Lesson #72 – 2/3/2018 講員:Kevin
Berg 翻譯:李翠雲傳道
2 Peter 1:4-5a – “By his
divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We
have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to
himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. 4And because of his
glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are
the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s
corruption caused by human desires. 5In view of all this, make every effort to
respond to God’s promises.”
彼得後書1:4-5a - 4因此,祂已將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,叫我們既脫離世上從情慾來的敗壞,就得與上帝的性情有分。 5正因這緣故,你們要分外地殷勤;
Last week we didn’t finish our
study of becoming the children of God from the moment of salvation. However,
this past week we lost our brother in Christ – Tim Battles. He had been
battling cancer for a while, and finally God called him home. A number of us
went to visit him in the hospital. Because of how positive he was, and because
of how he talked about other treatments, and how the doctors were going to try
different things, I didn’t think that he would go as fast as he did.
上個星期,我們沒有完成從接受救恩那一刻成為上帝兒女的學習。 然而,過去這一個禮拜,我們在失去了我們在基督裡的弟兄- 提姆·巴特爾斯。 他一直在和癌症對抗,最後上帝把他召回天家了。 我們當中的一些人去醫院看望了他。 由於他很正面,而且由於他談論了其他的治療,以及醫生會嘗試不同的東西,我並沒有想到他會走的那麼快。
We think that it would be good
to take some time to share how we feel about Tim’s passing. Does anyone have
anything that they would like to share?
我們認為花一些時間分享一下我們對提姆的過世的感想是有益的。 有沒有人有任何想與小組分享的?
When I was in Tim’s hospital
room we were talking about hospice care and I asked him if he had any concerns.
He said, no and he stated, “I am ready.” Someone else in the room said, “I am
ready too.” And, then, unfortunately, another person in the room said, “I am
not ready.” But, it isn’t a bad thing for us to think about it for ourselves;
it isn’t a bad thing to contemplate. We should each ask ourselves, “Am I
ready?” And, it doesn’t mean that we want to die right now, it means that
whenever God decides to take us home that we are ready to go, whenever it
occurs; whether it is in a few weeks, or if it is 50 years from now. But, how
do we get to that point? How can we be like Tim in the face of death and say,
“I am ready”? Any thoughts?
當我在提姆的病房時,我們正好在談論臨終關懷,我問他是否有任何疑慮。 他說,不,他說:“我準備好了。”房間裡有其他一人說:“我也準備好了。”然後不幸的是房間裡的另一個人說:“我還沒準備好。”但是, 我們自己去想一下這不是一件壞事, 思考這不是一件壞事。 我們每個人都應該問自己:“我準備好了嗎?”而且,這並不意味著我們現在就想死,這意味著只要上帝決定把我們帶回家,我們準備好去,不論它什麼時候發生, 無論是在幾週內,還是在五十年後。 但是,我們如何達到這一點呢? 我們怎麼樣能夠像提姆一樣面對死亡時說:“我準備好了”? 有什麼想法嗎?
Does anyone know any bible
verses that can provide us with comfort in the time of death?
One that comes to mind for
many is 1 Corinthians 15:54,55, & 57:
54Then, when our dying bodies
have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will
be fulfilled:
“Death is swallowed up in
55O death, where is your
O death, where is your sting?”
(Hos 13:14)
57But thank God! He gives us
victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Is there encouragement in
these words for you? Would anyone else like to share any bible verses that can
lead us to the point of saying, “I am ready”?
這些話有沒有給你鼓勵呢? 誰要分享任何聖經經文,可以引導我們到達說“我準備好了”的地步?
Another one that comes to mind
for many is Romans 8:38-39:
38For I am sure that neither
death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come,
nor powers, 39nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
38因為我深信無論是死,是生,是天使,是掌權的,是有能的,是現在的事,是將來的事, 39是高處的,是低處的,是別的受造之物,都不能叫我們與神的愛隔絕;這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裏的。
John 11:25-27
25Jesus said to
her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me,
though he die, yet shall he live, 26and everyone who lives and believes
in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" 27She said to him,
"Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is
coming into the world."
25耶穌對她說:「復活在我,生命也在我。信我的人雖然死了,也必復活; 26凡活着信我的人必永遠不死。你信這話嗎?」 27馬大說:「主啊,是的,我信你是基督,是神的兒子,就是那要臨到世界的。」
Sometimes in the bible the
word “sleep” is used for death. This is because, as believers, death is like we
fall asleep, and then wake up in heaven. It is a transition; death is not the
end, it is just the beginning of our eternity with God.
有時在聖經中,“睡眠”一詞用於死亡。 這是因為,作為信徒,死亡就像我們入睡,然後在天上醒來。 這是一個過渡; 死亡不是終點,它只是我們與上帝永恆的開始。
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
13But we do not want you to be
uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as
others do who have no hope. 14For since we believe that Jesus died and
rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have
fallen asleep.
13論到睡了的人,我們不願意弟兄們不知道,恐怕你們憂傷,像那些沒有指望的人一樣。 14我們若信耶穌死而復活了,那已經在耶穌裏睡了的人,神也必將他們與耶穌一同帶來。
It should give us hope to
think that we will see Tim again. However, someone who has not believed in
Christ will never see Tim again. We can grieve at Tim’s passing, and that is
okay. He had hope, we can have hope, and we can have confidence. For the
unbeliever, there is no hope, and if we lose someone who has not believed in
the only Son of God, it is truly a tragedy and we grieve even more. An
unbeliever is not as comfortable as Tim was in the face of death; they have
nothing to look forward to; they have nothing but fear and uncertainty. This is
why, when the opportunity presents itself, we need to be able to communicate
the gospel / the good news of Jesus Christ.
它應該給我們盼望,我們會再次看到蒂姆。 然而,一個不相信基督的人再也見不到蒂姆了。 我們可以為蒂姆的逝世傷心,那沒關係。 他有盼望,我們可以有盼望,並且我們可以有信心。 對於不信的人來說,沒有盼望,如果我們失去了一個不信上帝獨生子的人,那真是一場悲劇,我們會更加悲傷。 一個不信的人不會像蒂姆面對死亡時那麼安然自在; 他們沒有什麼可期盼的; 他們只有恐懼和不確定。 這就是為什麼當機會出現時,我們需要能夠傳達福音/耶穌基督的好消息。
In response to a believer
saying to someone who was grieving that you will see them again in heaven, one
person said, “I don’t believe in heaven.” The good news is that you don’t need
to believe in heaven to go there; you must simply believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ. After you believe in Jesus Christ, then you can learn about what God
has for us, for all of eternity. Like we learned in Psalm 23:4 –
一位信徒對一個悲傷的人說,你會在天堂再次見到他們,這個人說:“我不相信天堂。”好消息是,你不需要相信有天堂才可以去那裡; 你只僅僅需要相信主耶穌基督。 當你相信耶穌基督之後,你就可以學習了解上帝為我們所預備的, 在永生的所有一切。 就像我們在詩篇23:4中所學到的 -
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Comfort in the face of death
is something that many people think is impossible, but it is not. With the
knowledge of what God has promised us in death, in understanding that death is
a transition, to recognize the hope we have in death, means that we can face it
with anticipation not fear.
面對死亡時的安逸是大多數人認為那是不可能的,但事實並非如此。 了解上帝在死亡中應許我們的東西,理解死亡是一個過渡,認知到我們在死亡時有盼望,意味著我們能以盼望面對它而不是恐懼。
We didn’t get to finish the
topic of being the children of God tonight, however we will finish that up next
Let’s pray.
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