Lesson #68 – 1/6/2018 講員:Kevin
Berg 翻譯:Angie Berg
Did we all survive the
holidays? Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Years celebration. The
next holiday that is coming is Chinese New Year, and that is not until February
16th, which is two days after Valentines Day this year, and 6 weeks
我們都安然度過了佳節嗎? 希望大家有一個愉快的聖誕節和新年歡慶。 即將到來的下一個節日是農曆新年,直到2月16日才來臨,這是今年情人節之後兩天,還有六週的時間。
So, how long does it take to
plan a wedding? When Angie and I got married we put it together in a very short
time (maybe less than one week), and with a very small group. Then we had
another “wedding” ceremony with a lot larger group around 3 months later. When
we got married the second time we were obviously already married. However, it
was a nice service with a reception afterwards, and with a much larger group of
friends and family. We redid our vows, and even had a communion ceremony during
our wedding. We know that the couples that are here are already married. Some
had gotten married in China, and then went down to the courthouse to get
married in the U.S. to make it official here. Some have already had a wedding
ceremony here in America, and some have not. Because of our unique situation
with our weddings, Angie had an idea.
那麼,籌劃婚禮需要多長時間呢? 當Angie和我結婚的時候,我們在很短的時間內(也許不到一個禮拜)把它搞定,並且只有一小群人。 接下來的3個月左右,我們還舉行了另一場“婚禮”的儀式。 當我們第二次結婚時,我們顯然已經結婚了。 然而,這是一個很好的儀式與接下來的宴客,而且是和更大群的朋友和家人。 我們重申了我們的誓言,甚至在我們的婚禮上有一個聖餐共融的儀式。 我們知道這裡的夫婦已經結婚了。 有些人在中國結了婚,然後到美國這裏去法院結婚,好讓它正式化。 有些人在美國已經有過婚禮儀式了,有些還沒有。 由於我們的婚禮的獨特的情況,Angie有一個想法。
We could have a group affirmation
wedding ceremony in the church here. We can invite friends and family, decorate
the church, and have flowers, music, and photography, just like a regular
wedding ceremony (even though you may already be married). We were thinking
about having it around Valentines Day, but having it around both Valentines
Day, and Chinese New Year makes it even more special. So, we want to know if
anybody is interested in such a thing. It would not be up to Angie and I to
plan it; it would be up to the couples that are interested, to put it together.
If there is interest we could talk to Pastor Greg here at this church to see if
we could use the sanctuary for the ceremony, and then we could use this area
for a reception. We can also ask him if he would be willing to do the ceremony,
unless the couples have someone else in mind. We are thinking about it being on
Saturday night, February 17th. At least that way we feel that the
church facility would be available, since that is when we are usually here.
Okay, why don’t we do this, after our lesson, how about everyone who is
interested meet over to the side so that it can be discussed and maybe start
figuring out who will do what and some of the preliminary details? Does that
sound good? Six weeks is a good amount of time, but with all of the details of
a wedding it can go fast.
We are in John chapter 1, but
with the holidays we haven’t been here for a number of weeks. Before the
holidays we were in verse 5, which says:
我們在約翰福音1章,但是由於節日我們有幾個星期沒有查看了。 過節前我們在第五節, 這裡說:
5The light shines in the
darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
We talked about the term
‘light’ and how it is used in the bible. However, we were not finished. We need
to learn a little more about light before we move on.
我們談到“光”這個詞,以及它在聖經中的用法。 但是,我們還沒有完成。 在我們繼續之前,我們需要更多地了解光。
We saw a contrast between
light and darkness. Light illuminates, and light exposes the darkness. We often
think of this in the physical realm. It is dark at night, but light during the
day; and, this does help us to understand the spiritual concept. Before we
accepted Christ as our personal savior, we lived in darkness. We didn’t
understand how our souls could be illuminated. We were prisoners of the
darkness. Our darkness was exposed when we heard the gospel. When we talk or
sing about being set free, this is what we are talking about. After Christ
comes into our lives we are no longer prisoners of the darkness, and we no
longer have to live in darkness. And, obviously there is a difference. This
concept helps us understand a very popular verse in the bible. It is probably
one of the most recognized, and most quoted in the entire bible. It is found in
the book of John also; in chapter 8, verse 32:
我們看到了光和黑暗之間的對比。 光照亮,光暴露出黑暗。 我們經常在物理的領域思考這一點。 夜晚黑暗,白天光明; 這確實有助於我們理解屬靈的概念。 在我們接受基督為我們個人的救主之前,我們生活在黑暗中。 我們不明白我們的靈魂如何被照亮。 我們是黑暗的囚徒。 當我們聽到福音時,我們的黑暗就暴露了。 當我們談論或歌唱自由(釋放)的時候,這就是我們所談論的。 基督進入我們的生命之後,我們不再是黑暗的囚徒,我們也不再需要生活在黑暗中。 而且,顯然是有區別的。 這個概念幫助我們理解聖經中非常流行的經句。 這可能是整個聖經中最被認可的,也是最常被引用的一個。 它也出現在約翰的書中; 在第8章第32節中:
31So Jesus said to the Jews
who had believed him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my
disciples,32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you
31耶穌對信他的猶太人說:「你們若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的門徒; 32你們必曉得真理,真理必叫你們得以自由。」
What do we have to do to know
the truth? Remain, continue, or stay in God’s word. God’s word, God’s truth,
the mind of Christ will set us free from the darkness of this world. It has the
ability to illuminate us, to shine into our darkness of the soul. We saw
earlier in John chapter one that Jesus Christ was called the Word, and he is
often called the living word. The things that he taught, and the things that he
did are recorded in the bible, the written word. And, both the living word and
the written word illuminate the darkness and set us free from the power of sin
and death.
我們需要做些什麼來了解真理呢? 堅持,繼續,或停留在神的話語中。 神的話語,神的真理,基督的心意將使我們擺脫這個世界的黑暗。 它有能力照亮我們,照亮我們靈魂的黑暗。 我們在約翰福音一章的前面看到,耶穌基督被稱為道,他經常被稱為活潑的道(活道)。 他所教導的事物,以及他所做的事情,都被記錄在聖經,書寫文字中。 而活道和書寫文字都照亮黑暗,使我們擺脫罪惡和死亡的權勢。
It is amazing how everything
ties together in the bible, isn’t it? It is amazing how Christ has illuminated
us about God the Father’s system, plan, purpose, and thinking. God has been
revealed to us, by his Son, and through His word. Let’s look at another
passage, where Jesus Christ tells us directly about the light. It is also found
in the book of John, in chapter 8, verse 12:
真是奇妙在聖經裡所有的一切都連結在一起,不是嗎? 基督如何照亮了我們關於天父的系統,計劃,目的和意念這真的是奇妙。 上帝已經藉著祂的兒子和祂的話向我們啟示了。 讓我們來看另一段經文,耶穌基督直接告訴我們有關光的事。 約翰福音第8章12節也有這樣的記載:
12Then Jesus again spoke to
them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will
not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
It doesn’t get much clearer. As
believers in Jesus Christ, we don’t need to walk in darkness. We have the light
of the Word. When Jesus spoke these words he was talking to a group of people,
his disciples, and the religious leaders of the day. However, you know what, he
was also talking to us. We also need to abide in His word. We also need to be
illuminated. Why? Because if we do we will know the truth and the truth will
set us free. We have been delivered from darkness, set free from darkness, and
saved from darkness. That is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
不會比這個更清楚了。 作為耶穌基督的信徒,我們不需要在黑暗中行走。 我們有道的光。 當耶穌說出這些話時,祂正在和一群人,祂的門徒和當時的宗教領袖們談話。 但是,你知道嗎,祂也在跟我們說話。 我們也需要遵守祂的話語。 我們也需要被光照。 為什麼? 因為如果我們這樣做,我們就會知道真理,真理就會使我們得自由。 我們已經從黑暗中解脫出來,擺脫黑暗,從黑暗中被解救出來了。 那就是耶穌基督的福音。
So, there are two ways to be
1. The gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation.
2. The divine truth as found in God’s word, which
illuminates our walk with Jesus Christ between salvation and the time we depart
this world.
Is that the case for everyone
in this world? Is everyone living in the light? Is our life any different from
those who still live in darkness? We need to look at the message that our Lord
had for those who are not walking in darkness. We saw it briefly a couple of
weeks ago, but let’s look at it a little closer. John pointed it out for us,
and it is found in Matthew 5:15:
這個世界上的每個人都是這樣嗎? 每個人都活在光中嗎? 我們的生活與那些仍然生活在黑暗中的人有什麼不同? 我們需要看看我們的主對那些不在黑暗中行走的人的信息。 幾星期前我們看了一下,但讓我們再仔細看看。 約翰為我們指出了這一點,馬太福音五章15節看到:
14"You are the light of
the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Nor do people light a
lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in
the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before others …
14你們是世上的光。城造在山上是不能隱藏的。 15人點燈,不放在斗底下,是放在燈臺上,就照亮一家的人。 16你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為。
Who is the light of the world?
We saw in John 8 that Christ is the light of the world. However, here in
Matthew it says that we are the light of the world. Is this an inconsistency in
the bible? Should we be concerned? No, Christ, the word of God is the
illumination of our soul. When Jesus was walking on this earth he was the light
of this world, but now he is no longer here, he has gone back to heaven and is
sitting at the right hand of the Father. He has passed the torch. What is a
torch? It is a source of light. Now, that he is gone physically, we are to
continue what he started. We are ambassadors for Christ. We are now
commissioned to enlighten, or to illuminate this world. But, it isn’t our light
that will illuminate; it is the light of the Word. It is Christ’s light. We
need to reflect His light. But there is something critical in all of this.
誰是世界之光? 我們在約翰福音8章中看到基督是世上的光。 然而,在馬太福音這裡,它說我們是世界的光。 這是聖經中的不一致嗎? 我們應該擔心嗎? 不,基督,神的話就是我們靈魂的光照。 當耶穌在這個世界上生活時,他是這個世界的光,但現在祂不在這裡,祂已經回到天堂,坐在天父的右邊。 祂已經將火炬傳給我們。 什麼是火炬? 這是一個光源。 現在,肉體而言他已經走了,我們要繼續祂所開始的。 我們是基督的大使。 我們現在委託啟發,或照亮這個世界。 但是,這不是我們的光芒照亮; 這是道的光。 這是基督的光。 我們需要反射祂的光。 但是所有這些都有一些關鍵的東西。
In verse 15 it says that
people don’t light a lamp and put it under a basket. They shouldn’t hide their
light is what this is saying. However, there is something that comes first. The
candle or the lamp has to be lit. The disciples spent a lot of time with Jesus
Christ before they were set out to light this fire throughout the world. They
had to have the light of biblical truth in their souls before they could let
their light shine. The same is true of us. They had a mission to represent
Christ as shining lights to the world. They did it in a number of ways: They
wrote it, they spoke it, but just as importantly they lived it. They
communicated the gospel to a lost and dying world that was living in darkness,
and they taught believers biblical truth by which they could walk in the light.
We are still being enlightened by what they wrote.
在第15節中,人點燈,不放在斗底下 。 這裡是說他們不應該隱藏他們的燈光。 但是,有件事情是首要的。 蠟燭或燈必須先被點亮。 在被點燃照亮世界之前門徒們花了很多時間與耶穌基督同在。在他們的光芒能夠照耀之前,他們必須在他們的靈魂中有聖經的真理之光 。 我們也是如此。 他們有一個使命,就是把代表基督如光照耀世界。 他們從很多方面這麼做:他們寫了,他們傳講了,但同樣重要地他們活出來了。 他們把福音傳給了活在黑暗中的迷失和垂死的世界,並且教導了信徒們在光中行的聖經真理。 我們仍然被他們所寫的東西所啟發。
As we grow spiritually, by
continuing to learn biblical truth, we will not only become illuminated, we
will not only be set free from the darkness, we will also (eventually) be able
to shine our light to others. As we gain in our knowledge of our Lord Jesus
Christ, we will begin to shine, and as we continue we will shine brighter. If
we have the light, we need to reflect it. We will be able to do this in our actions,
and in our words. But, often actions speak louder than words. Us trusting in
God in difficult circumstances is a reflection of what is in our soul, and
others will notice. Others will want to know why we are different. To give
someone the gospel is like shining a light into a dark soul. Some will be happy
with the illumination, some will not. Some will continue to want to live in the
darkness because they don’t want those things it to be exposed.
當我們在屬靈上成長的時候,繼續學習聖經的真理,我們不但會被照亮,我們不但會擺脫黑暗,我們也將(最終)能夠照亮其他人。 當我們對我們的主耶穌基督認識增長時,我們就會開始發光,並且當我們繼續的時候我們將會更加閃耀。 如果我們有光,我們需要反射。 我們將能夠在我們的行為舉止中,和我們的話語來做到這一點。 但是,往往行動勝於雄辯。 我們在艱難的環境中信靠上帝,是我們靈魂中的事物的反映,其他人會注意到。 其他人會想知道我們為什麼不同。 給人福音,就像照亮一個黑暗的靈魂。 有些會對光照感到高興,有些則不會。 有些人會繼續希望生活在黑暗中,因為他們不希望這些東西被暴露。
But, they don’t understand
that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. God sent His son into this
world for one reason: to die and by doing so provide salvation for all of us. Every
sin we have ever committed, or ever will commit, was poured out on Christ on
the cross, and judged. He took our place. He that knew no sin became sin for
us. He paid the price, so that we don’t have to. That salvation is available to
every one of us by one simple decision. It is easy and it is from the grace of
God. The scripture makes it clear, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you
will be saved. A simple act of faith is all it takes for eternal life. An
eternity with God is available to all of us by making the most important
decision of our lives. We can live forever in God’s light or we can live
forever in darkness, the choice is ours. For those of us who have already made
the decision, we have eternal life, and we have the light. For those of us who
have not, it is not too late. You can do it right now, silently you can pray
and tell God the Father that you believe that His son is who he claimed to be:
the Son of God, the Messiah, the only way to an eternal relationship with God.
The scripture says:
但是,他們不明白,當我們還是罪人的時候,基督為我們而死。上帝派祂的兒子進入這個世界的原因是:為了死,這樣做為我們所有人提供救贖。我們所犯的一切罪,或將要犯的罪都被傾倒在十字架上的基督身上,並受審判。他代替了我們的位置。他是無罪之人就為我們成了罪。他付出了代價,所以我們不必這麼做。我們每個人都可以通過一個簡單的決定獲得救恩。這很容易,這是從上帝來的恩典。聖經說得很清楚,相信主耶穌基督,你就得救恩。一個簡單的信心行動就是永恆的生命所需要的。通過做出我們生命中最重要的決定,我們所有人都可以獲得在永恆裡與上帝同在。我們可以永遠活在神的光中,或者我們可以永遠活在黑暗中,選擇是我們的。對於我們這些已經做出決定的人,我們有永生,有光明。對於我們這些還沒有的人來說,還為時不晚。你現在可以這樣做,默默地禱告,告訴父神,你相信祂的兒子是他所聲稱的人:上帝的兒子,彌賽亞, 與上帝建立永恆關係的唯一方法。經文說:
8For by grace you have been
saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of
God, 9not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
8你們得救是本乎恩,也因着信;這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的; 9也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇。
We can’t do it on our own. We
are imperfect, He is perfect, and God’s ways are perfect.
我們不能自己辦到。 我們不完美,他是完美的,上帝的道路是完美的。
7 How beautiful upon the
mountains are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who
brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, "Your
God reigns."
Isaiah the prophet also wrote,
3For thus says the Lord:
"You were sold for nothing, and you shall be redeemed without money."
It is our decision; no one can
do it for us. Redemption means to be purchased out of slavery, it is similar to
being set free. We now know the truth, and we can come out of the darkness of
slavery. We can’t buy our way out of the darkness, Jesus Christ already paid
the price, and we just need to accept this free gift.
這是我們的決定; 沒有人能為我們做。 贖回意味著從奴隸制中購買,這與被釋放(自由)相似。 我們現在知道真理,我們可以從奴隸制的黑暗中走出來。我們無法從黑暗中自己走出來,耶穌基督已經付出了代價,我們只需要接受這個免費的禮物。
36Whoever believes in the Son
has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the
wrath of God remains on him.
Now, we have been illuminated.
We have seen the light. Do we accept it, and do we accept Him? Do we allow this
to enlighten us, that is the decision that we can make right now.
現在,我們已經被照亮了。 我們已經看到了光。 我們接受嗎?我們接受他嗎? 我們是否允許這個啟發我們,那就是我們現在可以做出的決定。
16"For God loved the
world so much, that he gave his uniquely born Son, that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life.
Let’s pray.
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