Saturday, October 21, 2017

中英文雙語團契 - 第五十九課 詩篇23:3 -4

Lesson #59 – 10/21/2017                                講員:Kevin Berg      翻譯:Angie Berg

“12For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, and between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.” Hebrews 4:12-13

“12神的道是活潑的,是有功效的,比一切兩刃的劍更快,甚至魂與靈,骨節與骨髓,都能刺入、剖開,連心中的思念和主意都能辨明。 13並且被造的沒有一樣在面前不顯然的;原來萬物在那與我們有關係的主眼前,都是赤露敞開的。” –希伯來書4:12-13

Hopefully, we can all see a trend in our bible study. The central theme always seems to center around grace; specifically God’s grace toward us. When we look at salvation, it is by grace.  When we look at history in the bible we see grace. When we talked about prayer we saw grace. When we talked about forgiveness it was by grace. We are saved by grace and we live the Christian life by grace.

希望我們都可以看到我們的經的趨勢。 中心主題似乎總是圍繞著恩典; 特別是上帝對我們的恩典。 當我們看到救恩時,就是恩典。 當我們看聖經中的歷史時,我們看到恩典。 當我們談到禱告時,我們看到了恩典。 當我們談到赦免時,也是恩典。 我們因恩典得救了,而且我們藉著恩典生活出基督徒的生活。

The nice thing about grace is that it doesn’t include guilt; it also has the power to eliminate worry and fear. Grace takes away the focus on us, and it shifts to a focus on God. We still have to make decisions, but there is grace there as well. We are mandated to learn God’s word, but He provides us with the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, which is grace. God provides us a way to handle adversity, and God provides us with the potential for rest and refreshment, both are by grace. God provides for us all of our needs, again by … grace. We have seen it before, but Philippians 4:6-7 says it perfectly:

恩典的好處是它不包括; 它也有消除憂慮和恐懼的力量。 恩典從把關注放在我們身上,轉而關注在上帝。 我們還要做出決定,但也有恩典。 我們被要求學習神的話語,但為我們提供了聖靈的教導事工,這是恩典。 上帝為我們供應了處理逆境的方法,神為我們供應了安歇放鬆和更新的潛能,都是由恩典而來。 上帝供應我們所有的需要,再次藉著恩典而來。 我們曾經看過,腓立比書46-7的太完美了:

“6Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

6應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉着禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴神。 7神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裏保守你們的心懷意念。

Hopefully, as we remember this, we are encouraged by it. We don’t have to worry if we are doing enough, we can trust in God. We don’t have to worry about our past failures; God has taken care of them, and has provided us with a solution. The more we know about God and His ways, the less we worry and the more we can trust in Him. As we grow in our love for God, as we grow in our faith, as we grow spiritually, the ability to have rest in good times and in bad increases. The amount of time in fellowship with God also increases. But, it is only because of God’s grace, not because of who or what we are. We still have a part in the Christian life: we must still make good decisions based on what we have learned. And, by this we utilize the grace provisions that God has given us.

希望我們記住這一點,我們對此感到鼓舞。 我們不用擔心,我們是否做得足,我們可以信靠上帝。 我們不用擔心過去的失敗; 上帝已經處理他們了,為我們提供了一個解決方法。 我們越了解上帝和的道路,我們就越少擔心,我們就越信賴。 當我們對上帝的愛成長了,當我們在我們的信心成長了,當我們在屬靈上成長了,在順境和逆境中平靜放鬆的能力也增加了。 與神交通的時間也增加了。 但是,這只是因為神的恩典,而不是因為我們是誰或者我們是什麼。 我們仍然在基督生活中佔有一席之地:我們仍然應該根據我們所學習到的做出好的決定。 而且,這也是通過我們使用神給我們的恩典供應。

We are currently in Psalm 23. So far in Psalm 23 we have studied verses 1 & 2:


1 - The Lord is the one who keeps on shepherding me. I cannot and do not lack anything.
2 – He causes me to rest in pastures of choice grass. He leads me to waters of refreshment.


Since we have already gone through these verses, the hope is that as we read through them it gives us a sense of God’s grace and love. Also, that it brings a sense of peace or calm over us; A comfort that can only come in this one-way. These are truly encouraging words from God’s word.

既然我們已經看過了這些經文,希望在我們讀這些經文的時候,給我們一種神的恩典和愛的感覺。 此外,它給我們帶來平安或使我們平靜的感覺; 一種只能來自於這單向的安慰。 這些是上帝話語中真正令人鼓舞的話。

We will now go onto verse 3 in Psalm 23. It starts out:

 “He restores my soul.”

The word restores means “to renew or to bring back.” At faith alone in Christ alone our soul is saved, and all of our sins are forgiven. However, as believers in Christ we can and do still sin. God’s grace provides us with a technique to receive forgiveness due to the work of Christ on the cross. It is found in 1 John 1:9. It involves naming our sins to God the Father. The result is that we are forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness. This is when our soul is restored. Our souls can either be controlled by our sin nature or by God the Holy Spirit. Although there is a technique that we must go through, and must choose to go through, it is obvious in this verse who actually does the restoring. And, just so you know, there is no sin too awful, no sin so shocking, no failure too great for the grace of God. Our Lord bore all of the sins of the human race on the cross – ALL of them - and was judged for all of them. Even that sin that you may think is unforgivable, it is also forgiven, either at salvation or through 1 John 1:9 after salvation. David failed in some very infamous ways, and he can state here that God restores his soul. God is faithful.

甦醒”這個詞意味著“更新或帶回來”。只有單單在基督裡的信心,使我們的靈魂得救了,我們所有的罪都被赦免了。然而,作為基督的信徒,我們可以而且仍然犯罪。上帝的恩典為我們提供了一個藉由基督在十字架上的工作而獲得赦免的方法。在約翰一書19中可以看到。它需要我們向上帝天父承認我們的罪。結果是我們被赦免,從一切不義之中得到潔淨。這是我們的靈魂甦醒的時候。我們的靈魂可以被我們的罪性控制,或是由上帝的聖靈控制。雖然我們必須通過一個方法,必須選擇通過這方法,在這節經文中,實際上誰可以使人甦醒這動作是很明顯的。而且,這樣你就知道,沒有罪是太糟的,沒有任何罪惡如此震驚,也沒有任何的失敗大過神的恩典的。我們的主在十字架上承擔了所有人類的罪惡 所有的,他們全都被審判了。即使你可能認為是不可原諒的罪,都被赦免了,在領受救恩時或在救恩之後通過約翰一書19被赦免。大衛失敗於一些非常臭名昭章的罪,然而他可以在這裡聲明神使他的靈魂甦醒。上帝是信實的。

The next phrase in verse 3 says: “He guides me in the paths of righteousness.” 

In the Hebrew the word translated “paths” literally means, “a rut in which wheels revolve” or it might make more sense to say “wagon tracks”. So, this verse may stated as, “He leads me in the wagon tracks of righteousness.” We can imagine this, if we think about it. In the past there were animal drawn carts or wagons. There was no concrete or paving. The carts would create ruts in the ground, and then other wagons would follow the same path and the ruts would get worn deeper. Pretty soon everyone was using the same path going between towns or villages.

在希伯來語中,翻譯“路徑”這個詞意思是“輪子旋轉的車轍”,或者“大蓬車軌道”可能更有意義。 所以,這節經文可以:“帶領我進入公義的馬車軌道”,我們可以想像一下,如果我們想的話。 過去有動物拉車或大蓬馬車。 沒有水泥或鋪路。 車會在地面上生車轍,然後其他貨車將沿著相同的道路行駛,而車轍將會磨損得更深。 很快,每個人都在使用同樣的道路來往城鎮村莊之間。

Here this verse is talking about a path of righteousness. We are guided or lead by God in a path that has already been taken by someone else. But, if we stay on this path it will lead us in the direction that God would have us go. When our Lord was living on this earth as the God-man he lived in a certain way. He remained sinless, and he was perfect righteousness. He walked this path of righteousness his whole life. He had the filling of the Holy Spirit, he studied the scriptures, and he fulfilled God the Father’s plan and purpose for his life. We have been given this life and have been given the things that Christ had been given. He is our example. He pioneered this life, and if we follow him we also will be able to fulfill God’s plan for our life, just not perfectly.

這節經文談的是義路。 我們受到上帝的引導或帶領,已經被別人取代了。 但是,如果我們堅持這個道路,它就會引導我們走向上帝要我們走的方向。 當我們的主在這個地球上作為人子生活的時候,他以某種方式生活。 他是無罪的,他是完全正義的。 他一生走過這條義路。 他聖靈充滿,他學習了經文,並且履行了上帝父的計劃和他生命的目的。 我們已經得到了這個生命,已經得到了基督所給予的東西。 他是我們的榜樣。 他為這個生命做了先鋒,如果我們跟隨他,我們也將能實現上帝對我們生命的計劃,只是不像他那麽完美地。

And, why did Jesus come to live his life on this earth? He did it to fulfill God the Father’s purpose, and to ultimately glorify God the Father. Why do we live our life here on earth? Not to glorify ourselves, but also to glorify God by doing his will for our life. Which is the last phrase in verse 3: “For His name sake.” Or more literally, “For His reputation.” We are lead down the wagon tracks of righteousness by God, for His reputation, for His glory, for His name to be lifted up. We know where we get this guidance. We know how God leads us in righteousness. It is what we study each week, from God’s word.

耶穌為什麼來到這地上? 他這樣做是為了履行父神的旨意,最終榮耀父神。 為什麼我們在地球上生活在這裡呢? 不是要榮耀自己,也是要在我們的生命活出神的旨意來榮耀神。 這是第3節中的最後一句:“為的名”或者更確切地,“為了的名聲”,我們被引領在神的義路上,為了的名,為了的榮耀,為了他的名被高舉, 我們知道在哪裡我們得到這個指引。 我們知道神如何以義引導我們。 這正是我們每個星期所學習的,從上帝的話中學習。

As we go into verse four of Psalm 23, we will see three Ds faced by the Christian: Death, Discipline, and Deliverance. Death is first, and it is a topic that not many people want to talk about. The topic of death makes people nervous. We haven’t talked about it much in our bible study, but in verse 4 it is God’s perspective, and it is positive. For Christians death is a transition. It transitions us from life in time to life in eternity. After we die we will finally being able to be face to face with our Lord. As this verse will state it is not something to be feared. Here David claims the promise of God that God is always with us. He doesn’t have any fear because God is with him and won’t leave him nor forsake him.

當我們進入詩篇23的四節時,我們將看到基督徒所面臨的三個D:死亡,管教和拯救。 死亡是第一,這是一個沒有多少人想談的話題。 死亡這議題讓人感到緊張。 在我們的經中並沒有談論太多這話題,但在第4節中,這是神的觀點,而且是積極正面的。 對於基督徒而言,死亡是一種轉換。 它將我們從生命的時代轉移到永恆的生活中。 我們死後,我們終將能與我們的主面對面。 正如這節經文所,這不是值得恐懼的事情。 這裏大衛宣告上帝永遠與我們同在。 他沒有任何恐懼,因為神與他同在,不會離開他,也不離棄他。

4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


The first three verses in Psalm 23 refer to God’s grace during our lives. Here it is talking about God’s grace in death. God provides for the believer in Jesus Christ in both life and in death. The shadow of death means that death is hanging over him. His son is after him to kill him. We can look at this as the process of death. Death can come quickly or it takes some time. Some people have a sickness that gives them time because they know that death is coming. But, as believers, whether the process is quick or slow, we do not need to fear it. We have been guaranteed an eternal future with God, which has been provided by Christ’s work on the cross. God provides for our every need, as we have recently learned, even in death.

詩篇23中的前三節經文指的是上帝在我們生命中的恩典。 這裡所講的是上帝在死亡中的恩典。 上帝為耶穌基督的信徒在生和死都有預備供應 死亡的陰影意味著死亡在他身上。 他的兒子在他身後追殺他。 我們可以把這看作是死亡的過程。 死亡可以很快來臨,或者還需要一段時間。 有些人生病而有時間,因為知道死亡即將來臨給了他們時間。 但作為信徒,無論進程是快還是慢,我們都不必擔心害怕。 我們已被保證與上帝一起的永恆未來,這是基督在十字架上的工作所提供的。 上帝為我們的每一個需要有供應,就像我們最近學到的,即使在死亡中也是這樣。

The last part of John 3:16 states: “that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” 叫一切信的,不致滅亡,反得永生

God controls the how, the when, and the where of our death. It is the sovereign, gracious, and loving decision of God. But, it will be unique for all of us. The reality is that we all die alone. That doesn’t mean that we won’t have loved ones at our side while we are dying, it just means that no one can die for us, we have to do it ourselves.

上帝掌控我們死亡的方式,時間和地點。 這是上帝的主權,恩典和愛的決定。 但是,對我們所有人來都是獨一無二的。 現實是,我們都獨自死亡。 這並不意味著我們在死亡時我們不會有親人,只是意味著沒有人能為我們而死,我們必須自己去經歷。

But, not everyone will die. I know that you have been told that there are two things that are inevitable in life: death and taxes. However, there will be one generation of believers who will be a part of what could be called the rapture generation. At the end of our time in history our Lord will return. He will not return with his feet on the ground, but he will call all believers who lived and died between Pentecost (50 days after Christ ascended into heaven) and the time of the resurrection of the church. It talks of this in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18:

但是,並不是每個人都會死。 我知道你被告知有兩件事情是不可避免的:死亡和收。 然而,將會有一代信徒會成為被稱之為狂喜世代的一部分。 在我們歷史的最後,我們的主將回來。 不會用在地上回來,但會召喚所有在五旬節(基督升天進入後的五十天)和教會復活的時期之間活過且死了的信徒。 它在“帖撒羅尼迦書”416-18中談到:

“16For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”

16因為主必親自從天降臨,有呼叫的聲音和天使長的聲音,又有神的號吹響;那在基督裏死了的人必先復活。 17以後我們這活着還存留的人必和他們一同被提到雲裏,在空中與主相遇。這樣,我們就要和主永遠同在。

So, if we are still alive when Christ returns, we would be the minority in heaven. We would be unique in that we never experienced death. Even our Lord experienced physical death; and, he could return during our lifetime. The bible teaches that Christ returning can happen anytime. It could happen tonight, or it could happen 1,000 years from now. But, we are encouraged to be ready for it; just like we should be ready for our death. However, realize Jesus has removed the sting of death, and has robbed the grave of its victory, as found in 1 Corinthians 15:55 & 57:

所以,如果我們在基督回來的時候還活著,我們就是天堂的少數民族。 我們將是獨一無二的,因為我們從未經歷過死亡。 即使我們的主經歷身體死亡; 他可以在我們有生年回來。 聖經教導基督返回是可能隨時發生的。 可能今晚會發生,或者可能在1000年以後發生。 但是,我們被鼓勵做好準備; 就像我們應該準備好我們的死亡。 但是,認識到耶穌已經除去了死亡的毒鈎,並且奪取了墳墓的勝利,如哥林多前書15:5557所述:

55 "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"
57But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Many believers have walked through the shadow of death without fear. And, the way they do it is the same way they got through other difficult circumstances in life. The same thing that we have been studying the past couple of months. Our Lord guides us in life by the wagon tracks of righteousness; He also guides us through death. If we have received comfort and encouragement from God’s word, and through our faith in God during our life, then we can also expect to receive the same comfort and encouragement as we go through death. We die as we have lived. I have heard of some believers who express great happiness and joy before they die.

許多信徒已經毫無恐懼地經歷過死亡的陰影。 而且,他們渡過的方式與渡過生活中遇到的其他困難的情況是一樣的。 同樣的事情,我們一直在過去幾個月學習中。 在生命中我們的主藉著公義的道引導我們; 也引導我們經歷死亡。 如果我們從上帝的話得到安慰和鼓勵,並且藉著我們對上帝的信心渡過人生,那麼我們也可以期待在我們死亡時得到同樣的安慰和鼓勵。 我們死的時候,就如同我們活著的那樣。 我聽有些信徒在死亡前表達了幸福和快樂。

We have two more Ds to look out before we finish with verse 4: Discipline and Deliverance. According to this verse, these both provide comfort. God’s rod and His staff are both a comfort. A shepherd used the rod to strike a sheep that was getting off the path, to bring them back to where it was safe. This was for the sheep’s benefit and protection. This is like God’s discipline for us; it brings us back to right path when we stray through sin, or making a bad decision. It is for our benefit to be brought back into fellowship with God; to be back into the wagon tracks of righteousness, and to keep growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

在我們結束4節之前,我們還有另外兩個D要注意:管教和拯救。 根據這節經文,這兩個都提供了安慰。 神的杖和的竿兩者都是安慰。 一個牧羊人用杖打偏離道路的羊,把它們帶回到安全的地方。 這是為了羊的利益和保護。 這就像上帝對我們的管教; 當我們偏離罪惡或做出不好的決定時,會使我們歸回正道。 為了我們的好處,被帶回到與神的關係中回到正義的軌道,繼續保持在恩典和我們的和救主耶穌基督的認識中成長。

The shepherd would use the staff to rescue his sheep, often from a thorny bush or dangerous ledge. It had a big hook on the end where the shepherd could pull the sheep from danger. God often rescues us from situations that are dangerous to us. This is divine deliverance. It is obvious in salvation, but even in the Christian walk we often need deliverance from this world’s evil. Protection, deliverance, provision, and even discipline: all different aspects of God’s grace toward us; and each can provide us with comfort once we understand them.

牧羊人將使用杖來拯救他的羊,通常是從一個棘手的叢林或危險的邊緣。 拐杖有一個大鈎在盡頭,牧羊人可以將羊從危險中拉出來。 上帝經常把我們從對我們危險的情況中拯救出來。 這是屬神的救贖。 在救恩中是顯而易見的,但即使在基督徒生活中,我們經常需要從這個世界的邪惡中被拯救出來。 保守,拯救,供應甚至管教:這都是上帝對我們的恩典的所有不同面; 一旦我們理解它們,它們每個都可以為我們帶來安慰。

Rest, refreshment, and comfort: David has learned the way to live life. Let’s pray.


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