Lesson #67 – 12/30/2017 講員:Kevin
Berg 翻譯:Angie Berg
Before we get going tonight we
have an announcement. As you know, we are meeting in Cape Alliance Church. This
church has been completely supportive of this bi-lingual bible study from the
very beginning. This is true of Pastor Greg, and it is true of many people in
the congregation as well. In the beginning, there was talk of charging us for
the use this space; however, there has been no mention of it since that time.
In the beginning, they told us that there might be times when they needed this
space on Saturday night, and if that were the case we would have to find some
other place to meet. This actually happened once, and they let us use the
sanctuary, instead of us having to find a different location. They have never
tried to regulate us, change us, advise us, or interfere with us. They have
encouraged us, supported us with prayer, and made it clear that they are happy
with what we are doing here on Saturday nights. The attitude that they have
toward us is one of grace, and Christian love. I know that I am not the only
one, but Angie and I truly appreciate it.
There is an announcement from
this church that I would like to read. It is called, “The 2018 Ministry Open
House”, and it reads:
我想讀一讀這個教會的報告。 它被稱為“2018年事工開放日”,它寫道:
We are very excited to
announce that we will be hosting the “First Annual Cape Alliance Ministry Open
House”, on Sunday, January 7th following our morning worship
service. The Open House will be held in the Fellowship Hall with
representatives from all of our Learning Communities and Ministries here at
Cape Alliance. A ‘one stop shopping’ experience for you to discover what we
have to offer. There will be information about Bible Studies, Children’s
ministries, Youth Group, Young Adults, and so much more. What a great way for
us to see how we can grow in our faith and grow in our family at Cape Alliance.
我們非常高興地宣布,我們將在1月7日星期天上午的主日崇拜之後舉辦“首屆年度珊瑚角宣道會事工開放日”。 這個開放日將會有各個在珊瑚角宣道會的學習群組及事工的代表在我們的交誼廳舉行。 一個“一站式購物”的經驗,讓你發現我們所提供的。 將會有關於聖經研習,兒童事工,青年組,青少年等等的訊息。這是一個很好的方式,來看看我們如何能在我們的信心上成長以及在珊瑚角宣道會家庭中成長 。
They also hope to have a
missionary here from Spain, as well as have someone here talking about
opportunities in missions. They also would like for us to attend so that we can
provide information about what we are doing here on Saturday night. And, we have
told them that we would be happy to attend, and provide information to anyone
who is interested.
他們也希望有一個來自西班牙的傳教士,還有一些人在這裡談論宣教的機會。 他們也希望我們參加,那麽我們可以提供有關我們在星期六晚上在這裡做些什麼的訊息。 而且,我們已經告訴他們,我們很樂意參加,並向有興趣的人提供訊息。
I am not sure why I felt
compelled to share this with you. It is not to invite you to church. I
think that it is more to give you a sense that we are not alone. I like the
wording in the last line of the announcement – “a great way for us to see how
we can grow in our faith, and grow in our family.” Even though we don’t have a
formal affiliation with this church, as fellow Christians they consider us
family, and that makes me feel good. And, hopefully it makes you feel good as
well. We know that we are family here, but we shouldn’t forget that we are all
children of God, and that makes us family with a lot of other people as well;
and this church recognizes this and celebrates it, and for that I thank God.
我不知道為什麼我不得不與你分享這個。 這不是邀請你來教堂。 我覺得更多的是給你一個我們並不孤單的感覺。 我喜歡報告最後一行的措辭 - “一個很好的方式讓我們看看我們如何能夠在我們的信心中成長,並在我們的家庭中成長”。儘管我們沒有與這個教會有正式的聯結, 如同同袍基督徒他們把我們看為家人,這讓我感到很好。 而且,希望這也讓你感覺良好。 我們知道我們在這裡是家人,但我們不應該忘記,我們都是上帝的兒女,這使我們與許多其他人一樣, 這個教會認識到這一點並且宣揚它,為此我感謝上帝。
Okay, I think that this is it
for announcements, unless someone else has anything to announce.
Today is New Year’s Eve eve.
We are quickly coming to the close of 2017. In America there is something
traditional that happens around this time of year. Not everyone participates,
but it is popular to make New Year’s resolutions. On the radio and TV we hear
about the most popular resolutions. We hear people talking about it, and
sharing what their resolutions are for the coming year. So, let’s look at what
a resolution is:
今天是除夕。 我們很快就要到2017年終了。在美國,每年這個時候都會有一些傳統的事情發生。 不是每個人都參加,但是訂定新年決議(新年新計畫)是很受歡迎的。 在收音機和電視上,我們聽到最流行的解決方案。 我們聽到人們在談論這個問題,並且分享他們今年的決議。 那麼,讓我們看看是什麼決議:
It comes from the root word to
resolve, which means to make: a decision or determination: to make a firm resolution to
do something.
Some think of it as a goal for
the New Year, but the reality is that it is stronger than that. It is almost
like making a vow, or even a promise. The decision that is made is to be
carried out. Those of us familiar with New Year’s resolutions in the past know
that this often may not be what happens. Sometimes people don’t stick with
their resolutions, but it is also true that some do stick with it and are
committed with sticking with it.
有些人認為這是新年的一個目標,但現實情況是比這更強烈。 這幾乎就像發誓,甚至承諾。 做出的決定是要執行的。 我們熟悉過去的新年決議的人都知道,這可能不會發生。 有時候人們不會堅持自己的決議,但也有人堅持自己的決心,堅持下去。
So, what are some of the most
popular resolutions that people make? Fitness, eating right, health, finances,
out of debt, make more money, relationships with friends or family, maybe even
getting priorities straight in life, stop smoking or drinking, or?
那麼,人們所做的一些最流行的決議是什麼呢? 健身,吃得對,健康,財務,沒有債務,掙更多的錢,與朋友或家人的關係,甚至可能是把生活中的優先事項更正,停止吸煙或飲酒,或者呢?
The reality is that there is
nothing truly special about this time of year. These types of decisions, making
this type of resolve can be done at any time of the year. It just happens that
it is popular and traditional to do it at this time of year. However, there is
one are of life that is critically important, it can be argued to be the most
important area of your life, that is not very often included in the New Year’s
resolutions. Do you know what area of your life that is?
事實上,一年中的這個時候沒有什麼特別的。 這些類型的決定,可以在一年中的任何時候完成。 只是在每年的這個時候這樣做是流行和傳統的。 然而,生命中有一個是至關重要的,它可以說是你生命中最重要的領域,這在新年的決議中並不常見。 你知道是你生命的哪個方面嗎?
Right the spiritual area of
life. With some areas it is easy to decide what we need to do. If we want to
exercise more we can join a gym, buy a piece of exercise equipment, get a new
pair of running shoes, find a partner to exercise with; things like that. But,
if we want to resolve to improve the spiritual side of our life, what do we do?
What should we resolve to do? What kind of goals should we set for ourselves?
Get closer to God, spend more time in His word, find our right pastor-teacher,
spend more time in prayer, commit certain passages of scripture to memory,
practice what it teaches, etc.
對就是屬靈生命這個領域。 有些領域很容易決定我們需要做什麼。 如果我們想運動更多一點,我們可以加入一個健身房,買一件運動器材,買一雙新的跑步鞋,尋找一個一起運動的同伴; 諸如此類的事。 但是,如果我們想要改善我們屬靈層面的生活,我們該怎麼做呢? 我們應該怎麼做? 我們應該為自己設定什麼樣的目標? 親近上帝,花更多的時間在祂的話語中,尋找我們正確的牧師導師,花更多的時間在禱告上,承諾背誦特定經文,實踐它的教導等等的。
We can throw out all kinds of
ideas, many could probably be from past studies. Now, what do we have to do?
This is quite personal. We don’t need to share with others what we think that
we should resolve to do this upcoming year. But, for some it may be helpful. We
may choose to share with one or two people, privately, what we want to
accomplish in 2018 from a spiritual standpoint. This way there can be someone
that can hold us accountable. It would be good to have someone to encourage us,
but not someone to nag us. This is not necessarily something quick and easy. It
may take some time, some prayer, and it may take some thought.
我們可以拋出各種各樣的想法,其中很多可能來自過去的學習。 現在,我們該怎麼做? 這是相當個人的。 我們不需要與別人分享我們認為我們應該決定在明年做什麼。 但是,對於某些人來說這可能會有所幫助 我們可以選擇私下與一兩個人分享,從屬靈的角度來看,我們想在2018年完成什麼。 這樣可以有人讓我們負起責任。 有人鼓勵我們是好事,但不是有人嘮叨我們。 這不一定簡單快捷。 這可能需要一些時間,一些禱告,可能需要一些思考。
As we have learned, the bible
emphasizes learning. It is easy to read through passages of scripture. We each
could take a single page from the bible and probably read it in 10 minutes, or
so. However, it is much more difficult to take a passage of scripture and read
through it multiple times and really spend time with it. To think about it, to
contemplate it, and to see the information, can change your life.
據我們所知,聖經強調學習。 通讀聖經經文很容易。 我們每個人都可以從聖經裡拿出一頁,大概在10分鐘左右就可以閱讀完。 然而,經過取一段經文並且多次閱讀並真正花費時間是困難的。 想一想它,思考,並且明白信息,可以改變你的人生。
We have discussed in the past
the difference between understanding a passage of scripture, and believing the information
contained in that passage of scripture, and in putting it into practice. We are
going to try something here tonight. We have cards with passages of scripture
on them tonight. All of these passages of scripture we have studied and spent
time on. We can each take one, or we can take as many as we want; then during
this upcoming year, we need to spend time with them. There are 12 passages of
scripture. We each need to choose what we do with them. We could spend time on
one each month. We could have one passage for the whole year. Or? We each can
decide for ourselves. Spend time with them, contemplate the message, and see
what the passage is teaching us. How can it apply to my life? Let’s see if our
lives can be changed. Are we different at the end of 2018? Are we closer to
God? Has our faith increased? Are we better able to trust God?
過去我們已經討論了理解一段經文,和相信經文中所包含的信息,並將其付諸實踐有所不同。 今晚我們要在這裡嘗試一下。 我們今晚有卡片上有聖經的經文。 所有這些經文都是我們學習過和花了時間在上頭的。 我們可以各取一份,也可以隨心所欲拿。 那麼在即將到來的這一年,我們需要花時間與他們在一起。 有十二段經文。 我們每個人都需要選擇我們對他們要怎麼做。 我們可以每個月花一點時間在一段經文上。 我們可以一整年一個經文。 或者? 我們每個人都可以自己決定。 花時間與他們在一起,思考這個信息,看看這段經文在教導我們。 如何適用於我的生活? 讓我們看看我們的生命是否可以有所改變。 我們在2018年底會有什麼不同? 我們更親近上帝嗎? 我們的信心增加了嗎? 我們能更好地信靠上帝嗎?
One other thing, if we are
able to come up with a Faith-based resolution for ourselves, either tonight or
in the future, let’s write it on the back of one or more of the cards; in our
own handwriting, as a reminder to ourselves. The hope is that this simple thing
will help us stay on track. Hopefully, each of us will notice a difference in
our lives in the coming year. If we get through what we take tonight, but there
are other verses that we want to add to the collection, we can make more cards
for ourselves. This is a process; let’s see if it can continue until our Lord
calls us home.
還有一件事,如果我們能為自己提出一個基於信心的決議,無論是今晚還是將來,讓我們把它寫在一張或多張卡片的背面; 用我們自己的筆跡來提醒自己。 希望這個簡單的事情能幫助我們保持在正軌上。 希望我們每個人都會注意到未來一年人生的不同。 如果我們能完成我們今晚所做的事情,而我們想要增加其他的經文,我們可以為自己製作更多的卡片加在這個收集裏。 這是一個過程; 讓我們看看是否能持續,直到我們的主召喚我們回家。
Okay, here are the cards. Pick
what you like, we will take 5 minutes for you to pick and choose, and do any
writing you want to, then we will close with a song of praise and worship.
好的,這裡是卡片。 選擇你喜歡的,我們將花5分鐘讓你挑選,並做任何你想要的寫作,然後我們將以讚美和敬拜的詩歌做結束。
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