Saturday, December 16, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第六十一課 約翰福音簡介

Lesson #61 – 11/18/2017                                講員:Kevin Berg   翻譯:Angie Berg

“28Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." ~ Matthew 11:28-30

28凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。 29我心裏柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式;這樣,你們心裏就必得享安息。 30因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的。」~ 馬太福音11:28-30

Is everyone ready to recite Psalm 23 by heart? It is only six verses, but the reality is that it is not easy to memorize anything, especially later in life (I am speaking for myself). We could try to do it individually, but it may be better to try to recite it as a group. If anyone wants to try to do it on their own we can do that after we do it together. Let’s start with English, and remember that it starts with “The Lord is my Shepherd.”

大家都準備好背誦詩篇23篇了嗎? 只有六節經文,但事實是,要記住任何東西,特別是後半生(我是我自己)是不容易的。 我們可以嘗試個人來這麼做,但最好是小組一起來背誦。 如果有人想自己背誦,我們可以一起做完之後再這麼做。 我們從英文開始,記住它是從“耶和華是我的牧者”開始的。

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Okay, now let’s try it in Chinese:



It is an amazing passage of scripture, because it packs so much in this one short chapter. Does anyone want to recite it on their own?

這是一段非常棒的經文,因為它在這短短的章節中包含了很多。 有人想背誦嗎?

Okay, now it is time to move on. The foundation has been laid. We can now build from here.

好的,現在是時候繼續前進了。 已經奠定了。 我們現在可以從這裡建立。

Many people think that the bible is one book. Actually the bible is made up of 66 books. 40 different authors wrote these books; each one had a different background and a different personality. Many of the authors didn’t know each other. These books were written over 1,500 years, in three different languages, on three different continents. The amazing thing is that this collection of books have a common story line: Creation, the fall, and the redemption of mankind. These books also have a common theme: God’s love for all of humanity. And a common message: Salvation is available to all through faith alone in Christ alone. And, what is truly amazing is that there are no errors and no contradictions in the original manuscripts.

許多人認為聖經是一本書。 其實聖經是由66本書組成的。 40個不同的作者寫了這些書; 每個人都有不同的背景和不同的個性。 許多作者並不認識對方。 這些書在三個不同的大洲以三種不同的語言書寫了1500多年。 令人驚奇的是,這本書的集合有一個共同的故事線:創造,墮落和人類的救贖。 這些書也有一個共同的主題:神對全人類的愛。 和一個普遍的信息:只有在基督裡,只有信靠才能獲得救恩。 而真正令人驚奇的是,原稿中沒有錯誤,也沒有矛盾。

There have been thousands of volumes written about what is found in the bible. For centuries people have studied and searched the scriptures. We can see God’s attitude throughout the bible. We can see His love and grace, but we also see His justice and His wrath in many parts of the bible. There are extremes in the scripture; compassion and mercy on one hand, and judgment and condemnation on the other hand. We can learn about a creator and we can learn about His creation. We can learn about how God hates sin; we also learn about how God loves the sinner. We can learn about many aspects of our life in the bible.

已經有成千上萬冊的書寫關於“聖經”中發現的容。 幾個世紀以來,人們研究和經文。 我們可以在整本聖經中看到上帝的態度。 我們可以看到的愛和恩典,但我們也看到的公義和在聖經的許多地方的憤怒。 聖經中有極端的事物; 一方面是憐憫慈悲,另一方面是審判和譴責。 我們可以了解創造者,我們可以了解的創造。 我們可以了解上帝如何恨惡罪, 我們也了解上帝如何愛罪人。 我們可以在聖經中了解我們生活的許多方面。

Out of the 66 books, we are going to begin a journey in just one of these books. This one is the Gospel of John. It is the fourth book of the New Testament. It is a book that has some contrast in it as well. It is a very simple book and it is often the first book read by new believers. However, it also contains some very deep and advanced teachings. Because of this, it is a book that is good for someone new to the faith, and it is also good for someone who has been a Christian for many decades.

66本書中,我們將在這些書的其中一本開始旅程。 這是約翰福音。 這是新約的第四本書。 這本書也有一些對比。 這是一本非常簡單的書,通常是新信徒讀的第一本書。 然而,它也包含了一些非常深入和進深的教導。 正因為如此,這本書對於一個新的信徒來是有益的,對於一個已經是幾十年基督徒的人來也是有益的。

In the book of John we will learn about Jesus Christ; and we will learn in detail about the salvation he brought for all mankind. We will see him as the unique person of all history: undiminished deity and true humanity in one person. We will learn many truths in this book, and we will even learn some technical theological vocabulary. We will learn about eternal life, what it is, who it is available to, and how we receive it. We will learn about those who are lost and perishing, and what God’s attitude is toward them. We will learn from more analogies, metaphors, and parables. In many places we will see the actual words that were spoken by our Lord.

在約翰的書中,我們將學習有關耶穌基督; 我們將詳細學習他為全人類所帶來的救恩。 我們將把他看作是所有歷史上獨一無二的人物:就是不可抹滅的神性和真實的人性集於一人。 我們將在這本書中學到很多的真理,甚至會學習一些專用神學名詞。 我們將學習永生,它是什麼,誰可以得到,以及我們如何接受它。 我們將學習那些迷失和滅亡的人,以及上帝對他們的態度。 我們將從更多的類比,隱和比中學習。 在許多地方,我們將看到我們的主所的實際話語。

It is an amazing book. It is called one of the gospels, but it is not a synoptic gospel. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the three books prior to the book of John and they are synoptic, which means that they all have similar accounts of Christ’s life told in a little different way. However, the book of John was written after the previous three. But, the reality is that even though there are four separate books called the gospels, there is only one gospel from four different viewpoints. There is only one life of Christ, but we have four different perspectives, four different styles of writing, and four different audiences.

這是一本很棒的書。 它被稱為福音書之一,但它不是一個對觀的福音書。 馬太福音,馬可福音和路加福音是約翰福音之前的三本書,它們都是對觀的,這意味著它們都有類似的記載,用不同的方式講述基督的生平。 然而,約翰福音是在前三本之後寫的。 但事實是,即使有四本福音書,卻只有一個福音來自四種不同的觀點。 基督只有一個生命,但我們有四種不同的觀點,四種不同的寫作風格,四個不同的觀眾。

Matthew was Jewish, and a disciple of Jesus Christ. As a tax collector he was an official of the Roman government. He wrote his account of Jesus’ life from a Hebrew point of view looking at Jesus as Messiah and the King of Israel. It is a Jewish book written by a Jew for his fellow Jews. The main theme of the book of Matthew is: the Messiah has come.

馬太是猶太人,是耶穌基督的門徒。 作為,他是羅馬政府的官員。 他以希伯來文的觀點寫下他對耶穌生平的描述,把耶穌看作是彌賽亞和以色列的國王。 這是猶太人寫給猶太人的猶太書。 馬太福音的主題是:彌賽亞來了。

Mark was not one of the twelve disciples. He presents Jesus’ ministry from a practical point of view. He doesn’t use a lot of words; he is no-nonsense in his writing. He writes Jesus came from heaven to complete a task, namely he came to seek, to serve, and to save.

馬可不是十二門徒之一。 他從實際的角度介紹耶穌的事工。 他不用很多的字句, 他在寫作上毫不胡八道。 他寫道,耶穌從天而降,完成了一項任務,即是他來尋找,服事和拯救。

Luke was a physician, and therefore highly educated. He was a Gentile and not a Jew. He wrote to the common people. He highlighted Jesus’ humanity, and gave details on his humble birth, his normal childhood, and his compassion for the poor and sick. His theme was that the Son of Man came to redeem all of humanity.

路加是一名醫生,因此受過高等教育。 他是外邦人而不是猶太人。 他寫給平民百姓。 他強調了耶穌的人性,並詳述了他的卑微的出生,他的正常童年,以及他對窮人和病人的同情。 他的主題是人子來拯救全人類。

So at the time of the writing of the book of John, the early church already knew Jesus as Messiah, Jesus as the servant, and Jesus as the Son of Man. However, there still needed to be a gospel that taught Jesus as the Son of God, and this is what the Holy Spirit inspired in John. We will see that he emphasized that Jesus was God in human flesh. We will see Jesus doing many miracles in this book. The miracles will provide the proof of John’s message, and in the book of John we will see these miracles are called ‘signs’. However, there were many more signs Jesus performed than are recorded in this gospel. John’s central theme is that this is God in human flesh … believe in him!

所以在寫約翰福音的時候,早期的教會已經知道耶穌是彌賽亞,耶穌是僕人,耶穌是人子。 然而,還需要有一個福音把耶穌教導為神的兒子,這就是聖靈在約翰裏所示的。 我們會看到他強調耶穌是神在人的肉體裏 我們將看到耶穌在這本書中行了許多神蹟。 神蹟將為約翰的信息提供證據。在約翰福音中,我們將看到這些神蹟被稱為“體證(徵兆/跡象)”。 然而,耶穌所行的跡象比在這福音書中記載的更多。 約翰的中心主題是,這是有人肉體的神......相信他!

John doesn't write just to inform, nor to just teach history, he doesn’t write to entertain, he has a purpose for his writing: to understand who Christ is, what he did, and for that understanding to lead to belief. He wants us to acknowledge the truth as truth; to believe in the person and the work of Jesus Christ for salvation.

約翰不是只寫來告知,也不是只教導歷史,更不是寫作來樂,他有寫作的目的:認識基督是誰,他做了什麼,而為了這樣的認識理解導致相信。 他希望我們認真理是真理; 相信耶穌基督的人和事工是為了救恩。

In John chapter 20 verses 30-31 John sums up his purpose:

30Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

30耶穌在門徒面前另外行了許多神蹟,沒有記在這書上。 31但記這些事要叫你們信耶穌是基督,是神的兒子,並且叫你們信了他,就可以因他的名得生命。

John wants for us to know Christ. But, he also wants us to believe that Jesus was who he said he was, and by doing so we can have eternal life, and have an amazing walk with him.

約翰想要我們認識基督。 但是,他也希望我們相信耶穌就是他所的那個人,這樣我們就可以有永生,並且能與他有很奇妙的同行。

This gospel of John adds what was missing from the other three. To study all four gospels at one time is way beyond what we can do here on Saturday nights. It would take years, but if we could do it we would give us the full picture of Christ’s life on this earth from each perspective and with all of the details. Instead, we are going to focus on this one book, but realize that there is still more to learn and understand due to the other perspectives in the other books. We will discover some amazing treasures and we hope that you are excited to delve into it.

約翰福音補充了其他三個人所缺少的東西。 一次研究所有四本福音書的方式遠遠超出了我們在星期六晚上在這裡所能做的。 這需要幾年的時間,但是如果我們能做到這一點,我們就會從各個角度和全部細節中得到基督在地球上生活的全貌。 相反地,我們將把重點放在這本書上,但是由於其他書中的其他觀點,我們還是有更多需要學習和理解的東西。 我們會發現一些驚人的寶藏,我們希望你很興奮來鑽研它。

There are a few people in the bible named John. The John that wrote this book, under the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit, was a disciple of Jesus Christ. He was a fisherman by trade, and he gave up his fishing business to follow Jesus. We will meet another John who is referred to as John the Baptist. John the Baptist is a prophet of Israel who has a very important message. John, the writer of this book, worked closely with John the Baptist before he became a disciple of Christ. John fished with Peter, and his brother was James. John wrote other books as well. He wrote 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, and he also wrote the book of Revelation, which is the last book of the New Testament. John also became an apostle, and lived longer than any of the other apostles.

聖經中有幾個人叫約翰。 寫這本書的約翰,在聖靈的示下,是耶穌基督的門徒。 他是職業漁夫,他放棄了捕魚業務跟隨耶穌。 我們將會見到另一位被稱為施洗約翰的約翰。 施洗約翰是以色列的先知,他有一個非常重要的信息。 這本書的作者約翰在成為基督的門徒之前與施洗約翰密切合作。 約翰和彼得一起捕魚,他的兄弟是雅各。 約翰還寫了其他書。 他寫了約翰一,二,三,還寫了示錄,這是新約的最後一本書。 約翰也成了使徒,比任何其他使徒活得更長久。

An outline of the book of John would have three sections:
I. Chapter 1-12 describes a very public ministry and message, and covers a period of 3 years.
II. Chapters 13-20 bring us behind closed doors to see a very private ministry of Jesus to his close followers or disciples. These chapters span a time of only 4 days.
III. Chapter 21 wraps up the book, and takes place within the 40 days of Christ’s resurrection.

II 第十三至二十章使我們閉門造訪,看到耶穌對於與他親近的信徒或門徒非常私密的事工, 這些章節只有天的時間。
III 第二十一章結束這本書,是在基督復活後的四十天發生的事情。

The first section highlights the many miracles of Christ, where the second section is mostly dialog of training and teaching from him to his 12 disciples.


The book of John is a little like the Christian life. It starts off with the basics of salvation and encourages us to believe. Then after we believe, the book builds on our understanding to encourage us to become followers of Christ. As we go through the chapters we will gradually become more and more mature in the faith. We will be encouraged to believe, then to deepen our understanding of who Christ is and what his mission is, and then ultimately to join him in tending to His sheep.

約翰福音有點像基督徒的生活。 它從救恩的基礎開始,鼓勵我們相信。 然後,我們相信後,這本書建立在我們的理解,鼓勵我們成為基督的追隨者。 在我們讀章節時,我們將會逐漸在信心中變得更加成熟。 我們會被鼓勵相信,然後加深我們對基督是誰和他的使命的理解,然後最終與他一起牧養他的羊。

It is simple, yet in the end not so simple. But, when we get done we will know the God-man Jesus Christ a lot better than we do right now. We will witness His power. Our confidence will grow. Our own personal compassion will grow. Our understanding of grace will increase. We will see how he lived his life, and it will provide us with an example of how to live our lives. It will be a long journey, but a rewarding journey, and that journey will begin next week.

這很簡單,但最終不是那麼簡單。 但是,當我們完成之後,我們就會比現在更了解神人耶穌基督。 我們將目睹的能力。 我們的信心會增長。 我們個人的同情心將會增長。 我們對恩典的理解會增加。 我們將看到他如何過他的生活,這將為我們提供一個如何過我們生活的例子。 這將是一個漫長的旅程,但是一個有益的旅程,而這個旅程將於下週開始。

Let’s pray.


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