Wednesday, September 8, 2010





“我們愛,因為神先愛我們。” ~約翰一書4:19

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why Me (Jesus Commands My Destiny)

        To many it might be a regular evening: eating dinner, watching TV or walking their dog in the neighborhood.  But to her the routine was different, home continued to be a source of pain.  Tears continued to be the appetizer at dinnertime.  While she was weeping in her bed, her four-year-old son, Wesley, came in and asked, “Mommy, there is Batman and Superman but why is our Daddy a madman?”  She couldn’t answer that question.  She was too tired to make up any more excuses for her children’s father.  How could she continue to tell him that Daddy’s voice is loud because he might have a hearing problem?   How could she continue to lie to her kids in this way?  Aren’t they the angels that God sent to this special family to help and to love their Daddy?  When the kids asked her why they didn’t have wings, she fooled them for many years by telling them to touch their back and told them that their wings were hidden.
            Wesley told her, “we need to pray for Daddy,” just like each time she had asked the kids to pray for their father with her in the past.  However, she couldn’t endure it any more, as she looked into his innocent face, so pure, so naïve, and so sincere, she cried out, “No!”  But almost instantly she realized that she couldn’t let her loving child lose his faith.  So, she said to her beloved son, Wesley, “You go and pray for your Dad.”  Unexpectedly, Wesley laid his chubby little hand on her head and started praying, “Jesus, please make my Mom happy and help her to not cry any more.  I love her, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”  He gave her a kiss, then, went out of her bedroom to pray for his Dad.
            I, Angie, am Wesley’s Mom.  Through all the tears, bitterness, pain and suffering, and the seventeen years of marriage, suicide never succeeded in ending the source of the pain in my life.  Frederick Douglass once said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”  He also said, “Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must certainly pay for all they get.  If we ever get free from all the oppressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay for their removal.  We must do this by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, and if need be by our lives, and the lives of others.”  I thought to myself, “I cannot go on like this, I cannot continue to live this lie.”  The lie that I kept telling myself was that I could overcome the mental and physical hurt simply by enduring it day by day.  I had to realize that I was not making any progress, and nothing was going to change.  I realized that I had to make a change.
Therefore, I finally stepped out, and I broke free from the bondage!  I now had to learn to love myself, and to protect myself from both physical and mental abuse by making changes in my life.  I have now stepped out of the character of a battered woman, and moved on.  I feel as though I have flown over the valley of oppression and over the mountain of injustice, and landed in the meadow of peace and grace. 
I was just like the battered wife in the movie “Sleeping with the Enemy,”  (played by Julia Roberts) all she needed was courage, the courage to protect herself, and the courage to change the pattern of her miserable life.  She finally escaped her horrendous life, and now so have I.
My sister once told me that as a Christian I am the precious daughter of God.  Although it was tough to believe at the time, I know that it was true then as it is true now.  I have always wanted to fulfill the plan of God for my life, but I realized that I would first have to protect the temple of God the Holy Spirit, which is my own body.  This truth hit home with me, and therefore with my sister’s encouragement and constant support from my parents and brothers, I was able to survive, to have the courage to change, and to move forward without any guilty feelings about ending my marriage.
During the process of recovery from this unhealthy relationship, I have experienced quite a bit of “blame-the-victim” attitude from people.  It has hurt me to hear people say in effect, “You must have done something to make him act that way toward you.”  But, I now realize most people just don’t understand what I have gone through.  The poor advice and the insensitive things people have said to me really is okay because of the fact that they have no clue what the life was like that I experienced.  Because of this realization, I forgive them for their lack of sensitivity and lack of understanding.  This is what has motivated me to return to school.
Since I want to help women who are suffering just like I once suffered, I have decided to go back to school after being out of school for twenty years.  I have done this with the encouragement of my children and my new husband.  My returning to school and continuing my education will make all my painful experience worthwhile.  It will not only allow me to help others, but it will allow me to help others from a position of understanding.  It will mean everything to me to provide hope, support, and encouragement to women who are suffering.
Why me?  Why Angie?  Why did such a terrible experience happen to me and why did I have to endure it for so long?  Well, as I think about helping out other women the answer is clear, even if my friends don’t understand.  My friends are wondering why I am going back to school.  They ask me, “Why not enjoy your life?  Since you are now married to a man who loves you, treats you right, shows you great respect and your life is good, why worry about going back to school?  Especially at your age!  Why not take it easy since your kids are all grown up?  Why stress yourself out with all the essays, projects and exams?”  As I think about it they may have a point, and sometimes I do ask myself the same thing.
But I come back to one significant realization, my life experience and the pain from the past cannot be for nothing.  When I think about helping others get through the same pain and suffering it just continues to confirm and strengthen my determination that this is my calling and that there is a purpose in it.
I am the one who has been chosen to help, to provide comfort, and to provide hope to women in need.  Therefore, by God’s grace I will overcome the difficulties of my biological age, I will pursue this educational goal, and I will be able to help others.  I will not only help others by my experience, not only with my sympathy, nor merely through compassion, but also with professional training.  This is why I selected the major “Human Services.”  This major includes the core classes of Human Services, Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology. 
The classes that I have taken in the last two semesters have definitely broadened my views and knowledge.  I believe pursuing this educational goal is important for me to be able to provide encouragement and comfort to those in need.
             So now when I ask, “Why me?” the answer is easy, “Why not me?”  I am the perfect one for the job.  When I was suffering in the past I asked myself this question all the time, and now I know the answer without a doubt: to prepare me for my life’s work, my life’s mission.  I know that now is the time.  I am strong now, and I am ready to take on the challenge.  I am ready to go back to college, to make a difference in my own life, and to make a difference and a positive impact in others’ lives as well.  And, as someone once said, “Because no one cares about how much you know until they know how much you care.”  Well, I not only care deeply, I also will know how to help those in need once I finish my education.  I know that with this powerful combination that I will make a difference!
One day at a time, one step at a time.

His Kindness, My New Life

Quotes for today:

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

"Since you have been chosen by God who has given you this new kind of life, and because of his deep love and concern for you, you should practice tenderhearted mercy and kindness to others." - Colossians 4:12 (TLB)

     With all the great kindness and amazing things happening to my life, I give thanks to my Lord Almighty.  Life has been good ever since I set my priority right.  Going back to school to finish my bachelor degree has been my dream for years, but due to many circumstances of life that dream has been placed on the back burner.  God is amazing and when I refocus my life according to His plan then every thing falls in its place beautifully.

     With the encouragement from my Mama (My mother-in-law,who is a godly woman and this is the way I call her. She has shown me great support and welcomed me to the Berg family and she addressed me her daughter when Kevin and I got married.), that I had summited an application for scholarship and wrote an essay to explain my intention for my education and goal.  The essay reflects how great our Almighty God is to turn my life around and how wonderful it is with all the kindness, acceptance and encouragement I've received from people surround me.  The essay is posted under the title "Why Me."

     I was so scared about going back to school, because my low self-esteem that I thought to myself that I was old, it's been 20 years away from college, and English is not my mother tongue...etc.  But when God is in my side the fear has gone.  God turns things around for my best interest to glorify His Holy Name.  It's been three semesters now and I took 5 classes in last two semesters, and two classes in one summer.  God shows me that when I do my best and He will takes care the rest.  I've been doing great with GPA 3.74 in Spring 2010 and 3.94 in Fall 2009.  I know clearly that it's not just putting my effort then I can have good grades, but because God always keeps His promises just as written in Proverb 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

     I'm thankful about my life as it is written in Hosea 14:7 "Men will dwell again in his shade.  He will flourish like the grain.  He will blossom like a vine, and his fame will be like the wine from Lebanon."  The other Bible verse helps to remind myself and examine my life, which is written in Hosea 14:9 "Who is wise? He will realize these things.  Who is discerning?  He will understand them.  The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them."



by Angie Berg on Friday, August 27, 2010 at 12:11pm

嗨!(嘆氣)“ 一文錢逼死英雄好漢”那個當下的經歷我心戚戚焉!好理佳在(台語,意:幸好)我是屬神的兒女,風雨生信心,希望在定睛於我主耶穌基督。過去如何最深的記憶都比不過主耶穌基督為我釘十架的釘痕深,於是可以將苦難化屬靈進深,品格培養的維他命。不卑不亢地昂首邁向天父為我規劃的人生。往者已矣,來者可追!對於過去,現在,未來,好的壞的,面對,接受,處理,放下,Let God and let go.  Do my best, trust and knowing that my Heavenly Father will do the rest. 我的座右銘是聖經箴言三章5-6節 “你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明,在你一切所行的事上都要認定祂,祂必指引你的路。” 

對於目前,看我所有的,數算恩典, make the best of it or make the most of it, 珍惜!曾經有朋友在擁有金龜婿後告訴我她如今是財大氣粗,我也經歷過未經貧困之苦的朋友如晉惠帝般對我說“沒飯吃,為何不吃肉”版提議的對話,更有自恃有才者盛氣臨人的姿態教訓人。只想提醒自己不僅不要日後“財”大氣粗,也不要“才”大氣粗。


<span>Subject: 餓是今生最深的記憶....</span>

<span> </span>“一篇好文章“ ,“感謝與好友分享〜 
朱炎. 山東省安邱縣人,民國二十五年生。十三歲隨軍來臺,員林實驗中學、臺大外文系畢業,西班牙馬德里大學文哲博士,美國克來蒙研究院研究美國小說。曾任中研院美國文化研究所研究員兼所長,現任臺大外文系教授兼文學院院長、中研院美國文化研究所研究員。著有「美國文學評論集」、「苦澀的成長」、「期待集」、「酒入愁腸總成淚」、「海明威的浪漫愛情觀」(英文)、「酸棗子」、「繁星是夜的眼睛」等書;「福克納小說中的黑人意象」論文七篇,「文學與社會」十講,及其他論文多篇。

餓是今生最深的記憶 -朱炎





