Saturday, December 16, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第六十課 詩篇23篇4-6節

Lesson #60 11/11/2017                      講員:Kevin Berg     翻譯:Angie Berg

1The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.
2He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.
3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
 Psalm 23: 1-4


We have been studying Psalm 23, and this is as far as we have gone - through verse 4.


We have learned a number of principles so far from this short chapter. We learned about Logistical Grace: how God takes care of us and provides us with all that we need. We learned about the importance of learning biblical truth to provide us with our spiritual food, which with faith, can lead to peace in all different circumstances.

到目前為止,我們已經從這個簡短的章節中學到了一些原則。 我們了解到恩典支援:上帝如何看顧我們,並為我們預備我們所需要的一切。 我們了解到了解聖經真理的重要性,為我們供應了有信心的靈糧,可以在各種不同的情況下帶領我們有平安。

We also have seen forgiveness from the grace of God and how that restores our soul. We then looked at how we are guided in the wagon tracks of righteousness and the fact that Christ is our example. This encourages us to fulfill Gods purpose for our lives, and to follow Gods plan for our life, just as our Lord did.

我們也從上帝的恩典看到饒恕,以及如何恢復我們的靈魂。 然後,我們看看我們如何在義路中被引導,以及基督是我們榜樣的事實。 這鼓勵我們履行上帝對我們生命的旨意,跟隨上帝對我們生命的計劃,正如我們的主一樣。

When we studied verse 4 we talked about death, and the lack of fear that a mature believer has in the face of death. We also saw how Gods discipline and how His protection provides us with comfort.

當我們學習第4節時,我們談到了死亡, 和一個成熟的信徒面對死亡也沒有恐懼。 我們也看到了上帝的紀管教和祂的保護給我們帶來的安慰。

It has been a couple of weeks since we have had a lesson, so hopefully this short review helps us all remember what we have been learning from this passage of scripture. As we have talked about before, it is common for people to memorize this chapter. We would like to encourage everyone here to memorize the entire Psalm 23. We will give you a week, and next week if anyone wants to, they can practice. The idea is that we study the passage first, then we understand it, then we memorize it. When it becomes a part of our memory, it isnt just words that we are memorizing, it is also the meaning. So, everyone who doesnt have it memorized already lets try to memorize Psalm 23 by next week.

從我們有課到現在又幾個星期了,所以希望這篇簡短的回顧能幫助我們都記住我們從這段經文中學到的東西。 正如我們以前所的那樣,人們通常會記住這一篇。 我們想鼓勵大家背誦整個詩篇23篇。我們會給你一周的時間,如果有人願意的話,下個禮拜,他們可以練習。 我們的想法是,我們首先研究這段經文,然後我們理解它,然後我們記住它。 當它成為我們記憶的一部分時,它不僅僅是我們背誦的字句,它也是有意義的。 所以任何還沒有背誦的人讓我們試著在下週背誦詩篇23篇。

However, we are not done studying Psalm 23. We still have the last two verses to look at in detail. In verse 5 we will see the next metaphor. The first metaphor was of the Lord being a shepherd, and this metaphor is of a host and a guest. The host is the Lord, and the guest in this passage is David, and by application it applies to us as the guest as well. This metaphor relates to the traditions of the ancient world pertaining to hospitality. So, turn in your bibles to Psalm 23, verse 5.

但是,我們還沒有完成學習詩篇二十三篇。我們仍然有最後兩節經文需要詳細研究。 在第五節我們會看到下一個比。 第一個隱是耶和華神是一個牧人,這個隱是主人和客人。 主人是主,而這段經文中的客人是大衛,而且作為客人也適用於我們。 這個隱與古代世界的好客傳統有關。 所以,把你的聖經翻到詩篇23篇第5節。

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.


There are three analogies that King David is using in this metaphor:  The table, the anointing, and the cup. The first is that God prepares a table for us. This isnt a normal table, it is a banquet table that has everything necessary for a successful dinner. What is more, this banquet table is prepared for us, in the presence of our enemies (which could be hostility or disaster). We dont need to fear any situation, or anyone; we can relax, even have a feast that is prepared by God, in the face of hostility or disaster. What food can we feast upon? Remember, we dont live by bread alone. We can feast on His word. This feast that He prepares for us is for OUR benefit. Even though the metaphor is different, the message is consistent. As believers we are a guest at Gods table.

大衛王在這個比中使用了三個類比:桌子,恩膏和杯子。 首先是上帝為我們準備一張桌子。 這不是一個普通的桌子,它是一個宴會桌,有一個成功的晚餐所需的一切。 更何況,這個宴會桌是為我們準備的,在我們的敵人面前(這可能是敵對或災難)。 我們不需要懼怕任何情況,或任何人; 我們可以放輕鬆,甚至在面對敵對或災難的時候,有上帝準備的盛宴。 我們可以享受什麼食物呢? 請記住,我們不單靠食物而活。 我們可以享用祂的話語。 為我們準備的這個盛宴是為了我們的好處利益。 儘管隱不同,但信息是一致的。 作為信徒,我們是上帝的客人。

The second analogy is the anointment. In the ancient world anointing was a ceremony that went together with an appointment to a high office. This would have happened when David became the king of Israel. It refers to a promotion, which is a grace blessing in time. There is a principle that you have heard before: We are not promoted, unless God promotes us. And, if God promotes us it will be based upon humility, teachability, and being oriented to His grace. We see this in 1 Peter 5:6, which says:

第二個類比是恩膏。 在古代的世界裡,恩膏是任命一個高級職位的儀式。 當大衛成為以色列的王時,就會發生這種事。 它是指一種高升,這是一種及時恩典的祝福。 有一個你以前聽過的原則:除非上帝提升我們,否則我們不得升。 而且,如果上帝提升我們,它將建立在謙卑,可教導的和展現恩典的基礎之上。 我們在彼得前書56中看到這樣的話:

6Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may promote you


And, if God promotes you, man cant demote you, because Gods power is greater than mans power. That is a blessing, and that relates to the third analogy, which is that Davids cup is overflowing. This analogy is still used today. As we grow spiritually, as we advance in the spiritual life, God blesses us. The blessing we receive during our lifetime is also extended into eternity, where we are able to receive Gods blessing for all of eternity. We have not talked much about blessing in either time or eternity, but this verse refers to a cup of blessing. The cup can be empty, which means no blessing, or it can be close to full, which means we are receiving many blessings from God. Or, as it says in this case, David is so blessed in life that his cup is actually overflowing. Beyond what he could ask for, or even imagine, as it says in Ephesians 3:20

而且,如果上帝提升你,人不能降低你,因為上帝的能力比人的能力強。 這是一個祝福,這與第三個類比有關,就是大衛的杯子溢出來了。 這個比今天仍然使用。 當我們在屬靈上成長的時候,當我們在屬靈生活中進步時,上帝賜福給我們。 我們有生之年得到的祝福也延伸到永恆之中,在那裡我們能得到上帝永恆的祝福。 我們還沒有提到多少在時間或者永恆中的祝福,但是這節經文指的是一杯祝福。 杯子可以是空的,也就是沒有祝福,也可以接近飽滿,這意味著我們正在接受來自上帝的許多祝福。 或者,正如在這種情況下所的那樣,大衛在生活中如此蒙福,以至於他的福杯實際上已經溢出了。 超過他所求,甚至所想的,正如以弗所書3:20 -

20Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us


God blesses us, as both advancing believers and mature believers, in the right way and at the right time. The provisions and the blessings that we see in this verse depend upon the host. The potential is there for each one of us. Gods sovereignty, and Gods grace may prepare a table for us to have a feast, in the face of adversity or prosperity. He may bring promotion, and He may fill our cup with blessings so that it is overflowing, like David is experiencing. This all depends on God; it is all about God, and His grace.

上帝保佑我們,作為信徒和成熟的信徒,在正確的道路和正確的時間。 我們在這節經文中看到的供應和祝福取決於主人。 我們每個人都有潛力。 上帝的主權和上帝的恩典可以為我們在面對逆境或順境時舉行一場盛宴。 祂可以帶來高升,他可以用祝福填滿我們的福杯,使它像大衛所經歷的那樣滿溢。 這一切都取決於上帝; 這完全是關於上帝和祂的恩典。

We wont get into it tonight, but there are areas of scripture that teach about eternal blessings. They are called rewards and crowns, and there are different kinds of revealed to us in the bible. The things that we have been learning will help us in understanding these eternal rewards, and it will come in time. However, as believers in Jesus Christ we will all be in heaven. As Christians, there is no such thing as a sin that keeps us from heaven. Even if we have no rewards in eternity, we still will have all of eternity with God. And, no not every Christian will have rewards in eternity. It is important to continue to grow spiritually. It is important to continue to learn biblical truth. It is important to be consistent in the process, and to advance to spiritual maturity. Philippians 3:14 says:

我們今晚不會深入,但有些經文教導永恆的祝福。 他們被稱為獎賞和冠冕,在聖經中有不同的示。 我們學習的東西將幫助我們理解這些永恆的獎賞,並且會及時到來。 然而,作為耶穌基督的信徒,我們都將在天堂。 作為基督徒,不存在使我們遠離天堂的罪過。 即使我們在永恆中沒有得到獎賞,我們仍然會與神永遠同在。 而且,並不是每個基督徒都會在永恆中得到獎賞。 在靈命上繼續成長是非常重要的。 繼續學習聖經的真理是非常重要的。 在這個過程中保持一貫是重要的,並且要進展到靈命成熟。 腓立比書3:14

14I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


Okay, lets go onto the last verse of Psalm 23 - verse 6:

好的,讓我們繼續讀詩篇23 篇的最後一節第6節:

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Keep in mind that David is running for his life at the time he is writing this. Can you feel how stressed he is? Can you hear the panic in his writing? Can you feel his lack of confidence? No, just the opposite, right?

請記住,大衛在寫這篇文章的時候正在逃命。 你能感覺到他有多緊張嗎? 你能聽到他寫作中的恐慌嗎? 你能感覺到他缺乏自信嗎? 不,恰恰相反,對吧?

Do you agree with me that just by reading this that it provides us with comfort? What a great way to live life. David is not focused on the disastrous circumstances he is facing. He is focusing on what God has promised him. He is focused on what he has learned about God. He knows the power that God possesses, and he knows the love that God has for him. He also knows that God will not only take care of him, but that God wants the highest and best for him. With this in mind, what is he forced to conclude? One conclusion he could come to is found in Romans 8:31: If God be for me, who can be against me? And, if we include verse 32, the conclusion is even more convincing:

你是否同意我的看法單單是閱讀這篇就提供我們安慰呢? 多麼好的生活方式 !大衛沒有專注於他所面臨的災難困境。 他專注於上帝已經應許他的事上。 他專注於他對上帝的認識。 他知道上帝所擁有的能力,並且知道上帝對他的愛。 他也知道上帝不但要看顧他,而且上帝要他最好,最好。 考慮到這一點,他不得不做出什麼結論呢? 他可以得出的一個結論是在羅馬書8:31中找到的:“31既是這樣,還有甚麼說的呢?神若幫助我們,誰能敵擋我們呢? ”而且,如果我們包括第32節,結論更加令人信服:

31What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

31既是這樣,還有甚麼說的呢?神若幫助我們,誰能敵擋我們呢? 32神既不愛惜自己的兒子,為我們眾人捨了,豈不也把萬物和他一同白白地賜給我們嗎?

David is not worried. David has no fear. The word in verse 6 that is translated follow is actually a little stronger in the Hebrew. It would be better translated to pursue. His confidence is that God will pursue him with prosperity and grace. Instead of the pursuit of his son to kill him, he is focused on the current state of God pursuing him with goodness and mercy. He has complete and total confidence in God. He has no doubt. He has no doubt in this current situation, and it says in the last line of this chapter, he also has no doubt in his eternal future.

大衛並不擔心。 大衛沒有恐懼。 在第6節中,被翻譯成“跟隨”的這個詞在希伯來文中實際上更強一些。 最好翻譯成“追隨”。 他的自信是上帝會以順利和恩典追隨他。 代替他的兒子追逐殺死他,他是專注於上帝以良善慈悲追隨他的現狀。 他對上帝有完全和完全的信心。 他毫不懷疑。 在他目前的形勢下,他毫不懷疑,而且在本章的最後一句話裡,他也對他永恆的未來毫不懷疑。

Do we ever have doubts? The reality is that doubts are just a part of human nature. We cannot see God; we cant see our Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes our faith fades, or fails us. We know that God will forgive us, yet we fail to name our sins privately to God sometimes. We know that God is with us, but sometimes we forget and want to face things on our own.

我們有沒有懷疑呢? 現實是懷疑只是人性的一部分。 我們看不見上帝; 我們看不到我們的主耶穌基督。 有時我們的信心會消失,或者使我們失望。 我們知道上帝會原諒我們,但是我們有時候不會私下向上帝我們的罪。 我們知道上帝與我們同在,但有時我們卻忘記了,想要獨自面對事情。

But, here we are taught that we should realize that God pursues us. God wants goodness for us. God wants to express mercy to us. As believers, traveling in the wagon tracks of righteousness, God wants to bless us in both time and in eternity. He wants our cup to be filled to overflowing. Often people think of blessings from God only in monetary terms. But, there are so many more ways that God can bless us: socially, or physical health, or in the way we have been studying so long: by having a relaxed mental attitude in times of adversity that is a blessing that goes way beyond monetary blessings. Having tranquility in our soul, or sharing in the happiness of God; these are some blessings that go beyond what we can even ask for or even imagine. But, when the Lord is our Shepherd, this is what we can look forward to, if we arent experiencing it already.

但是,在這裡我們被教導,我們應該認識到上帝追隨我們。 上帝要我們好。 上帝要憐憫我們。 作為信徒,在義路旅程中,上帝希望在時間和永恆中祝福我們。 祂要我們的杯子灌滿到滿溢。 通常人們只會從金錢上想到上帝的祝福。 但是,上帝保佑賜福我們的方式有很多種:在社會上的或身體的健康,或者我們學習這麼久的方式:在逆境中有一種放鬆的心態 - 這是一種祝福,遠遠超越金錢的祝福 。 在我們的靈有平安,或分享上帝的快樂; 這些是一些超出我們甚至可以要求想像的祝福。 但是,如果還我們沒有經歷過,那麼當主是我們的牧者時, 這就是我們所期待的。

God is faithful. His compassion never fails. We are only still here because of Gods mercy. We need to believe it, we need to remember it, we need to apply it to our lives, we need to relax knowing God is mighty, and that He cares about us, and that we will have no needs in life. We can find comfort in His word. We can have a feast even when our enemies are looking on. We dont need to fear death. There is a lot contained in Psalm 23, even though it is such a short chapter.

上帝是信實的。 祂的慈愛永不落空。 我們仍然在這裡是由於神的慈悲憐憫。 我們需要相信,我們需要記住,我們需要把它應用到我們的生活中,我們需要放輕鬆知道神上帝是大能的,祂在乎我們,我們的生命將不致缺乏。 我們可以在的話語中找到安慰。 即使我們的敵人正在觀望,我們也可以有一個盛宴。 我們不需要害怕死亡。 詩篇23中有很多容,儘管這篇很短。

Okay, we are done with the study of how to handle adversity as a believer. When we started this study there were many of us who didnt think it possible to be able to face adversity with a relaxed mental attitude. Now, hopefully we not only know how to do it, but we will do it. It takes practice. In the beginning we only will have to face the attack of the mosquito. As our faith develops, as our confidence in God grows, we will be able to face the attack of the elephant.

好吧,我們已經完成作為一個信徒如何處理逆境的學習。 當我們開始這個學習的時候,我們當中有很多人不認為我們可能以輕鬆的心態面對逆境。 現在,希望我們不僅知道該怎麼做,而且我們會做。 這需要操練。 一開始我們只能面對蚊子式的襲擊。 隨著我們的信心的發展,隨著我們對上帝的信心的增長,我們將能面對大象式的攻擊。

Try to memorize this chapter all six verses. Write it down, carry it with you, repeat it over and over in your head until you have it memorized. Use your own words if you have to. Next week we will see if anyone wants to recite it before the group. Also, next week we will start a new study, we will begin the gospel of John. Lets pray.

試著背誦這一篇......全部六節經文。 把它記下來,隨身攜帶,重複一遍又一遍,直到你記住它為止。 即使你必須使用你自己的話來記住也行。 下週我們會看看是否有人想在小組之前背誦。 另外,下週我們將開始一項新的學習,我們將開始約翰的福音。 讓我們禱告。

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