Saturday, January 20, 2018

中英文雙語團契 第七十課 約翰福音1:9-11

Lesson #70 – 1/20/2018                                  講員:Kevin Berg 翻譯:Angie Berg

Psalm 100:3-5 – “Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. 5For the lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”  

詩篇100:3-5 3你們當曉得耶和華是上帝!我們是祂造的,也是屬祂的;我們是祂的民,也是祂草場的羊。4當稱謝進入祂的門;當讚美進入祂的院。當感謝祂,稱頌祂的名!5因為耶和華本為善。祂的慈愛存到永遠;祂的信實直到萬代。

This is one of the passages of scripture that was on the cards we handed out for New Years. Has anyone looked at these cards between then and now? Have these passages of scripture helped anyone? I have been looking at two of them, not every day, but on the days when I take the time to read through them and think about them, it really helps me to get back to what is important. It just really helps my outlook on the details of life. If you have not been, we would encourage you to make it a habit to take them out and read them, even if it is just one of the cards.

這是我們為新年而發行的經文中的一段。 有沒有人在這段時間看過這些卡呢? 有這些經文是否對任何人幫助呢? 我一直在看他們其中的兩個,不是每一天,但是在我花時間閱讀並思考它們的時候,真正幫助我重新回到什麼是重要的事情上。 這真的有助於我對生活細節的看法。 如果你還沒有讀到,我們會鼓勵你養成一個習慣,把它們拿出來閱讀,即使它只是一張卡片。

Last week we got an introduction to John the Baptist. We saw how his birth was miraculous. We saw how God had a plan for his life before he was even born. We also saw how our Lord spoke so highly of him, and how he fulfilled God’s plan for his life with courage. Due to his faith, he did not have fear.

上週我們介紹了施洗約翰。 我們看到他是如何神蹟般的的出生 我們看到神在出生之前是如何計劃他的生命的。 我們也看到我們的主對他如此高度的評價,以及他如何用勇氣實現了上帝對他的生命計劃。 由於他的信心,他沒有恐懼。

Last week John the Baptist wasn’t the only one we saw with a miraculous birth, we also saw how a virgin became pregnant and how our Lord Jesus Christ also had a miraculous birth. We, more than likely, were not the product of a miraculous pregnancy and birth; but we need to remember that it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a plan and purpose for our lives.

上週,施洗約翰不是我們唯一看到神蹟般出生的人,我們也看到一個童貞女如何懷孕,以及我們的主耶穌基督如何也神蹟般的誕生。 我們很可能不是神奇懷孕而出生的產物; 但是我們需要記住,這並不意味著上帝對我們的生命沒有計劃和目的。

We would think that since these men came into the world miraculously, that their ministries and their missions would have been very successful. We saw how John the Baptist had two messages when he preached. 1. That the Messiah has come, and 2. that those he spoke to were to turn from their evil ways and turn back to God. Since he was so special, and he was faithfulness, we would think that he would have produced a huge following for Christ, right?

我們會認為,由於這些人神蹟般地進入這個世界之後,他們的事工和使命就會非常成功。 我們看到施洗約翰講道時有兩個信息。 1.彌賽亞已經到來,並且2. 那些他對他們說話的人轉離了他們的惡道,回到上帝面前。 既然他如此特別,而且他是忠誠的,我們會認為他會為基督造成大批人的追隨,對吧?

Well, let’s see. Last week in verses 6-8 of John chapter 1 we saw that:
 好吧,我們來看看。 上週在約翰福音16-8節我們看到:

6God sent a man, John the Baptist 7to tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony. 8John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light.

6有一個人,是從神那差來的,名叫約翰 7這人來,為要作見證,就是為光作見證,叫眾人因他可以信。 8他不是那光,乃是要為光作見證。

So, he told the people about Jesus Christ so that everyone might believe. And, it was possible for everyone to believe. Eternal life was available to everyone, however, not everyone believed. We can also tell people about Jesus Christ so that everyone might believe, but not everyone believes today either, even though Christ is available to all.

所以他告訴人們關於耶穌基督,讓每個人都相信。 而且,每個人都有可能相信。 每個人都可以享受永生,然而,並不是每個人都相信。 我們也可以告訴人們關於耶穌基督的信息,使每個人都可以相信,但是即使基督面向所有人,今天也不是每個人都相信

After John the Baptist taught that the Messiah was coming, Christ began his public ministry. He not only claimed to be the Messiah, but he also proved it with his actions. After all of this, we would assume, especially since his arrival had been anticipated for centuries, that a huge number of people would bow down at his feet and welcome him. We might even think that everyone who experienced his presence, who saw his miracles, and who saw how he fulfilled the Old Testament prophesies, would instantly believe in him and receive eternal life; wouldn’t we? Well, that is not what happened. Then, as is the case today, there were skeptics. There were people that just couldn’t accept him as the Messiah. There were people who doubted that he was the Son of God.

施洗約翰教導彌賽亞即將到來之後,基督就開始了他的大眾事工。 祂不但自稱是彌賽亞,而且還以自己的行動證明了這一點。 畢竟,我們假設, 特別是幾個世紀以來已經預料到期盼著祂的到來,應該會有很多人跪下來迎接祂。 我們甚至可以認為,每一個經歷過祂同在的人,看到祂的神蹟奇事,看到祂如何實現舊約預言的人,都會立即相信祂,獲得永生; 我們會嗎? 然而,並不是如此。 所以,就像今天的情況一樣,有懷疑者。 有些人不能接受祂為彌賽亞。 有人懷疑祂是神的兒子。

The good news is that many did believe then, and many do believe today. And, throughout history there has never been a generation that didn’t have a number of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

好消息是,很多人都相信,今天很多人都相信。 而在整個歷史上,從來沒有一個世代沒有一些信徒信靠主耶穌基督的。

Let’s go on to verse 9. 

9The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.

We see the word ‘everyone’ again in this verse. John the Baptist preached about Jesus Christ so that everyone would believe. Here we see that the true light, the one that John the Baptist was a witness for, and, it says that he gives light to everyone. We saw earlier that not everyone accepted Christ, but here it is different. Here it says that he gives light to everyone. It is sort of like giving a gift. It doesn’t say that everyone accepts the gift, but rather that it is given or available to everyone.

我們在這節經文中再次看到“每個人”這個詞。 施洗約翰傳講耶穌基督,讓每個人都相信。 在這裡,我們看到真正的亮光,就是施洗約翰所見證的真光,並且說,他給每個人光。 我們先前看到,並不是每個人都接受基督,但是這裡是不同的。 在這裡,它說,他給每個人光。 這有點像送禮物。 它並不是說每個人都接受這個禮物,而是每個人都可以得到這個禮物。

There is a truth that is found in the bible that not all people believe in. In theology it is called unlimited atonement. Atonement is what we receive when we accept Christ. It means satisfaction for a wrong or injury or to make amends for a wrong. It refers to the reconciliation between God and us, and it is only possible through what Christ did for us on the cross. Christ took our place and God was satisfied with his sacrifice and by the fact that he was judged for our sins. Now, it is possible for us to have a relationship with God, not based on what we do, but based on what Christ did.

聖經中有一個不是所有人都相信的真理,在神學上被稱為無限的贖罪。 贖罪是我們接受基督時所得到的。 這意味著對錯誤或傷害的滿意度或對錯誤的補償。 它指的是上帝與我們之間的和解,只有通過基督為我們在十字架上所做的才有可能。 基督取代了我們的位置,神對祂的犧牲以及祂為我們的罪受審的事實感到滿意。 現在,我們可以與上帝有一種關係,而不是基於我們所做了什麼 ,而是基於基督所做的。

The unlimited part of unlimited atonement means that Christ’s work on the cross provides for the potential for everyone to have eternal life. The opposite of unlimited atonement is limited atonement. In the false teaching of limited atonement it is believed that only a select few can have salvation, and therefore eternal life. In this teaching you have to be chosen to have eternal life. However, the scripture is very clear that Christ died for all, and that salvation is offered to all. Not all accept, but all have the opportunity.

無限的贖罪無限的一部分意味著基督在十字架上的工作為每個人提供了擁有永生的潛能。 無限贖罪的反面是有限的贖罪。 在有限的贖罪的錯誤教導中,相信只有少數人能得救,因此也就少數能有永生。 在這個教導中,你必須被選擁有永生。 然而,聖經非常清楚說基督是為所有人而死的,而救贖是為所有人預備的。 不是所有人接受,但都有機會。

Let’s look at a couple of passages of scripture that teach us this. John 3:16 keeps coming up, because it teaches so much in such a small space, and it says:

讓我們來看看這個教導的幾段經文。 約翰福音3:16不斷地出現,因為它在如此狹小的空間裡教導如此之多,它說:

16“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.


Again, we see ‘everyone’. Not a select few, not special people, not only those who God shines favor on, but everyone who believes in Christ will have eternal life.

我們再次看到“每個人”。 不是少數被選的人,不是特別的人,不僅是上帝所喜愛的人,而是所有信基督的人都會有永生。

Another example is found in John 3:36, which in the first part of the verse says:

36And anyone who believes in God’s Son has eternal life.

Some people claim that there are 100 verses that teach unlimited atonement, there are a lot, but I don’t know if there are that many. However, let’s look at a few more: Hebrews 2:9, says

有人宣稱有100節經文教導無限贖罪,有很多,但我不知道有多少。 但是,讓我們再看幾個:希伯來書29

9But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.


This verse is saying that he died for all, so that all might live. One more: 1 Timothy 4:10
這節經文說的是祂為所有人而死,所有人都可以活下去。 還有一個:提摩太前書4:10

10For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.

Salvation is not limited to a select few. It is truly up to us to decide whether we accept the gift or not. It is not something that has already been decided for us, as some teach. Christianity isn’t an exclusive club that only those who are destined to enter, enter. It is available to all who believe. Eternal life is available to all who believe. So, verse 9 emphasizes unlimited atonement.

救恩不限於給少數幾個被選的人。 這是在於我們是否真的接受這份禮物呢? 這不是一些已經為我們決定的,就像一些教導所言。 基督教不是只有那些註定要進入的專屬俱樂部。 所有相信的人都可以有救恩。 所有相信的人都可以享受永生。 所以,第9節強調無限的贖罪。

Everyone has a chance to see the light, if they are interested. It is a gift that is available to all of the people that are alive, in the whole world. It was true when the book of John was written, and it is true today. John the Baptist came to bear witness about this light, and we are commanded to do the same thing.

如果有興趣的話,每個人都有機會看到光。 這是所有世界上的人都可以得到的禮物。 當寫約翰福音這本書的時候是真的,今天也是如此。 施洗約翰來見證這光,我們被吩咐做同樣的事。

Let’s go on to verses 10 & 11:

10He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. 11He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.
10祂在世界,世界也是藉祂造的,世界卻不認識祂。 11祂到自己的地方來,自己的人倒不接待祂。

When you think about it, this is really a sad statement. His coming had been anticipated for centuries; for generations God’s chosen people had seen in the scriptures and knew that the Messiah would come. They are a little like some Christians today with the rapture of the church. Those who anticipate the fact that he is coming again say, “Come Lord Jesus”, as we see in Revelation 20:20. Today, we should look forward to him coming again. This is how God’s chosen people should have been in John’s time. They should not only have been looking forward to Christ’s coming, but when it happened they should have been excited. However, they had gotten away from God. They had gotten caught up in religion. They had turned their eyes on themselves and on their behavior. Instead of studying the scriptures they had been taught to study the rabbinical writings of the day. They had gotten caught up in legalism, and it blinded them from the truth.

當你思考這個的時候,這真是一個悲哀的聲明。 他的來臨已經期盼了有好幾個世紀, 幾個世代以來,上帝的選民都在經文中見過,並知道彌賽亞會來。 他們有點像今天的基督徒看教會被提的這件事 那些期盼祂再來臨的就如同我們在啟示錄20:20中看到的那樣,說:“來吧,主耶穌”。 今天,我們應該期待祂再來。 這就是上帝的選民在約翰時代應有的樣子。 他們不單單是盼望基督的降臨,而且當發生的時候,他們應該興奮起來。 然而,他們已經離開了上帝。 他們被入宗教 他們已經把自己的眼光轉向他們的行為。 他們不再學習他們曾經被教導過的經文取而代之的去學習當時的拉比們的著作。 他們陷入在法律主義,使他們被蒙蔽不認識真理。

When their Messiah came, they didn’t even know him. We don’t want to be like these people. If our Lord comes again in our generation, we don’t want to hear that we know him not, like it says here about these people. We don’t want to be caught off guard. We should be anticipating his return. We want to be prepared, and we want to be ready. People don’t like to think about nor talk about death; yet, they want the resurrection of the church to come. They state that they want the Lord to come back and take them home. However, it is usually because the circumstances of life are so difficult, and they want them to come to an end. It isn’t because they want to see their Lord and spend eternity with him; it is because of their focus on their problems in life.

當彌賽亞來的時候,他們甚至不認識祂。 我們不想像這些人一樣。 如果我們的主在我們的世代再來臨時,我們不想听到我們不認識祂,就像這裡所說的這些人那樣。 我們不想毫無防備。 我們應該期待祂回來。 我們想要做好準備,我們要做好準備。 人們不喜歡思考也不談論死亡; 然而,他們希望教會的復活到來。 他們說他們希望主回來把他們帶回家。 然而,通常是因為生活的環境如此艱難,他們希望它們就此結束。 這不是因為他們想看到他們的主,並與祂一起度過永恆; 這是因為他們專注於自己的人生問題。

Well, it was not that much different in biblical times. The Jews, God’s chosen people, had a problem. Actually, they had many problems, but the one problem that they focused on was the oppression of the Roman government. They wanted to be freed from Roman rule, and be able to rule themselves. They wanted their king to come to deliver them. The scriptures had promised them a king and had promised them deliverance. They thought, because of how the religious leaders of the day mislead them, that when the Messiah would come so that he could destroy the Romans and set them free. They should have known, from the scriptures, that it was an eternal deliverance that the king was to bring. They were going to be set free, but not from the Romans, but from sin and its power over them. The king was going to bring them salvation.

那麼,在聖經的時代,這並沒有太大的不同。 上帝所揀選的猶太人有一個問題。 其實他們有很多問題,但他們所關注的一個問題就是羅馬政府的壓迫。 他們希望擺脫羅馬統治,能夠自由自己統治。 他們希望他們的王來拯救他們。 經文應許了他們一位王,並應許他們會得救。當時的宗教領袖們誤導他們因此他們以為,當彌賽亞來的時候,他們就可以摧毀羅馬人並使他們得自由。 他們應該從經文中知道,這個王要帶來的是永恆的拯救。 他們將被釋放,但不是從羅馬人那兒被釋放,而是從罪和罪對他們的掌控。 這王會給他們帶來救贖。

So, when Christ came, he brought a message that was spiritual in nature. And, the reality is that they should have known this. When they heard about changing their ways, they didn’t want to hear it. When he talked about love and forgiveness, they thought he couldn’t possibly be the deliverer that they were looking for; they surely didn’t want to forgive the Romans for all of their oppression. When he healed the sick, or raised the dead, they couldn’t believe it because he was ignoring the real problems of the day. They were incorrect in their expectations, and in their assumptions. They expected a king who was carrying a sword, not one who came to save. Because of their preconceived ideas, they had no idea of who they were expecting or anticipating. They didn’t know who he was, and therefore they didn’t accept him.

所以,當基督來到時,帶來了一個屬靈屬靈的信息。 而現實是,他們應該知道這一點。 當他們聽說要他們改變時,他們不想聽到。 當祂談到愛和赦免時,他們認為他不可能是他們期盼的救主。 他們當然不想饒恕羅馬人對他們所有的壓迫。 當祂醫治病人或者使死人復活的時候,他們無法相信,因為祂忽視當時的真正問題。 他們的期望和假設是不正確的。 他們希望有一個拿刀的王,而不是一個來救人的人。 由於他們的先入為主的想法,他們不知道他們期待或期盼的人。 他們不知道祂是誰,所以他們不接受祂。

Some people listened to Christ’s message. Some changed their minds and realized that they were wrong. Some saw the light. But, for many they kept to their misconceptions, to their false teachings, and rejected what they saw and heard because it went against the lies that they had been taught. They put their faith in the rabbinical writings, instead of in the Holy Scriptures of the bible. They focused on what they were to do to impress the Pharisees, and to gain the favor of God. When Jesus taught about grace, they had no idea what he was talking about. Christ’s message was in opposition to what they had been learning from the Pharisees, and many just didn’t get it, and couldn’t accept it. They couldn’t change from their evil, hypocritical ways.

有些人聽到了基督的信息。 有些人改變他們的想法,意識到自己錯了。 有些人看到了光。 但是,許多人堅持他們的錯誤觀念,錯誤的教導,拒絕他們所看到和聽到的,因為這違背了他們所被教導的謊言。 他們相信拉比的著作,而不是在聖經的神聖經文。 他們把注意力集中在他們要做什麼來打動法利賽人,和得到上帝的恩寵。 當耶穌教導恩典時,他們不知道祂在說什麼。 基督的信息違背了他們從法利賽人那裡學到的東西,許多人都不明白,也不能接受。 他們不能改變他們邪惡,虛偽假冒為善的方式。

The sad thing is God sent his son to deliver his people, and to deliver all people. As verse 11 says,
可悲的是,上帝派祂的兒子來拯救祂的百姓,拯救所有的人。 如第十一節所說,

“11He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.”

It happened then, and it happens today. However, we can’t get discouraged. When God calls us, we must be faithful to Him. We must do our best, consistent with the teachings of God’s word, even though we also will have opposition. We must live our lives as unto the Lord. Our goal should not be to please people, to not to fit into the religious norms of the day, but to please God, motivated by our love for Him. We must keep in mind what it teaches in John 15:18, where Jesus said:

那時發生了,今天發生了。 但是,我們不能灰心。 當神呼召我們時,我們必須忠於祂。 儘管我們也會有反對的時候,但我們必須盡最大努力,與上帝的教導一致。 我們必須為主而活著。 我們的目標不應該是取悅人們,不要去適應於當今的宗教常規,而是為了討神的喜悅,出自於我們對祂的愛。 我們必須記住約翰福音十五章十八節所教導的,耶穌說:

18"If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 

Let’s pray. 讓我們禱告。

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