Lesson #74 – 2/17/2018 講員:Kevin
Berg 翻譯:李翠雲傳道
2 Peter 1:4-5a – “By his
divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We
have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to
himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. 4And because of his
glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are
the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s
corruption caused by human desires. 5In view of all this, make every effort to
respond to God’s promises.”
彼得後書1:4-5a - 4因此,祂已將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,叫我們既脫離世上從情慾來的敗壞,就得與上帝的性情有分。 5正因這緣故,你們要分外地殷勤;
We are currently studying John
1:14. We have one phrase to look at a little closer at the end of this verse.
But, before we look at this last phrase, let’s first think about something.
Let’s ask ourselves a question. What are we full of? I don’t mean us
individually, but people in general. If we look at it from a negative
standpoint, we could come up with things like people can be full of anger. Or,
they can be full of bitterness. What else can people be full of, from a
negative standpoint? (Arrogance or self-centeredness, antagonism, resentment,
revenge motivation, or they can think that everyone is after them or against
them, maybe full of suspicion, jealousy, loneliness, discouragement, or even
despair. What about from a positive standpoint? Anyone? Love, hope,
hospitality, encouragement, humility, graciousness, kindness, putting others
ahead of self / selflessness, generosity, or caring. These things make sense,
right? We can identify with many of them, and we have experienced people who
are full of some of these attributes.
我們正在學習約翰福音1:14。在這節經文的最後,我們有一個短句可以看得更仔細一些。但是,在我們看這最後一句之前,我們先來思考一下。讓我們問自己一個問題。我們充滿了什麼?我不是指我們個人,而是一般人。如果我們從負面的角度來看待它,我們可以想出一些事情,比如人們可能會充滿憤怒。或者,他們可以充滿苦澀。從負面的角度來看,人們還有什麼可以充滿的? (傲慢或以自我為中心,對抗,怨恨,報復動機,或者他們認為每個人都追隨他們或反對他們,可能充滿懷疑,嫉妒,孤獨,灰心,甚至絕望。那麼從正面的角度來看呢?有沒有人可以分享?愛,希望,熱情,鼓勵,謙卑,恩慈,善良,把他人放在自己之前/無私,慷慨或關懷。這些事情都很合理,對嗎?我們可以認同很多這些當中的事情並且我們也經歷一些人充滿了其中一些屬性。
So, we have been learning
about our Lord Jesus Christ. If we wanted to, we could list what we have
learned about Christ so far in these first 14 verses. And, it may be a good
thing to do, but before we do this let’s think about something else: What do
you think Christ is full of? Okay, let’s see what we find in verse 14. Let’s
see what God the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle John to write in verse 14:
所以,我們一直在學習關於我們的主耶穌基督。 如果我們願意的話,我們可以列出我們到現在為止在前14節經文中所學到的有關基督的知識。 而且,這也許是一件好事,但在我們做這件事之前,讓我們思考一下其他事情:你認為基督充滿了什麼? 好的,讓我們看看我們在第14節中找到了什麼。讓我們看看神聖靈是如何啟發使徒約翰在第14節中寫的:
14And the Word became flesh
and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from
the Father, full of grace and truth.
He is full of grace and truth.
Why do you suppose these two attributes are the ones that he chose? What is
grace? Do we earn it or deserve it? Can we work for it? Are we aware of God’s
grace? Are we humbled by it? Do we have confidence in God’s grace? Are we
sometimes surprised by his grace? Should we be? We need to realize that we need
God. He has the power and the ability to provide for all of our needs. He can
provide answers to all of our questions. He can provide us with comfort through
problems in life. He can help us grow spiritually. He shows us undeserved favor
and benevolence. This is what it means when it says that Jesus Christ is full
of grace. Not just partially full, not a little gracious, but he filled to the
top with grace. We can be disappointed with people. People can fail us.
However, with Christ in our life; with Christ as our example, as we put our
trust in our Lord we can deal with people in a more and more understanding way.
We can be more sensitive to and tolerant of the weaknesses of the people around
us; meaning we can also become more gracious. It says in Ephesians 4:31-32:
祂充滿了恩典和真理。你認為為什麼他選擇這兩個屬性呢?什麼是恩典?我們贏得(賺取)它還是我們配得呢?我們可以勞動憑行為而得到嗎?我們是否知道是上帝的恩典呢?我們對此感到謙卑嗎?我們對神的恩典有信心嗎?我們是否有時為祂的恩典感到驚訝呢?我們應該是嗎?我們需要瞭解我們需要上帝。祂有能力提供我們所有的需求。祂可以為我們所有的問題提供答案。祂可以通過生命中的問題為我們提供安慰。祂可以幫助我們在靈性上成長。祂向我們展示了我們不配得的恩惠和仁慈。當它說耶穌基督充滿恩典時,這就是它的意思。不僅一部分充滿,不是一點點恩典,但祂完完全全充滿了恩典到頂。我們可以對人們感到失望。人們可以讓我們失望。然而,當基督在我們的生命中; 當我們以基督為我們的榜樣,當我們信靠我們的主時,我們可以以更多理解的方式來對待人。我們可以對我們周圍人們的弱點更加敏感和包容;這意味著我們也可以變得更加有恩慈。在以弗所書4:31-32中說到:
31Let all bitterness and wrath
and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all
malice. 32Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as
God in Christ forgave you.
31一切苦毒、惱恨、忿怒、嚷鬧、毀謗,並一切的惡毒或譯:陰毒,都當從你們中間除掉; 32並要以恩慈相待,存憐憫的心,彼此饒恕,正如神在基督裏饒恕了你們一樣。
So, Christ is full of grace,
and we are commanded to move toward that as we get to know him better. We often
talk about Christianity being a relationship, and not a religion. Grace is one
of the things that differentiates Christianity from all of the other religions
of the world. Religions are works based. Religion is all about us and what we
do. Christianity is about grace; the grace shown to us by God. It is about what
God has done for us, not what we do to earn the favor of God. And, what God has
done for us He has done for us by grace. And, when we understand this fully, we
want to serve Him because of our appreciation for what He has done for us. So,
as we have seen before, it is our motivation that makes the difference rather
than what we actually do. When we serve Him we have to ask, “Who is glorified?”
Is it us, or is it God.
所以,基督充滿了恩典/恩慈,並且我們被吩咐命令當我們更加認識祂的時候我們也當更往這方向前進。 我們經常說基督教是一種關係,而不是宗教。 恩典是區分基督教與世界其他所有宗教的事物之一。 宗教是基於行為的。 宗教是關於我們和我們所做的一切。 基督教是關於恩典的; 上帝向我們顯示的恩典。 這是關於上帝為我們做了什麼,而不是我們做什麼來贏得上帝的恩寵。 而且,上帝為我們所做的是祂的恩典為我們所做。 而且,當我們充分理解這一點時,我們想要事奉祂,因為我們感恩祂為我們所做的一切。 所以,正如我們以前看到的那樣,造成差異的是我們的動機而不是我們實際做的。 當我們服事祂時,我們必須問:“是誰得着榮耀了?”是我們還是上帝?
Verse 14 also says that Christ
is full of truth. What does this mean? Since he was perfect in his humanity,
everything he said was truth. If he ever lied (which he didn’t) he would not be
full of truth. Can we be full of truth? What truth can we be filled with? How? Every
week the goal is that we have a meal on Saturday night. No, we are not talking
about the food in the back, which people graciously bring out of hospitality;
but we are talking here about the food for the soul. Biblical truth, the mind
of Christ, is food for our souls. It is a tragedy when people go hungry. When
their souls are shriveled up due to malnutrition. We need the food of God’s
word to satisfy our souls. We need the truth in the soul to live the Christian
way of life. We need to be full of truth too. We can never be perfect, and we
can’t be as full of truth as our Lord was, but we can strive to be as much as
possible … over time.
第14節也說基督充滿了真理。 這是什麼意思? 既然祂在人性上是完美的,他所說的一切都是真理。 如果祂曾撒謊(祂沒有),祂就不會充滿真理。 我們可以充滿真理嗎? 我們被什麼真理充滿呢? 如何呢? 每週的目標是我們在周六晚上有好吃的。 不,我們不是在談論後面人們慷慨地帶來的食物; 但我們在這裡談論的是靈魂的糧食。 聖經的真理,基督的心智,是我們靈魂的糧食。 當人們挨餓時,當他們的靈魂因營養不良而萎縮時,這是一場悲劇。 我們需要神話語的糧食來滿足我們的靈魂。 我們需要真理在靈魂中來過基督徒的生活方式。 我們也需要充滿真理。 我們永遠不可能是完美的,我們不可能像我們的主一樣充滿真理,但隨著時間的推移,我們可以努力盡可能更多地被充滿。
Okay, so that is verse 14. We
have learned a lot in this short section of scripture. Before we go on to verse
15, let’s pause to see if there are any questions about these first 14 verses.
Is there anything anyone wants to discuss regarding what we have learned so
far, or are there any questions regarding what we have been discussing these
last number of weeks?
好的,這就是第14節。我們在這段這麼短的經文中學到了很多東西。 在我們繼續讀第15節之前,讓我們暫停一下,看看是否有任何關於這開頭十四節經文的問題。 有沒有人想討論我們到現在為止學到的知識,或者對於我們最近幾週討論的內容有什麼疑問的?
Verses 15-18:
15(John bore witness about
him, and cried out, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me
ranks before me, because he was before me.'") 16For from his fullness we
have all received, grace upon grace. 17For the law was given through
Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18No one has ever seen
God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known.
15約翰為祂作見證,喊着說:「這就是我曾說:『那在我以後來的,反成了在我以前的,因祂本來在我以前。』」 16從祂豐滿的恩典裏,我們都領受了,而且恩上加恩。 17律法本是藉着摩西傳的;恩典和真理都是由耶穌基督來的。 18從來沒有人看見神,只有在父懷裏的獨生子將祂表明出來。
We continue to learn about our
Lord. Who he is and what he has done for us. He is the one that John the
Baptist spoke about. He is the Messiah. He is not the coming Messiah like was
taught in the Old Testament, he is the Messiah that is here, right now. This is
the message that John the Baptist brought.
Let’s wrap up these verses next week.
我們繼續學習我們的主。 祂是誰,祂為我們做了什麼。 祂是施洗約翰談到的那個人。 祂是彌賽亞。 祂不像舊約中所教導的將來臨的彌賽亞,祂是現在在這裡的彌賽亞。 這是施洗約翰帶來的信息。 讓我們在下週把這些經文總結一下。
Let’s pray.