Saturday, September 23, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第五十六課 - 大衛 - 詩篇23篇 (1)

Lesson #56 9/23/2017                        講員:Kevin Berg 翻譯:Angie Berg

 10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

3But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. 4I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56:3-4

9My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! 10I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the Lord for what he has promised. 11I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can man do to me? Psalm 56:9-11



9我呼求的日子,我的仇敵都要轉身退後。神幫助我,這是我所知道的。10我倚靠神,我要讚美祂的話;我倚靠耶和華,我要讚美祂的話。11我倚靠神,必不懼怕。人能把我怎麼樣呢? 12神啊,我向你所許的願在我身上;我要將感謝祭獻給你。”

We have certain people that we look up to in our society. We have celebrities. We have sports figures. In the past, we might have had military heroes, but it isnt real common today. These days it seems like the people that we esteem are mostly involved in entertainment. Actors, football players, maybe even movie directors.

在我們的社會中有一些人是我們仰慕的。 我們有名人 我們有體育人物。 過去我們可能有軍事英雄,但在今天不是很常見的。 現今,我們仰慕的人似乎大都涉及樂活動。 演員,足球運動員,可能甚至電影導演們。

However, in the bible it is different. There are people in the bible that we learn about that are great people. Abraham was the Father of the Jewish people ... Gods chosen people. Moses was the Father of the Jewish nation. The apostle Paul was a hero of the faith. However, in all these cases the people were not perfect. Their failures are often recorded in the bible just as are their successes.

然而,在聖經中它是不同的。 在聖經中有些人物我們學習知道是偉大的人。 亞伯拉罕是猶太人的父,神揀選的人民。 摩西是猶太國的國父。 使徒保羅是信心的英雄。 但是,在所有這些案例中,這些人並不是完美的。 他們的失敗經常被記錄在聖經中,就像他們的成功被紀錄一樣。

We are going to look at another person who was said to be, A man after Gods own heart. in Acts 13:22. He started out in humble circumstances and in the end became the King of Israel. He was the youngest in his family, and therefore he was given the worst job in the family: He had to tend to the familys sheep. He started out in life as a shepherd.

我們要看看在使徒行傳13:22中的另一個人物,據是一個合神心意的人。 他一開始是很卑微的,最後成為了以色列的王。 他是家裡最小的,所以他在家里的工作最糟糕:他不得不照管家裡的羊。 他的一生是從作為牧羊人開始。

There is a lot written about David in the bible. He was interested in learning about God and Gods ways. As a shepherd he had time on his hands. There was no one with him; it was just he and the sheep. He took advantage of the time that was given him by spending time in Gods word. In this way he grew up in Gods word. He learned to take responsibility. He learned to be honest. He learned about the rituals of the day, which were the Levitical offerings at the temple. He knew what the rituals meant, even though he didnt have access to the temple like other people did. He also spent a lot of time in prayer while he was out tending to the sheep. He had the opportunity to grow spiritually.

在聖經中有很多關於大衛的記載。 他對於瞭解神和神的道路感興趣。 作為一個牧羊人,他手頭有很多空閒。 沒有人跟他在一起,只有他和羊群。 他利用給他的時間並且花時間在神的話語上。 就這樣,他在神的話語中長大。 他學會了承擔責任。 他學會了誠實。 他了解到當時的儀式,這是利未人在聖殿中的獻祭。 他知道儀式的意義,即使他沒有像其他人一樣有通路進入聖殿。 他在外面放羊的時候,他也花了很多時間在祈禱中度過。 他有機會在屬靈上成長。

We have so much about Davids life in the bible. We can really see how God prepared him from a very young age. We are not going to look at his whole life, but if we did we could see things in his life that prepared him for other things later in his life. It is the same with us. Often we dont know why certain things are happening in our life. Unfortunately, we may not know until we get to heaven. But sometimes things happen in our life where later in life we can say to ourselves, Oh now that makes sense. It may be something that isnt easy, but we get through it with Gods help. It may become obvious that it prepared us for something else in life. We may realize that now our faith has been strengthened. We may be able to relax knowing that God delivered us from the previous situation, and are confident that He will deliver us from this new situation as well.

我們在聖經中有很多關於大衛的一生。 我們真的可以看到上帝如何從他年紀還小的時候就預備他。 我們不會細看他的一生,但是如果我們看得話我們能夠看到他生命中的一些事情是為了預備好他在他生命後期的其他事情。 與我們一樣。 通常我們不知道為什麼某些事情在我們的生命中發生。 不幸的是,可能要等我們到天堂才知道。 但有時候,事情發生在我們生命中,到了以後,我們可以對自己,“哦,現在是說得通了,有道理了。”這可能是不容易的事情,但當我們藉著上帝的幫助度過它的時候, 它可能會變得很明顯,是為了我們生命中的其他事情預備好我們。 我們可以意識到,現在我們的信心得到加強。 我們可能能放鬆,知道上帝把我們從以前的情況中解出來,並且相信祂會拯救使我們離這個新的景況。

In Davids life this is exactly what we see. There was an incident with a lion, and there was another incident with a bear. These wild animals were threatening his sheep. He went after them and he killed both of them in two separate incidents. This helped him to trust God. This helped him with courage, confidence and faith. Later in life, when he was faced with a giant soldier, he was able to look back on those incidents and realize that if God can deliver him from wild animals that He could also deliver him from a wild, big mouthed giant who was blaspheming his God, the God of Israel. Who is also our God.

在大衛的一生中,這正是我們所看到的。 有一個獅子的事件,還有一個熊的事件。 這些野生動物正在威脅他的羊。 他追趕著他們,然後在這兩個分開的事件中他把它們兩個都殺死了。 這幫助了他信靠神。 這有助於他的勇氣,信心和信念。 在之後的生命中,當他面對一個巨人戰士時,他能回顧這些事件,並意識到,如果上帝能把他從野生動物中解救出來,他也可以把他從一個野蠻的,誇大其詞污衊他的神,以色列的神,也是我們的神的巨人那裡拯救出來。

So, as David matured as a man he also matured in his faith. He continued to draw closer to God, and it was obvious that God had a plan for his life. Eventually, David became the King of Israel. He started as a shepherd, became a warrior and a leader, and eventually was a great king.

所以,隨著大衛成長為一個男人,他也在信心上成熟了 。 他繼續親近神,顯然上帝他的生命中有一個計劃。 最終,大衛成為以色列的王。 他從一個牧羊人開始,成為一個戰士和領袖,最終是一個偉大的王。

While he was king he experienced the unfaithfulness of many friends. And, eventually even his son turned against him and started a rebellion to take the throne from him. His sons name is Absalom. This time, which is often called the Absalom Revolution, is one of the darkest times in Davids life. At this low part of Davids life, he wrote a Psalm. It is written in Hebrew poetry. It is only twelve lines of Hebrew poetry, and it is only six verses in one chapter in the book of Psalm. It is Psalm 23, and it gives us an indication of how Gods word in our soul makes all the difference in the world when it comes to adversity. He never lost track of the fact that God was with him; even in this very difficult time - his faith remained strong.

當他做王時,他經歷了許多朋友的不忠實。 而且,最終甚至他的兒子也反對他,並開始叛亂,奪取他的寶座。 他的兒子的名字是押沙龍。 這個時期,通常被稱為押沙龍革命,是大衛生命中最黑暗的時期之一。 在大衛生命的這個低谷,他寫了一首詩篇。 它是用希伯來詩寫的。 希伯來詩只有十二行,詩篇中的一章只有六節經文。 它是詩篇23篇,它給了我們一個徵兆,表明上帝的話語在我們靈的話就會在逆境來臨時造就全然的不同。 他從來沒有忘記上帝與他同在的事實; 即使在這個非常困難的時期 - 他的信心仍然很強。

Please turn in your bibles to Psalm 23. Even though this chapter is short, there is a lot we can learn from it:


1The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.anointest: Heb. makest fat

6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. (KJV)







Many people have memorized this passage of scripture. In the English this version is the classic version that many people are familiar with. This version is called the King James Version.

許多人記住了這段經文。 在英文中,這個版本是許多人熟悉的經典版本。 這個版本被稱為詹姆斯王版本。

In verse 1 David is using an analogy from his days as a shepherd. He is saying that he is one of the sheep, and that the Lord is his shepherd.  When David was a shepherd, he protected his sheep, and now the Lord is protecting him. Even though David is in a difficult circumstance, he still recognizes Gods grace. Gods grace doesnt come and go based on our circumstances; it is there at all times. Even though he has been removed from his palace, and had to flee Jerusalem, he still has the Lord. This Psalm is a testimony to Davids faith in the Lord, and to his relationship with God.

在第1節,大衛正在使用他牧羊人的日子做比。 他他是羊之一,耶和華是他的牧者。 當大衛是牧人時,他保護了他的羊,現在耶和華保護他。 即使大衛處於困境,他仍然認知道上帝的恩典。 上帝的恩典不會根據我們的情況來來去去, 它任何時候都在那裡。 即使他已經離開了他的宮殿,不得不逃離耶路撒冷,他仍然有耶和華。 這詩是證明大衛對耶和華的信心,以及他與神的關係。

We are going to look Psalm 23 in three sections:
1.     Verses 1-4: The shepherd and the sheep.
2.     Verse 5: The host and the guest.
3.     Verse 6: The military pursuit.

Tonight we will start the first section.

1. 1-4節:牧羊人和羊。
2. 5節:主人和客人。
3. 6節:軍事追求。


What we need to realize is that sheep are helpless animals. They cant guide themselves. They cant defend themselves. They cant even cleanse themselves. They are easily frightened, and completely dependent upon their shepherd. They need help finding places to graze and to find clean water. We may not like it, but this is an analogy referring to us as believers living during the angelic conflict. David is in a helpless and hopeless situation. He has no army; he only has a few loyal people with him and few basic supplies. Yet, he still has his faith. And the second statement in verse 1 makes this clear.

我們需要認識到,羊是無助的動物。 他們不能引導自己。 他們不能自我防衛。 他們甚至不能自我清潔。 他們很容易受驚嚇,而且它們是完全依賴於他們的牧羊人的。 他們需要幫助找到放牧的地方,找到清潔的水。 我們可能不喜歡,但這是一個類比,指的是我們在屬靈戰爭/天使衝突中生活的信徒。 大衛處於無助無望的境地。 他沒有軍隊 他只有幾個忠實的人和他一起,幾乎沒有基本的用品。 然而,他仍然有信心。 第1節的第二個聲明就是這麼清楚的。

He knows that God has promised to supply all of his needs, and he makes the statement that, I have all that I need.He is leaning on God. We must learn to lean on God, and trust Him for all of our needs too. God has provided us with the greatest thing possible, eternal salvation, how will He not provide the much smaller things of this world as well. Even while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us. And, then once we believe in Christ, we become children of God. We dont have to worry about the details of life; God will provide.

他知道上帝已經應許了他所有的需要,他:“我必不致缺乏”,他倚靠上帝。 我們必須學會依靠上帝,並且也將我們所需要的都信靠於祂。 上帝為我們提供了最偉大的東西,永恆的救恩,祂豈不能提供這個世界許多更小的東西呢。 即使當我們還是罪人,基督代替我們死了。 然後,一旦我們相信基督,我們就成為神的兒女。 我們不必擔心生活的細節; 上帝會供應。

God provides us with guidance. God provides us with protection. God provides for us everything necessary for life itself as long as He still has a plan and a purpose for our lives. This Psalm is an example to us that God provides for us even in adversity. He keeps us alive so that we are able to fulfill what He has for us in this life. He can, and does supply all of our needs.

上帝給我們指導。 上帝給我們保護。 只要祂仍然為我們的生命有計劃和目的,上帝就為我們供應生命本身所需要的一切。 這個詩篇是即使在逆境中上帝供應我們的一個例子。 祂讓我們活著,使我們能在這個生命中實現祂對我們的一切。 他能夠,並且供應我們所有的需要。

David is in danger at the time when he wrote this, he is running for his life; however he knows that with God nothing is impossible. There is no need in Davids life that God cant supply; there is no need in our lives that God cant supply as well. This is by His grace not based on us, but based on Him.

當他寫這個的時候,大衛正處於危險之中,他正在為自己的生命而逃跑; 然而他知道,在神凡事都能,沒有什麼是不可能的。 在大衛的生命中,沒有什麼是上帝不能供應的; 在我們的生命的一切需要,上帝也不可能無法供應。 這是祂的恩典 - 不是在於我們,而是在於祂。

In the military there is a group that supplies the soldiers on the battlefield everything that they need to fight. The area of the military that performs this function is called logistics. In the army it is often referred to as, beans and bullets. A group of soldiers is helpless and vulnerable without the support provided by logistics. If the soldiers have to worry about where the food will come from, they cant concentrate on their job, and have a hard time completing their mission. This is true of every branch of the military. Those who are on the front lines need support, otherwise they cant do their jobs, and battles are lost.

在軍隊中有一個團隊,為戰場上的士兵提供他們打仗的一切需要。 執行此功能的軍隊稱為後勤(物流)。 在軍隊裡常常被稱為“豆子和子彈”。沒有後勤物流所提供的支持, 那一群士兵是無助和脆弱的。 如果這些士兵必須擔心食物會來自哪裡,他們就不能集中精力,那就很難完成任務。 軍隊的各個部門都是如此。 那些在前線的人需要支持,否則他們不能做他們的工作,戰鬥就會失敗。

It is the same with us as believers in Jesus Christ. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but as Ephesians 6:12 says it is against

這與我們作為耶穌基督的信徒是一樣的。 我們的爭戰不是肉身和血氣的,而是以弗所書6:12中所的爭戰:

12For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.


Can we win an invisible battle without Gods support? No. He provides us with everything we need to fight in the angelic conflict. In Ephesians 6, it explains the specific things we need and the specific things we are provided to fight this battle that we need to fight. In the military it is called logistics. In the spiritual life we might call it Logistical Grace Support; as it is a function of Gods grace.

沒有上帝的支持,我們能不能贏得一場無形的爭戰呢? 不能,祂為我們提供了在屬靈爭戰中(天使衝突)所需要的一切。 在以弗所書6章中,它解釋了我們所需要的具體事項,以及為我們需要戰鬥所提供戰鬥的具體東西。 在軍事上叫做後勤。 在屬靈生命中,我們稱之為後勤恩典支持; 因為它是神的恩典的功能。

In the past, we have already seen a number of passages of scripture that describe this, but lets look at one more. It is found in Matthew chapter 6, and it is part of the Sermon on the Mount that our Lord gave to his disciples. Lets look at verse 25.

在過去,我們已經看到了一些描述這段經文的段落,但是再來看一下。 它在馬太福音第6章中可以找到,它是我們的主給他門徒山上講道的一部分。 我們來看看第25節。

“25That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday lifewhether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isnt life more than food, and your body more than clothing?


When Jesus Christ was telling his disciples this it was because these men did have concerns. They had given up jobs or businesses to follow their Messiah. They were used to making money. Now, they were without what they were used to and were a little nervous about where their next meal was coming from. How could they fight the battle of their lives if they were worrying about food? They were being sent out to preach the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, with only what was on their backs. How would they survive? This is often a test of faith that missionaries face. And there are many stories about missionaries who have been provided for in difficult circumstances only by the grace of God. But, the reality is that the provision of logistical grace is for us all.

當耶穌基督告訴祂的門徒時,這是因為這些人確實有顧慮。 他們放棄了工作或事業來跟隨他們的彌賽亞。 他們習慣掙錢。 現在,他們沒有了他們習慣了的,對他們的下一頓飯來自哪裡有點緊張。 如果他們擔心食物,他們怎麼能打贏他們的生命之戰? 他們被派出來傳講福音,耶穌基督的福音,他們只有背在背後的東西。 他們如何生存? 這通常是傳教士們面對的信心考驗。 還有很多有關傳教士的故事,他們在艱難的環境中如何被供應,只有靠神的恩典。 但事實是,後勤恩典的供應是給我們大家的。

When any of us was without work, it was by Gods grace that we found another job. We can think of promotions, we can think of businesses where God provided the customers and the sales. We dont have to look very far to see Gods grace in our lives. We have been provided for day after day, month after month, and year after year. There are times in each of our lives where it could have easily gone a different way, a negative way, a disastrous way, but it didnt.

當我們任何人都沒有工作的時候,就是藉著上帝的恩典為我們找到了另外一份工作。 我們可以想到升級,我們可以想到業務上神供應客和銷售。 我們不用看得很遠才看到上帝在我們生命中的恩典。 我們已經日復一日,月復一月,年復一年被供應了。 在我們每一個人的生命中,有時候可能很容易地就走向不同道路,一種負面的道路,一種災難性的道路,但並沒有。

But, we have to ask the question why. Why would God provide for us? Why does God supply all of our needs? Why has David been run out of town, his life threatened, his beloved son wanting to take over as king, and then he says that he is in need of nothing? He is trusting in God. He believes Gods promises, and he is relaxed in the knowledge that the Lord is his Shepherd, and will take care of him.

但是,我們必須問問為什麼。 為什麼神會為我們供應? 為什麼上帝供應我們所有的需要? 為什麼大衛被趕出城外,他的生命受到威脅,他心愛的兒子想要接管王位,然而他他必不致缺乏? 他相信神。 他相信神的應許,並且因為知道耶和華是他的牧人,並且看顧他,他就放輕鬆了。

We have a little more to look at before we go on to verse 2 in Psalm 23, but since we are out of time, we will have to do that next week.


Lets pray. 


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