Saturday, August 19, 2017

中英文雙語團契 - 第五十三課 但以理

Lesson #53 – 8/19/2017                                  講員:Kevin Berg 翻譯:Melissa Feliz

“For we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, and to those who are called according to a pre-determined plan.”  Romans 8:28

罗马书8: 28知道,万事都互相效力,叫的人得益,就是按他旨意被召的人

“31What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

罗马书8: 31既是这样,我们对这些事还要怎么说呢?上帝若帮助我们,谁能抵挡我们呢?

 “He who spared not His own son, but delivered Him up as a substitute for all of us, how will He not, with Him, freely give us all things.”  Romans 8:32

罗马书8: 32“上帝既不顾惜自己的儿子,为我们众人舍了他,岂不也把万物和他一同白白地赐给我们吗?”

 “19And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:19


Last week we had movie night. We watched the movie ‘War Room’ together. It was in English, with Chinese subtitles, and it seemed as though people enjoyed it. The main topic of the movie was prayer. However, there were some other things demonstrated in the movie. Faith and trust in God in difficult circumstances was something the movie showed. I think that it was a good representation of some of the struggles that we go through. It also touched on the importance of priorities in life.

上周我们进行了一次电影之夜。我们一起看了电影《战争房间》。英文配音,中文字幕。看起来大家似乎都很喜欢这部电影。这部电影的主旨是祷告,但是,除此之外,电影也涉及了其他的方面。 比如,在困境中,信仰和信靠神也在电影中展现了出来。 我认为这部电影所展现的也正是我们在生活中会遇到的挣扎与困难。 此外,电影还谈到了生活中优先排序的重要性。

The basic theme of the movie centered on a closet turned into a prayer room. It comes from a verse of scripture found in Matthew chapter 6. Let’s turn to Matthew 6:6


“6But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.”


In an old version of the English bible it says, “6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet.”


This is where the concept of entering into a closet to pray came from. However, in reality it simply means to enter into a private chamber or a private place. In the context of Matthew 6, our Lord is teaching his disciples (and since it is here in our bible too, he is teaching us) to not be like the Pharisees. The Pharisees prayed loud and long and out in the open. They wanted to be noticed; they wanted people to be impressed by how spiritual they were. They used many fancy words. They did a lot of repetition in their prayers. But, Jesus called them hypocrites. He also said that they would get their reward here on earth.

入一个柜子的概念的由来 实际只是想要表达入一个私人的房或一个私人的地方。太福音6章的背景下,我的主正在教导他的徒(因这个经文也在我们的圣经中那么,主也在教导),不像法利一样 法利喜欢在公开的地方大声祈祷。关注希望人认为他们非常属灵也会用多花哨的,在重复很多但耶叫他为假冒伪善的人。还说,他将在地上获奖赏

Prayer is a privilege for us. Based on grace, we can communicate directly with God the Father. We know that we can pray anytime and anywhere. This reference in Matthew 6 however refers to a time and place when we can have some intimate time with God. No one is watching, and no one sees what we are doing. We can submit our requests for other people to God, and we can submit our requests for ourselves as well. It is a private matter, and God listens, and God answers prayer. These prayers are in secret, and as the last sentence in verse 6 says, “Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” This is a reward for time and eternity.


Prayer is a wonderful and powerful thing in the Christian life. In reality, it is easy to do. A new believer or someone who has been a believer for 60 or 70 years - both have the opportunity to pray. The problem the Pharisees had was in their motivation. They prayed so that people would see them pray. If our motivation is correct, to communicate with our all mighty God in heaven, then the answers we receive back will be for our benefit. We need to ask from the privacy of our souls; in the privacy of our bedroom, kitchen, living room, or car. Jesus Christ is an example to us. Many times he told those around him that he was going off somewhere to pray. And, he made it clear that he was not to be disturbed. Let’s all make it a habit to take the time to be alone with God. We have unlimited access to God, let’s take Him up on His offer. The scripture says for us to pray without ceasing, it means that we should be consistent in our prayers. Last week’s movie emphasized this while at the same time it was very entertaining.


Okay, before our movie night we had finished up Acts chapter 16. There were a couple of topics that we talked about during our study that we didn’t look at as closely as we could have. One topic was the topic of authority, and specifically the authority of government over us as citizens. I made a statement that God’s authority is the highest authority and we need to obey Him first and foremost; and if His commands were in conflict with human authority that we were to follow God. This is the only time we are allowed to disobey earthly governmental authority, according to the scriptures we looked at before.

好的,电影之夜的前一周我们结束了使徒行传16章。其中有一些话题我们本该详细探讨,但是我们并没有深入。其中一个话题就是关于权柄的,特别是关于政府对于公民的权威、权能。我做了一个声明就是上帝的权威是最高的权威,我们需要首先顺从他; 如果他的要求与我们的当局相冲突,我们应该顺从神。根据我们以前看过的经文,这是我们唯一被允许违反当局/政府权力的时候。

Another thing that was mentioned, but didn’t spend much time on, was standing up for what you believe in. There is an expression that goes something like this: “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”


So, two things we want to go into a little deeper: The authority of God and His Word, and having the courage to take a stand for the truth, and to be obedient, even in the face of terrible circumstances.


Turn in your bibles to the book of Daniel. The book of Daniel is in the Old Testament. It is not easy to find, so go ahead and use the index in the front of your bible.


We will not read through this together, because I don’t think that we will get much out of it that way. Also, we will only get to the introduction tonight, but we will refer to some of the verses as we go through it. We would encourage you to read through the first three chapters of Daniel this upcoming week. We will spend most of our time in chapter 3, when we get to it.


As an introduction we need to understand that Israel had a problem throughout their history. And, that problem was with idolatry. God warned them over and over. God told them to not get involved in the false religions that surrounded them in the neighboring countries. In some cases God warned the Jews to not take wives from other countries and this was also for the reason of not getting involved in idolatry. In the Old Testament we see God disciplining Israel because they did not listen and they got involved in idolatry anyway. This discipline was both individual and national. The prophets often warned the people of Israel to not get away from God and His ways. Often the prophets warned God’s people of a coming disaster, IF they didn’t listen, and if they didn’t change their ways. But, the people of Israel didn’t listen and did go through the prophesied disaster.


Often God used evil rulers of other countries to administer this discipline to Israel. But, before we look at the brief history leading up to Daniel 3, I want to warn you of something. It is easy to sit back and look at the historical accounts of Israel being overthrown by their enemies and say, “Wow why didn’t they just listen to God. Why didn’t they wake up when they were warned?” We can be critical, we can be judgmental, and we can think that we wouldn’t have done such a thing, but the reality is that these accounts of failure are for us to learn from. We need to think, “What can we do in our day and age to avoid what happened to these people.” These historical accounts are here for us to be warned. We are not Jewish, we are not the people of Israel, but the same principles apply to us right here, and right now. We also need to listen to what God is telling us.


One more thing: Daniel is one of the faithful ones. He kept his eyes on God, and was a winner, even as things were falling apart around him. His fellow Jews had failed, his country was destroyed, but he remained faithful to God. As we will see, Daniel and his friends demonstrated moral courage in the face of personal disaster.


The nation of Judah failed before God. There was a king in Babylon by the name of Nebuchadnezzar. He came into Jerusalem and conquered it through military force. After taking over Jerusalem, this king wanted young men from Jerusalem who were good looking, who had been to the best schools. He wanted them to teach in his palace in Babylon. The king wanted these young men to teach his people literature and the Chaldean language. One of these young men was Daniel, but he wasn’t the only one, there were other Hebrews that were taken and brought into King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace too. There were three others who were faithful to God, they are introduced in chapter 1:6, and we will see them again in chapter 3 of the book of Daniel.

犹大国在神面前失了。在巴比有一个国王,名叫尼布甲尼撒。了耶路撒冷,并通过军事力量征服了这里接管耶路撒冷后,位国王要求耶路撒冷相貌俊美、有过良好教育背景的巴比殿里教 国王希望些年人教他的人民文学和迦勒底言。些年人中有一个是但以理,但他不是唯一的一个,有其他的希伯来人被走,并被到尼布甲尼撒王殿里。 这其中有三个忠于上帝的人,他在第16会被,我将再次在但以理3看到

The king took care of these boys. He commanded that they be fed the same food and wine as the king was getting. However, it turns out, that this food went against some of the dietary restrictions that God had given Israel. So, Daniel wanted a different diet so that he wouldn’t go against God’s commandments. This is found in chapter one verse 12 of Daniel. He had the courage to speak out about what he believed in.


Then, in chapter 2, the king had a dream and no one in the kingdom could tell him what the dream was or what the interpretation of the dream was. The king was about to kill all of his advisors and the wise men of Babylon because he was angry that no one could help him with his dream. Daniel learned of the situation and asked for a little time before the king killed these wise men. Then Daniel and his friends prayed for mercy from God.


God answered their prayers, and revealed the dream to Daniel in a vision at night. Daniel was thankful, and then he asked to be seen by the king. Before he told the king the mystery that God had given him, he told the king that it wasn’t because he was anything special. Daniel explained to the king that it was only because God is great that he is able to give him the dream and the interpretation of the dream. He gave God all the glory.


We won’t get into the dream itself, because it is very technical and would be a study all unto itself. But, one thing that is made clear in the dream is the sovereignty of God. God is sovereign over empires and history. The dream clearly states that all earthly kingdoms will pass away. This includes king Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom. Then it goes on to state that the Lord’s kingdom will never pass way.  This refers to the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. The 1,000 literal years that he will reign on this earth in perfect environment. The book of Daniel has much written in it about the future. Daniel’s 70th week is found in Daniel chapter 9 and a detailed study reveals the basis for the prophesy of the 7 years of the tribulation. This comes after our Lord returns, at the rapture of the church, as described in 1 Thessalonians.

不会详细介绍这个梦,因比较复杂深入并且这个梦本身就可以成为一课但是,梦中明确的一件事就是上帝的主上帝的主权是超越列国与历史的梦中清楚地所有属世的国家都会消亡,包括尼布甲尼撒的王国 然后继续说的国度永不会败坏是指耶基督的千年治。他将在完美的境中1000但以理中写了很多关于未来的部分,但以理第七十周(七十个“七”)但以理书第九章中记载详细的研究揭示了七年大灾难言的基是在我的主再次到来之后,在教会的激中,如帖撒尼迦前所描述的那

However, we are not going to get into all of this prophecy at this time. For now, I just want you to see how faithful Daniel is. And, if you have ever heard of the feet of clay principle, it comes from this dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had, and from the interpretation that God revealed to Daniel.

但我们现在不会详细讲解这些预言。现在我只希望你们看到但以理的信实。如果你听过feet of clay“伟人或受崇拜者不为人所知的弱点”,这个正是出自尼布甲尼撒的梦,及神向但以理显明的解释。

Next, starting in Daniel 2:46, the king is so impressed that he promotes Daniel to a high position of power. Daniel doesn’t forget his friends and asks if they could have some positions in the province of Babylon as well, and the king agrees.


So, that is the brief introduction to chapter 3. If you read through chapters 1 & 2 you will get more details in preparation for the study of chapter 3.


In verse 1 of chapter 3 the king makes a large image of gold. It was 90 feet high, and 9 feet wide. This is as tall as a 7 or 8 story building. That is a LOT of gold! It was an image from his dream, but it was made of gold, and didn’t have feet of clay. This is as if to say that he was going to defy the interpretation of the dream that his kingdom would crumble. And, what we will see next week is that he will force the people of his kingdom to bow down before it and worship it, under the penalty of death if they don’t obey the order.


So, this next week think about this. You are ordered by the authority of the land to bow down and worship a gold image. If you say yes, everything is okay; if you say no, then certain death. So what do you do? We will find out what Daniels friends do next week, learn some principles from it, and move on to another passage of scripture.


Let’s pray.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good. 

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