothing. But, there
are other things that God’s grace provides for us. Since
at the moment of salvation we become the children of God, He also provides us
with blessings in this life. We receive these blessings by grace –
based on who God is, not based on who we are. We may look at these as things
that go above and beyond what we actually need.
所以,後勤的恩典為我們提供了基本的生活 - 像食物和衣服。 但是,神的恩典還有其他的東西提供給我們。 既然在得救的時刻,我們成為了神的兒女,祂也為我們提供了這個生命中的祝福。
我們藉著恩典得到這些祝福 – 是基於上帝是誰,不是基於我們是誰(是在於神,不是在於我們是誰)。 我們可以將這些看作是超越我們實際需要的東西。
Another area that God provides
us in is the availability of the teaching of biblical truth or sometimes called
bible doctrine. For everyone who is positive to learn about God, and wants to
grow spiritually and draw closer to God, God provides the teaching of His word
to that person. Seek and you will find, is a principle we have talked about
before and it is a part of logistical grace.
對於那些積極學習神的人,並且想要在靈裡成長並靠近神的人,上帝就會將這個話語的教導給那個人。 尋求,你會尋見,是我們以前談過的一個原則,它是後勤恩典的一部分。
review another passage of scripture that encourages us to not be anxious and to
not be fearful. It is found in Isaiah 41:10, and it says:
我們來複習另一段經文,鼓勵我們不要焦慮,不要害怕。 在以賽亞書41:10中可以看到,它說:
be afraid, for I am with you.Don’t be discouraged, for I
am your God. I will strengthen you and
help you. I will hold you up with my victorious
right hand.
This is an easy passage to
understand. Nothing tricky here, there are no complex concepts. The difficult
thing is whether we are willing to believe it. We have to understand that we
can trust God; that He provides strength; and that He upholds us and helps us
in every circumstance of life. We don’t need to have
anxiety about anything, and that is what Psalm 23, the first four verses,
teaches us.
這是一個容易理解的經文。 沒有什麼棘手的,沒有複雜的概念。 困難的是我們是否願意相信它?
我們必須明白,我們可以信靠神; 祂供應力量, 祂支撐著我們,在每一個生命的際遇中幫助我們。
There is one other lesson that
we will learn as we go through these first four verses and that is about
priorities in life. The world teaches us that if we lose our earthly fortune,
if we lose our power, and if we have to flee to escape certain death, that we
have lost everything. But, here David says that he is lacking nothing. He has
everything that he needs. This is an attitude that we don’t
see or hear about very often, but the attitude that God would have us have.
還有另外一個教導,我們將在閱讀前四節經文中學習,那就是生命中的優先事項。 世界教導我們,如果我們失去了我們的地球財富,如果我們失去了權力,如果我們必須要逃避某些死亡,我們已經失去了一切。
但是,大衛說,他什麼也不缺乏。 他擁有他需要的一切。 這是一種我們不經常看到或聽到的態度,但是上帝要我們有的態度。
When we looked at Job briefly
about a month ago; Job had also lost everything, but kept his eyes on God. He
stated that he came into the world with nothing and will take nothing with him
when he dies. His attitude was that all of the things of this earth can be
taken away, but no one can take away what he has in his Lord. He looked on the
things of this world as temporary, but the things of God as being eternal. Both
of these men had their priorities straight; they didn’t
put their hope in the things of this world; they put their hope in what God will
supply, and in God’s grace. Let’s
look briefly at Matthew 6:19-21.
一個月前我們看了約伯, 約伯也失去了一切,但是他定睛在神身上。
他說,他沒有帶任何東西來到世界,他死的時候也不會帶任何東西跟他走。 他的態度是,這個地球上的一切事情都可以被奪走,但沒有人能奪取他在他主裡面所擁有的東西。
他把這世界的事情看作是暫時的,但上帝的話是永恆的。 這兩個人都有優先順序正確; 他們沒有把盼望放在這個世界的事上; 他們把他們的盼望放在上帝能夠供應的,並且神的恩典上面。 我們來看看馬太福音6:19-21。
19“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and
rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust
cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your
heart will also be.”
19「不要為自己積攢財寶在地上;地上有蟲子咬,能銹壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷。 20只要積攢財寶在天上;天上沒有蟲子咬,不能銹壞,也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷。 21因為你的財寶在哪裏,你的心也在那裏。」
This truth is what David was
referring to when he said, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I
shall need nothing.” Not only was God providing all he
needed, but also his priorities were straight in writing that he doesn’t need anything but the Lord. He knew what it was like to be
one of the wealthiest people in the world, but he also knew what really
主。 他知道成為世界上最富有的人之一是什麼樣子,但他也知道什麼才是真正重要的。
Another example before we move
on to verse 2 in Psalm 23. It is found in John 4:31-35. It is an incident where
Jesus’ disciples are more concerned with physical food for
our Lord than his ministry. Jesus explains to them that there are more
important things than just physical food; like spiritual food that has eternal
在我們繼續看詩篇23篇的第二節之前, 來看看另一個例子。在約翰福音4:31-35中。 這是一個事件, 在這裏相較於於主的事工,耶穌的門徒更關心我們的主的生理飲食。 耶穌向他們解釋說,比物質糧食更重要的事情; 像屬靈的糧食是有著永恆的效果的。
31Meanwhile, the disciples
were urging Jesus, “Rabbi, eat something.” 32But
Jesus replied, “I have a kind of food you know
nothing about.” 33“Did someone bring
him food while we were gone?” the disciples asked each
other. 34Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from
doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. 35You know the saying, ‘Four months
between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look
around. The fields are already ripe.”
31這其間,門徒對耶穌說:「拉比,請吃。」 32耶穌說:「我有食物吃,是你們不知道的。」 33門徒就彼此對問說:「莫非有人拿甚麼給他吃嗎?」 34耶穌說:「我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意,做成他的工。 35你們豈不說『到收割的時候還有四個月』嗎?我告訴你們,舉目向田觀看,莊稼已經熟了原文是發白,可以收割了。
Where does his nourishment
come from? He wants to finish God the Father’s plan and
will for his life. It is more important to him than even eating. Yes, he has to
eat, but he doesn’t worry about it. Our Lord is trying to
teach his disciples (and us) what is truly, critically important, and where
their focus should be, and where their priorities should be.
他的營養來自哪裡呢? 他要完成上帝的父的計劃,還有為他的一生而定的旨意。
對他來說,甚至比吃飯更重要。 是的,他不得不吃飯,但他並不擔心。 我們的主試圖教他的門徒(和我們)真正的,至關重要的,重點應該在哪裡,以及他們的優先事項應該是什麼。
Okay, let us read Matthew 4:4
to you, to round this out:
“People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that
comes from the mouth of God.”
son is after him to kill him. David has been driven out of Jerusalem. Now, he
says, Don’t worry, and don’t be
anxious, we will not have any need that is not met, because the Lord is our
Shepherd. He will take care of us. As we are reading this, we are told is to
RELAX! No matter the circumstances, God can handle it.
大衛的兒子在追殺他。 大衛被趕出耶路撒冷。 現在他說:別擔心,不要焦慮,因為耶和華是我們的牧人,我們不會有任何不滿足的需要。 他會照顧我們的。正如我們讀的那樣,我們被告知要放鬆!
Okay, let’s
go onto verse 2 of Psalm 23. The analogy of shepherd and sheep continues by
going into more detail. Let’s read verse 2:
好吧,我們來看看詩篇23篇的第2節。牧羊人和羊的比喻將繼續進入更多的細節。 我們來讀第2節:
“2He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside
peaceful streams.”
“2祂使我躺臥在青草地上, 領我在可安歇的水邊。”
This continues to explain what
we have been talking about. In the analogy, it gives us the image of animals
resting and relaxing with ample food and protection; they are totally free from
fear. They don’t have a concern in the world. What are the
green meadows to us in a spiritual sense? Where or what can we relax in?
這繼續解釋了我們在說的。 在類比中,它給了我們有充足的食物及保護的動物休息和放鬆的形象; 他們完全沒有恐懼。 他們在世界上沒有任何顧慮。 對我們而言青草地上有什麼屬靈意義?
What have we just learned? Do
we live on bread alone? But, what do we also live on?
我們剛剛學到了什麼? 我們或者單單依靠食物嗎? 然而,我們活著還要靠什麼呢?
God’s word
is important. How do we know God’s plan? God’s
word. How do we know God’s will? God’s
word. How do we know how to glorify God? God’s word. How
do we know God’s promises? God’s
word. So, let’s look at something that will help all of us
in life, but especially in difficult circumstances. It is a step-by-step
神的話是重要的。 我們怎麼知道神的計劃? 神的話語。 我們如何認識神的旨意?
神的話語。 我們怎麼知道如何榮耀神? 神的話語。 我們怎麼認識神的應許呢? 神的話語。 所以,讓我們來看看一些有助於我們所有人生命的東西,特別是在困難的環境中。
1. Learn God’s word.
2. Believe God’s word.
3. Remember God’s word –
especially His promises.
4. Apply the promise to the circumstance.
5. Come to a conclusion that allows you to face the
difficulty, with faith and trust in God.
1. 學習神的話語
2. 相信神的話語。
3. 記住神的話 - 尤其是祂的應許。
4. 應用應許在情況中。
5. 得出結論,讓你以信心和信靠神來面對困難。
So, let’s
say we are upset. We are so upset and emotional that it is tough for us to even
think clearly. Somehow we come up with a promise from God. Can anyone think of
one now? How about one we had earlier tonight? Isaiah 41:10? “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.” What if
you could just come up with this one statement, and believe that you are not
alone. Would that help? Are you on the way to trusting in God, of putting your
faith in Him? If you know that the one who created the universe is with you,
loves you, and has promised to supply all of your needs, what can you conclude?
Are you in a better place than when you first began the process? Does this make
sense? From these examples that we have already had are we starting to get it?
Do you think we could use this in a time of difficulty?
那麼,讓我說我們很失望。 我們很失望和情緒化,我們很難看清楚。
不知怎的,我們想出了上帝的一個應許。 有沒有任何人現在可以想到一個呢? 我們今天早些時候的那一個怎麼樣? 以賽亞書41:10 “不要害怕,因為我與你同在。”如果你只能想出這一個陳述,並相信你不是孤單一人,這有幫助嗎
你在信靠上帝的道路上,把你的信心放在祂身上嗎? 如果你知道創造宇宙的那位與你同在,愛你,並且應許供應你所有的需求,你能得出什麼結論? 比起你先前開始這個過程好點嗎?
這有道理嗎? 從我們已經有的這些例子我們開始明白了嗎? 你認為我們可以在困難的時候使用它嗎?
Do you think that we could
ever make the statement that the Lord is our Shepherd, and that we will
lack nothing because of it? Can we confidently state that we can relax with the
words of God? Can we trust God? Can we depend upon His grace? The reality is
that we can truly get to the point in life where we don’t
have a care in the world because of our faith. Will we succeed all the time?
No. But what a fantastic life we have when we lie down in green pastures; in
the comfort of God’s words.
你認為我們可以說出耶和華是我們的牧者,我們也必不致缺乏因為這樣嗎? 我們可以自信地說,我們可以靠著神的話放輕鬆嗎? 我們相信神嗎? 我們可以依靠祂的恩典嗎? 現實是,我們可以真正地達到生命中的這個地步,因為我們的信心我們不在乎在這俗世的。
我們會一直成功嗎? 不,但是當我們躺在青草地上時,在神的話語中得安慰時,是多麼棒的生活啊!