Saturday, August 5, 2017

中英文雙語團契 - 第五十二課 使徒行傳16:35-40

Lesson #52 8/05/2017                        講員:Kevin Berg     翻譯:Angie Berg

“This I recall to mind, therefore I have confidence. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions never fail. 23 they are renewed every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. 24 "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, therefore I will have confidence in Him." 25 The Lord is good to those who trust in Him, to those who wait for Him.” - Lamentations 3:21-25

耶利米哀歌3:21-25 - “21我想起這事, 心裏就有指望。22我們不致消滅,是出於耶和華諸般的慈愛;是因的憐憫不致斷絕。23每早晨,這都是新的;的誠實極其廣大!24我心裏說:耶和華是我的分,因此,我要仰望25凡等候耶和華,心裏尋求的,耶和華必施恩給

“For we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, and to those who are called according to a pre-determined plan.” - Romans 8:28

羅馬書8:28 - “28我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按旨意被召的人

“He who spared not His own son, but delivered Him up as a substitute for all of us, how will He not, with Him, freely give us all things.” – Romans 8:32

羅馬書8:32 – “32神既不愛惜自己的兒子,為我們眾人捨了,豈不也把萬物和他一同白白地賜給我們嗎?

“19And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:19

腓立比書4:19 – “19我的神必照榮耀的豐富,在基督耶穌裏,使你們一切所需用的都充足。

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.


We are currently in Acts 16. We have been looking at how two men handled adversity, antagonism, and hatred. We have also seen the result of them making good decisions, and continuing to trust in God. A jailer and his family have received eternal life because of these two men, but obviously not these two men alone. God the Holy Spirit had a part in this as well. However, these men were faithful to God in thought, in actions, and finally in words. They made a difference in the Jailer’s and his families’ lives.

我們目前正在使徒行動16章,我們一直在看兩個男人如何處理逆境,對峙和仇恨。 我們也看到他們作出了很好的決定,繼續相信上帝的結果。 一個獄卒和他的家人因為這兩個男人而得到永生,但顯然並不單單是因為這兩個人所為神聖靈也有份於此。 然而,這些人在思想,行和言語上忠於上帝。 他們在獄卒和家人的生活中有所作為。

If these men had been bitter, had been antagonistic, had been raging with anger at their circumstances, they would not have had the impact for the Lord that they had. They would not have been ambassadors for Christ, and they would not have had a good testimony.

如果這些人有苦毒,對抗,在他們的情況下一直憤怒,他們不會為了神對人有影響。 他們不會是基督的大使,他們不會有一個很好的見證。

We need to see that Paul and Silas, even in these very difficult circumstances, had to:
1.     Trust in God.
2.     Keep their eyes on God, not on themselves.
3.     Leave the circumstances in His hands.

1. 信靠上帝
2. 定睛在神,而不在於自己。
3. 把情況交託在祂手裡。

However, what else did Paul and Silas have to “do”? They had to be prepared. God uses prepared people. God used Paul and Silas because when the jailer asked them what must he do to be saved, they had the answer. They were prepared to not only answer the question, but also to speak the word of the Lord to him and his household. They had spent hours sitting right where you are right now. They spent time preparing to serve the Lord, and to glorify the Lord. They knew passages of scripture by heart. They knew the concepts of scripture by heart. And, they knew our Lord Jesus Christ, and what he taught.

然而,還有什麼是保羅和西拉必需做得呢? 他們必須做好準備。 上帝使用準備好的人。 上帝使用保羅和西拉,因為獄卒問他們他必需要做什麼才能得救,他們已經有答案。 他們準備不僅回答這個問題,還要對他和他的家人說主的話語。 他們花了好多小時坐在你現在的地方。 他們花時間準備來服事主,並榮耀主。 他們心中知道經文的段落。 他們心裡知道經文的概念。 他們知道我們的主耶穌基督,和他所教導的。

Paul and Silas did not anticipate this situation, but they were prepared for it. Their faith had developed in the past. They had grown in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. They knew biblical truths. They had listened when they were taught and their thinking had been renovated. All these concepts we have discussed before. However, we all have a tendency to want to learn about what we are facing right now. God is faithful. If we are patient God will provide us with the things we need to know. We shouldn’t grow impatient that our current questions aren’t being answered right now. And, if we learn something now, that we will have it available to us when we need it in the future. We need to be consistent, continue to learn, continue to grow, and the wisdom will come, the love will come, the patience will come, and the truth truly will set us free.

保羅和西拉斯並沒有預料到這種情況,但他們已經做好了準備。 他們的信心在過去已經發展。 他們已經在恩典和我們主耶穌基督的知識中成長。 他們知道聖經的真理。 他們在被教導的時候聽進去了,他們的意念已經被翻轉了。 這些概念我們之前已經討論過了。 但是,我們都傾向於要了解我們現在所面臨的一切。 上帝是信實的。 如果我們有耐心,神會向我們提供我們需要知道的事情。 我們不應該不耐煩,現在我們目前的問題沒有得到回答。 而且,如果我們現在學習一些東西,那麼當我們將來需要它時,我們將可使用它。 我們需要保持一致,繼續學習,繼續成長,智慧會來臨,愛會來臨,耐心會來臨,並且真理使我們得自由。

We don’t often know what God is going to do in our life, or in other people’s lives. We do know, however that He is sovereign, all-powerful, all knowing, gracious, loving, and that He has our best interest in mind. Sometimes we think He is acting too slowly, and sometimes we are shocked when He acts so quickly. We have to remember that His timing is perfect and that His ways are higher than our ways. If we don’t know this, if we don’t know about Him, then we have nothing to remember and nothing to fall back on when certain things happen in life; and, possibly no time to prepare for it. The time is now.

我們不常常知道上帝在我們的生活或其他人的生命中要做什麼。 我們知道,祂是掌權的,全能的,全知的,良善的,有愛心的,祂在意對我們最大的好處是什麼 有時我們認為祂的行動太慢了,有時候我們會震驚祂的行動太快了。 我們必須記住,祂的時間是完美的,祂的道路高過我們的道路。 如果我們不知道,如果我們不了解祂,那麼當某些事情發生在生命中的時候,我們沒有什麼可記住的,沒有什麼可依靠的; 並且可能沒有時間為它準備。 那個時間就是現在。

I would like to tell you a story about something from my past. I don’t want to take too much time, so I will condense it. I used to teach a youth group at a Taiwanese church. It was a group of Middle School and High School age children. There was another youth group in a Chinese church in the same town that was not that far away. We had a young man in our youth group who was sick, and the other youth group also had a young man that was sick. They both had brain cancer.

我想告訴你一個關於我過去的故事。 我不想花太多的時間,所以我會精簡它。 我曾經在一個台灣教會教導青年團。 這是一群初中和高中年齡的孩子們。 在同一個城市不遠的中國教會裡還有一個青年團。 我們青年團裡有一個年輕人生病了,另一個青年團也有一個年輕人生病了。 他們都患有腦癌。

There was a Christian camp that was held each year for the youth. This one year I went to be a counselor. The young man from the other church was very weak. However, one night during the camp he led the worship in music. He didn’t have the strength to stand, so he sat down and played the guitar and sang with the others in the worship group. It was very emotional, and it was obvious that God the Holy Spirit was moving these young people because there was a very serious mood over the whole place. There weren’t very many dry eyes that evening.

每年都有為青年人舉辦的一個基督徒營會。 這一年我去做為一個輔導。 來自另一個教會的年輕人非常虛弱。 然而,在營會期間的一個晚上他帶領了音樂敬拜。 他沒有力量站在那裡,所以他坐下來彈吉他,和其他在敬拜組裡的一起唱歌。 這是非常情緒化的,顯然神聖靈正在觸動這些年輕人,因為整個地方都有著非常嚴肅的心情。 那天晚上沒有許多乾著的眼睛。(那天晚上沒有不濕潤的眼睛。)

There was a speaker that night. When he came up he knew that he had to do something different. He hadn’t planned it, but he decided to have some prayer right then, and anyone could pray out loud, and they did. He then had the youth break out into smaller groups. He knew that there were people who needed to hear the gospel right then and right there, and they needed it in a smaller setting. That evening I got emotional too, but not in the same way that others did. When I took a group off to the side I was passionate, you might even say aggressive in how I presented the gospel. I wasn’t screaming at the top of my lungs, but I wasn’t quiet either. And, I laid it out clearly and forcefully. In reality, I got a little riled up. I won’t go into details, but in general this camp was not a good experience for me, this night was the exception.

那天晚上有一個講員,當他上來時,他知道他必須做一些不同的事情。 他沒有計劃,但是他決定當時要有一些禱告,任何人都可以大聲禱告,他們也做了。 然後,他將年輕人分成小組。 他知道有人需要在此時此刻聽到福音,他們需要在較小的環境中。 那天晚上,我也感到情緒化,但不像其他人一樣。 當我把一個小組帶到一旁時,我是熱切的,你甚至可以說我是很有野心的在表現福音。 我沒有盡我肺腑尖叫,但我也不安靜。 而且,我把它清楚而有力地表達出來。 事實上,我有一點興奮。 我不會進入細節,但一般來說,這個營會對我來說不是很好的經歷,這個夜晚是例外的。

The next day, a young man came up to me. I didn’t know him, and I didn’t recognize him from the previous night, but he came right up to me and said something to me. He said that something happened the previous night to him. He explained to me that there was something missing before; there was a hole or an empty space in him, and that now it was filled. The previous night he had accepted Christ.

第二天,一個年輕人來找我。 我不認識他,之前一晚我沒有認出他,但他來到我身邊,對我說了一些話。 他說,前一天晚上他發生了一些事情。 他向我解釋以前有些什麼缺少的; 在他裡面有一個洞或是空虛的空間,現在已經被填滿了。 前一天晚上他接受了基督。

I don’t know what motivated the sick boy to come to this camp. The doctors said he shouldn’t be around other people because his immune system was so weak. Just by looking at him, you could tell he was obviously very weak. But, he wanted to be there, and he wanted to lead worship. He wanted to praise his Lord, and minister to his peers. I don’t know how many lives were changed that night, but even if it were just the one I knew about, it was worth it. He ended his worship with a phrase that he repeated often, and the people of his youth group were familiar with. He would say, “God is good.” And then the rest of the group would say, “All the time.” Then he would say, “All the time.” And then the group would say, “God is good.”

我不知道什麼動機讓這個生病的男孩來到這個營會。 醫生說他不應該在其他人身邊,因為他的免疫系統很弱。 只要看著他,你可以看出來他顯然很虛弱。 但是,他想要在那裡,他想帶領敬拜。 他想讚美他的主,並且向他的同儕們傳道。 我不知道那天晚上有多少人的生命發生了變化,但即使只是我所知道的那一個,這是值得的。 他以一句他經常重複的話結束他的敬拜,在他的青年團的人都很熟悉。 他會說,“神是美善的”,然後其餘的人會說,“永遠都是”,然後他會說,“所有時候”,然後小組會說,“神是美善的”。

This was the last time this young man lead worship. He passed away two months later. The boy in our youth group also passed away. They both were around 18 years old, and they both died within 6 months of each other.

這是這個年輕人最後一次帶領敬拜的。 兩個月後他去世了。 我們青年組的男孩也去世了。 他們都是18歲左右,兩人都在6個月內逝世。

It is easy for us to lose faith. It is easy for us to doubt God, especially when the circumstances are very difficult. I can assure you that both of these young men are face to face with the Lord right now. They are in a state of no more sorrow, no more tears, and the old things have passed away. The other thing that I can assure you of, is that people were touched who were around them as they went through their illnesses. They had actions and words that glorified God. It was not easy for them. It also wasn’t easy for their parents to take their deaths. One set of parents were believers and they did grieve, but not nearly as pronounced as the other Mother who had no hope in her own life … she was devastated. One set of parents missed their son very much, were sad, but knew that they would see him again. The other parent was bitter, antagonistic, and expressed hatred toward me, and to the others in the youth group who tried to help her after his death.

我們很容易失去信心。 我們很容易懷疑上帝,特別是情況非常困難的時候。 我可以向你保證,這兩個年輕人現在都和主面對面。 他們處於不再悲傷的狀態,不再有眼淚,舊事已經過去了。 我可以向你保證的另一件事是,當他們經歷了疾病時,在他們身邊的人們被感動了。 他們有行動和言語榮耀上帝。對他們來說不容易。 對他們的父母而言接受他們的死亡也不容易。 一對父母是信徒,他們感到悲傷,但並沒有像另一個母親一樣明顯,她的生活中沒有希望,她被摧毀了。 一對父母非常想念兒子,很悲傷,但知道他們會再次見到他。 另一位家長對我和對她兒子過世後試圖幫助她的青年團的其他人是苦毒的,敵對的,表達仇恨的。

We are in Acts 16, and although the circumstances are completely different, the concepts are the same. It is easy to trust in the Lord when things are going well. It is another thing all together to trust in the Lord during a disaster, or in difficult circumstances. It not only tests our faith, but as we get through it, it also strengthens our faith. We first trust in God in small, simple things; then we are able to do it in more serious situations; and finally after time and spiritual growth, we are able to trust in Him in really difficult things. I believe that being beaten and thrown into prison is pretty serious. It takes a lot of faith to not react. I also believe that losing a child also takes a strong faith, and without it I can’t even imagine how someone could do it. Hope or confidence in the Lord is so critical in our life, and that is what we have been learning about in Acts 16 so far.

我們在使徒行傳16章,雖然情況完全不一樣,但概念是一樣的。 當事情順利的時候,很容易信靠主。 在災難中或困難的情況下,信靠主是另一回事。 它不僅試驗了我們的信心,而且當我們熬過它也增強了我們的信心。 我們首先從小而簡單的事上信靠神; 那麼我們能夠在更嚴重的情況下做到這一點; 最後,在時間和靈裡成長之後,我們能夠在真正的困難中信靠祂。 我相信被毆打和被扔進監獄是相當嚴重的。不做出反應(反抗)這需要很大的信心 我也相信,失去一個孩子也是需要一個堅強的信心,沒有它,我甚至不能想像有誰能做到這一點。 對主的盼望或著是信心在我們的生命中如此至關重要,這就是我們在使徒行傳16中一直在學習的。

God has a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us. We may wonder what He has for us next, or how He will use us, but that is part of being a Christian. But, we can be sure that if we follow His lead that it will be to His glory. But, it isn’t always easy.

上帝對我們每個人都有一個計劃和目標。 我們可能想知道接下來祂有什麼要給我們,或者祂將如何使用我們,然而這是成為基督徒的一部分。 但是,我們可以肯定,如果我們遵循祂的引導,這將是祂的榮耀。 但是,這並不總是容易的。

Let’s go on to verse 35 in Acts 16. Let’s read 35-37:


35But when it was day, the magistrates sent the police, saying, "Let those men go." 36And the jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, "The magistrates have sent to let you go. Therefore come out now and go in peace." 37But Paul said to them, "They have beaten us publicly, uncondemned men who are Roman citizens, and have thrown us into prison; and do they now throw us out secretly? No! Let them come themselves and take us out." 

35到了天亮,官長打發差役來,說:釋放那兩個人吧。」 36禁卒就把這話告訴保羅說:官長打發人來叫釋放你們,如今可以出監,平平安安地去吧。」 37保羅卻說:我們是羅馬人,並沒有定罪,他們就在眾人面前打了我們,又把我們下在監裏,現在要私下攆我們出去嗎?這是不行的叫他們自己來領我們出去吧!

So, the magistrates who sentenced Paul & Silas finally realized that they were wrong. However, they don’t want it to be known, so they send others to silently slip them out the back door of the prison. But, Paul and Silas who have integrity and honor won’t hear of it. They demand that these men also have integrity and do the right thing. They want the magistrates to come down themselves and release them.

所以,判決保羅和西拉的法官終於意識到他們是錯的。 然而,他們不希望被知道,所以他們派其他人悄悄地將他們從監獄的後門中溜放出來。 但是,保羅和西拉有正直和榮譽不會聽從。 他們要求這些人也有正直和做正確的事情。 他們想要法官親自下來釋放他們。

Again, we have to ask ourselves why. Some people get released from prison, and it doesn’t matter how they are released, they are just glad that they are released. But not Paul & Silas: They want the right thing to be done. They represent the Lord, and they want to continue to represent the Lord. There are new believers in the area; there are new churches that are just starting up in the area. They don’t want people being confused about what is going on, they want it to be clear that they did no wrong, that they were falsely imprisoned, and that there isn’t anything sneaky going on. Let’s notice one additional thing. Paul & Silas trusted in God. They had faith. However, this doesn’t mean that they are weak, cowardly, or wimps. When the magistrates want them released quietly, they stand up and say, “NO! “Let them come down here and let them release us personally.” They demand that the right thing be done. They are still in prison, however their courage comes from their faith in the Lord. They are not afraid to demand what is right. This is called moral courage. They stand for what they believe in!


Let’s finish up Acts 16 by reading from verse 38-40:

讓我們讀38 40 節作為使徒行傳第十六章的結束:

“38The police reported these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Roman citizens. 39So they came and apologized to them. And they took them out and asked them to leave the city. 40So they went out of the prison and visited Lydia. And when they had seen the brothers, they encouraged them and departed.”

38差役把這話回稟官長官長聽見他們是羅馬人,就害怕了, 39於是來勸他們,領他們出來,請他們離開那城 40二人出了監,往呂底亞家裏去, 見了弟兄們,勸慰他們一番,就走了

So, now their release is up front. They are asked to leave, and they do leave, but only after they encourage their brothers and sisters in Christ. They know that their ministry is done in this town, so they go on to see what God has for them in the next town.

所以,現在他們的釋放是在前面。 他們被要求離開,他們離開了,但只有在他們鼓勵他們在基督裡的弟兄姐妹後才離開。 他們知道他們的事奉在這個城鎮完成了,所以他們繼續在下一個城鎮看看上帝為他們做些什麼。

This ends our study in Acts chapter 16.


Next week Angie is going to be out of town, so we are going to do something different. We are going to have a movie night! We are going to have a Christian movie with Chinese subtitles. We will start at 7:00 as usual, but we will need start right at 7, so it may be a good idea to come early next week – maybe like 6:30. If you would like to bring food next week, as always it is voluntary, but our suggestion would be to make it something that would be easy to eat during a movie. We will any food that is brought during the movie, not after the movie. Also, you can invite friends if you like, we will have plenty of seats.

下週,Angie將要出城,所以我們要做點不同的事。 我們將會有一個電影之夜! 我們將會有一個有中文字幕的基督教電影。 我們將像往常一樣在7:00開始,但是我們需要在7點開始,所以下周早一點來可能是個好主意 - 也許就像6:30 如果你想在下週帶食物來,一如以往是自願的,但是我們的建議是在看電影中容易吃的東西。 我們會在電影中吃帶來的食物,而不是在電影之後。 此外,如果你喜歡,你可以邀請朋友,我們將有足夠的座位。

As a closing, after worship:

1. God is Good. 2. All the time. 1. All the time. 2. God is Good.

Let’s pray.


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