Saturday, February 10, 2018

中英文雙語團契 第七十三課 約翰福音1:12-14

Lesson #73 – 2/10/2018                                  講員:Kevin Berg 翻譯:李翠雲傳道

2 Peter 1:4-5a – “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. 4And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. 5In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises.”
彼得後書1:4-5a 4因此,祂已將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,叫我們既脫離世上從情慾來的敗壞,就得與上帝的性情有分。 5正因這緣故,你們要分外地殷勤;

We are currently studying John 1:12-13. It talks about being born in a special way, by God. We saw a number of passages of scripture that refer to this and we saw a number of different terms being used for this supernatural thing that happens to us at the moment of salvation. This only happens to anyone who accepts Christ, who receives Christ, and who believes on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of the terms we saw are:
我們正在學習約翰福音112-13 它講的是以一種來自於神的特殊的方式的出生。 我們看到很多關於這個的經文,我們看到許多不同的語詞被用於這個超自然的事情,這個超自然的事情在救恩的時刻發生在我們身上。 只有接受基督,接待基督,信主耶穌基督名的人才會遇到這種情況。 我們看到的一些術語是:

11.     The new birth.
22.     Born again.
33.     Children of God (like we see in our passage).
44.     Being born into God’s family.
55.     Spiritual re-birth.

1. 新生

All of these refer to the same thing. There is a term that we have not seen yet, which is the theological term Regeneration. Again, it refers to the same thing. The reason we want to be aware of these different terms is because this isn’t complex, and we don’t want any of us to get confused. We saw one passage of scripture that said that no one can enter the kingdom of heaven unless they are born again. But, you can’t be born again unless you believe in Christ. So, no one can go to heaven unless they believe in, or accept Christ.
所有這些都是指同樣的事情。 還有一個我們還沒有看到的詞,是神學術語“新生,重生,復活”。 同樣,它指的是同樣的事情。 我們想要了解這些不同的術語的原因是因為這並不複雜,我們不希望我們任何人困惑。 我們看到有一段經文說,除非重生,否則沒有人能夠進入天國。 但是,除非你相信基督,否則你不能重生。 所以,除非他們相信或接受基督,否則任何人都不能上天堂。

Let’s wrap this up by making it as clear as possible. Before we had any hope. Before we had eternal life. Before we had Christ, we learned about Jesus Christ. We learned who he was, and we learned what he did for us. We learned that he was the unique person of all human history, that he was the Son of God and true humanity in one person. Then we learned that in his humanity he went to the cross and all of the sins of the human race were gathered up and poured out on him and he was judged for them. Because he took our place, sin was no longer an issue, and we were able to receive eternal life through the grace of God simply by believing in him.
讓我們把它弄清楚,盡可能清楚。 在我們有任何盼望之前,在我們有永生之前在我們有基督之前,我們知道關於耶穌基督。 我們知道他是誰,並且我們學到了他為我們做的。 我們了解到,他是所有人類歷史上獨一無二的人物,他是上帝的兒子和有真正的人性集於一身的人。 然後我們知道,他以人性上了十字架,人類的一切罪孽都集起來傾倒在他身上,並為這些罪被審判。 因為他取代了我們的位置,罪就不再是一個問題,只要相信他,我們就能通過上帝的恩典獲得永生。

At that point we had a decision to make. Do we accept what Christ has offered us, or do we reject it. If we accept this free gift, we then have the right to become the children of God. We live the rest of our lives as children of God. We are in His royal family, and we can’t do anything to get out of God’s family. Then when we die we transition to heaven and spend all of eternity with Him.
在那個時候我們必須做出決定。 我們是接受基督所提供給我們的,或是我們拒絕它。 如果我們接受這個免費的禮物,那麼我們就有權成為上帝的兒女。 我們以作為上帝的子女過著我們的餘生。 我們是在祂的皇家王室,我們無法做任何事情離開上帝的家庭。 那麼當我們死去的時候,我們就會過渡轉移到天堂,並與祂一起度過永生的一切。

Pretty simple, eh? You have heard it before, right? You understand it, correct? However, you will hear the strangest things about this simple concept. Now that we have this down, we hopefully won’t be confused, and we won’t be deceived. Everyone who accepts Christ; everyone who believes in his name; everyone who receives Christ – however you want to say it – becomes the Child of God. Period.
很簡單,呃? 你之前聽說過,對吧? 你明白了,對嗎? 但是,你會聽到關於這個簡單的概念最奇怪的事情。 現在我們明白了,我們希望不會困惑了,而且我們不會被欺騙了。 凡接受基督的人, 所有相信他名字的人; 凡接受基督的人 - 無論你想怎麼說都好- 都成為神的兒女。 句點。

One last verse that makes it clear, and which is referring to all believers is found in 1 Peter 1:23-25:
23since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; 24for "All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, 25 but the word of the Lord remains forever." And this word is the good news that was preached to you.
23你們蒙了重生,不是由於能壞的種子,乃是由於不能壞的種子,是藉神活潑常存的道。 24因為凡有血氣的,盡都如草;他的美榮都像草上的花。草必枯乾,花必凋謝;25惟有主的道是永存的。所傳給你們的福音就是這道。

We have seen Acts 16:31 many times: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.”

That is what this verse is referring to when it says, “the good news that has been preached to you.”

You know that we don’t have much time together each week. Even though we try to get as much biblical truth in as we can each week, it still is not enough. There is so much to learn, it would be good if we had additional time in God’s word each week. And, many of us do. Because we are limited on time, we don’t want to waste this time talking about false teaching. We have in the past explained some false teaching, but the primary focus is on the truth. The idea is that if you know the truth, then you will be able to identify the lie. As we go on to John 1:14 this is exactly what John is doing. It may not be obvious to us by just looking at it, but at the time he wrote it this, it was a very pointed statement that addressed some false teaching that was being spread throughout the ancient world. Unfortunately, this false teaching can still be found today, but fortunately it is not as prevalent as it was in John’s day.
你知道我們每週都沒有太多時間在一起。 儘管我們盡可能每週都能多學到更多的聖經真理,但這還不夠。 有太多需要學習的東西,如果我們每個星期都有額外的時間在神的話語中,那就太好了。 而且,我們很多人都這樣做。 由於時間有限,我們不想浪費這個時間來談論假教學。 過去我們曾經講過一些錯誤的教導,但我們主要的焦點是真理。 這個想法是,如果你知道真理,那麼你將能夠分辨謊言。 當我們繼續讀約翰福音1:14這正是約翰所做的。 對我們來說,只是看可能並不是那麽明顯的,但是在他寫這個的時候,這是一個非常尖銳的聲明,解決了一些在整個古代世界傳播的錯誤教導(涉及一些在古代世界傳播的假教學) 不幸的是,這種錯誤的教導現在仍然可以找到,但幸運的是它並不像約翰時代那樣普遍。

We won’t get into it, but there was a group of people who after the resurrection of Jesus Christ said that Christ wasn’t really a man. They taught that he was just a vision that looked like a man. Today the best way to think of what they taught would be a hologram. You could see him, but he wasn’t really there. It went directly against many of the things that we know from the bible. For example, the miraculous virgin birth, Jesus growing up as a child, he being beaten, and tortured before going to the cross, his hands and feet being pierced, etc. But, John doesn’t go through all of this, he makes it real simple. He says in the beginning of verse 14:
我們不會進入,但有一群人在耶穌基督復活之後說,基督並不是一個真正的人。 他們教導說,他只是一個看起來像一個男人的幻像。 如今思考他們所教的內容的最好方法就是全息圖/三維圖像/立體圖。 你可以看到他,但他並不真在那裡。 它直接違背了我們從聖經知道的許多事情。 例如,神蹟般的童貞女所生,耶穌長大成人,被毆打,在去十字架前被拷打,手腳被刺穿等等。但是,約翰並沒有說這一切,他把這弄得真的很簡單。 他在十四節的開頭說:
14And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us

He was not a vision, he was not a hologram, he was flesh and blood, and he was true humanity. John wants to make one thing clear once and for all. In verse 1 we saw “the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Now, we see the “Word became flesh, and dwelt among us”. John wants all to understand the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. He was true humanity while at the same time he was undiminished deity. It is not easy for us to understand, but it is true. God sent His son into this world, he became man, and because of the resurrection, even though he died, he still lives.
他不是一個幻象,他不是全息圖,他是血肉之軀,是真正的人性。 約翰想一勞永逸地澄清一件事情。 第一節我們看到“道與上帝同在,道就是上帝”。現在我們看到“道成了肉身,住在我們中間”。 約翰想要所有的人了解耶穌基督的獨特性。 他是有真正的人性,同時他也有不朽不變的神性。 我們理解並不容易,但這是事實。 上帝派他的兒子進入這個世界,他成了人,即使他死了,因為復活的緣故,他仍然活著。

We serve a living God. We serve a Lord who understands what it is like to suffer. We have a savior who knows what it is like to be tempted. We have an advocate who knows what our pain feels like. He knew rejection, just like we do. He knew thirst and hunger like we do. He understands because he took on flesh, flesh just like our flesh. You don’t have to think too long about this to realize how significant it is, and how different it is from other teaching in this world. He is unique and we not only need to realize it, but we need to be thankful for it as well.
我們服事一個永活的神。 我們服事一位理解遭受苦難的主。 我們有一個救世主,知道被誘惑是什麼樣子。 我們有一個中保(維護者,代言者,倡導者)他知道我們的痛苦是什麼感覺。 他知道拒絕是什麼,就像我們一樣。 他像我們一樣知道口渴和飢餓。 他理解,因為他道成肉身,祂和我們一樣擁有血肉之 你不需要花太多時間思考這個問題,就能意識到它有多重要,他與這個世界上的其他教導有什麼不同。 他是獨一無二的,我們不僅需要意識到這一點,還需要感恩。

When we look at the second part of verse 14 do you think he was saying this calmly? Do you think he is saying it like we usually read the verses we come across? I don’t know why, but when we think about some of the false teaching that is in complete opposition to the Word of God, I believe that at this point he might have started to become louder and louder. I can see why some preachers really get riled up over certain teachings. They get fed up, they get frustrated, they just want the message to come through, and then they start beating on the podium and start trying to make sure the message gets through. I believe that is what John is doing here. He really wants to get a point across.
當我們看14節的第二部分, 你認為他是冷靜地說這個嗎?你認為他是在說我們經常讀到的經文嗎?我不知道為什麼, 但是當我們想到一些錯誤的教導, 完全違反上帝的話語時, 我相信在這一點上, 他可能已經開始變得越來越大聲了。我明白為什麼有些傳教士會因為某些教導而被激怒。他們受夠了, 他們感到沮喪, 他們只是希望訊息被傳遞接收, 然後他們開始在講臺上拍打, 並開始試圖確保訊息得到傳達。我相信這就是約翰在這裡所做的。他真的很想表達清楚這點。

The Jews in the Old Testament had a real problem. This problem was seen over and over. God told them that He didn’t appreciate it. God told them to stop it. God disciplined them for doing it. And, unfortunately we do the same thing. It is the practice of whining.
舊約中的猶太人有一個真正的問題。 這個問題一遍又一遍地被看到。 上帝告訴他們,祂不喜悅。 上帝告訴他們停止。 上帝管教他們這樣做。 而且,不幸的是我們做同樣的事情。 就是抱怨的習慣。

The Jews were being guided by the Lord through the desert. They were lead by a pillar of fire at night, and a cloud during the day. This was the manifestation of the Lord to them. When these things were present, the Lord was present. But, it wasn’t good enough for them. They complained. They wanted to see the Lord. Why can’t he be here with us? Why the fire and the cloud, why not him in person? They continued to whine. We want this we want that.
猶太人在沙漠中被神引導著。 他們在夜間被火柱所領導,白天則是雲柱。 這是主對他們顯現。 當這些呈現時,神就在場。 但是,這對他們來說還不夠好。 他們抱怨。 他們想見神。 為什麼祂不能跟我們在一起? 為什麼火柱和雲柱,祂為什麼不親自出現? 他們繼續發牢騷。 我們要這我們要那的。

When Jesus came to the earth their wait was over. They got what they had asked for. Their messiah was standing right in front of them. There is a whole study of something called the Shekinah glory. In the Old Testament there were places where the glory of the Lord was revealed, and where the glory of the Lord resided. The Jews knew what this referred to. We won’t take the time to go through the whole doctrine of the Shekinah glory tonight, but it was in the tabernacle, and the temple at different times during the history of Israel. In our time is actually is in us, and we are to reflect it to the world that we live in.
當耶穌來到世上時,他們的等待結束了。 他們得到了他們所要求的。 他們的救世主正站在他們面前。 有一個所謂的Shekinah glory(耶和華的榮光)的一個完整的學習研究。 在舊約中,有主的榮耀顯現的地方,主的榮耀所在的地方。 猶太人知道這是指什麼。今我們不會花時間去讀耶和華的榮光的整個教義,但是在以色列的歷史中,這是指在會幕和聖殿的不同時期。 在我們這個時代,實際上是在我們身上,我們要把它反映到我們生活的這個世界。

But, what John is saying here is that Christ is the Shekinah Glory. That anyone that has seen him, has seen it. They have no excuse. It was right in front of them. He was full of glory. And, it is THE glory of the Lord. Which could only come from God.
但是,約翰在這裡所說的是基督是耶和華的榮光。 任何見過他的人都看到了。 他們沒有任何藉口。 這就在他們面前。 他充滿了榮光。 而這是神的榮耀。 那只能來自於神。

John 1:14
14And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. 

Don’t you get it? Open your eyes! He is full of unfailing love and faithfulness. The Word, Jesus Christ, is human, but also he is your Lord. Why can’t you see it? What do I have to do? “It seems so obvious!” is what John is saying. He is beating on the table and turning red while he is teaching this.
你明白了嗎? 張開你的眼睛! 他充滿了不變的愛和信實。 道,耶穌基督,是人,也是你的神你的主。 你為什麼看不到呢? 我需要做什麼?這似乎很明顯!”這就是約翰所說的。 他在教導這個的時候,拍著桌子,臉都紅了。

Hopefully, I don’t have to do the same, hopefully you get it just by us looking at this verse in the historical context of the bible. Is the first advent of Jesus Christ important? Yes. Is the fact that God sent His son significant? Yes. Is the fact that he became flesh and dwelt among us truth? Yes. Does it make a difference to our lives? More than anything else in our life. Clear, straightforward, truth. What does John want us to do with it? He wants us to believe it!
希望我不必這樣做,希望你能在聖經的歷史背景下看到這節經文就明白了。 耶穌基督的第一次降臨是重要的嗎? 是的。 上帝派遣祂的兒子來的事實有意義嗎? 是的。 他成了肉身,居住在我們中間的事實是真的嗎? 是的。 這對我們的生命有什麼影響嗎? 比我們生活中的任何東西都重要。 清楚,直接,真理。 約翰想讓我們做什麼呢? 他希望我們相信它!

This is it. This is enough. We have seen that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. We have seen his glory, the Son of God. Some rejected him, but all who accepted him for who he was – the God/Man – full of grace and truth, to them God gave them the right to become the children of God. We have seen his glory and believed. We have seen that everything was made through him. In just this short time in John chapter 1 we have learned a huge amount about our Lord Jesus Christ.
就是這個。 這就夠了。 我們已經看到,光照在黑暗中,黑暗無法遮蔽它。 我們看到了他的榮耀,上帝的兒子。 有些人拒絕了他,但是所有接受他的人,他就是那充滿恩典和真理的神/人,上帝賦予他們成為上帝兒女的權利。 我們看到了他的榮耀並且相信了。 我們已經看到,一切都是藉著他所的。 在讀約翰福音1章的這短短的時間裡,我們已經學到了許多關於我們主耶穌基督的事情。

And, all of us here have made a decision: One way or the other. Most have accepted him for who he is and believed in him. Some have said maybe, and that is the same as no. Some have said that they are still thinking about it, and that also means no. But, we are going to go on. There will be some repetition as we continue with the book of John, simply because of how important it is. However, the foundation has been set. We know who Christ is, now we will see what we must do about it. We have spent a lot of time in this first section of the first chapter, primarily because the information here is so critically important. We will start moving a little quicker now that we have these principles down. Next time we get together we will look at verses 15-18 of John chapter 1.
而且,我們這裡所有人都做出了決定:無論如何。 大多數人已經接受了他,相信他。 有些人說了可能是,那就是不。 有人說他們還在思考這個問題,那也意味著不相信。 但是,我們將繼續。 當我們繼續約翰福音時,會有一些重複的,那只是因為它是多麼重要。 但是,根基已經設定了。 我們知道 基督是誰,現在我們將看到我們必須做什麼。 我們在第一章的第一部分花了很多時間,主要是因為這裡的信息非常重要。現在我們明白了這些原則,我們現在可以開始移動快一點點了 下次我們聚在一起時,我們將會看約翰福音第一章15-18節。

Let’s pray.


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