Saturday, July 29, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第五十一課 - 使徒行傳16:32-34

Lesson #51 – 7/29/2017                                  講員:Kevin Berg      翻譯:Angie Berg

“This I recall to mind, therefore I have confidence. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions never fail. 23 they are renewed every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. 24 "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, therefore I will have confidence in Him." 25 The Lord is good to those who trust in Him, to those who wait for Him.” - Lamentations 3:21-25

耶利米哀歌3:21-25 - “21我想起這事, 心裏就有指望。22我們不致消滅,是出於耶和華諸般的慈愛;是因的憐憫不致斷絕。23每早晨,這都是新的;的誠實極其廣大!24我心裏說:耶和華是我的分,因此,我要仰望25凡等候耶和華,心裏尋求的,耶和華必施恩給

“For we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, and to those who are called according to a pre-determined plan.” - Romans 8:28

羅馬書8:28 - “28我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按旨意被召的人。”

“He who spared not His own son, but delivered Him up as a substitute for all of us, how will He not, with Him, freely give us all things.” – Romans 8:32

羅馬書8:32 – 32神既不愛惜自己的兒子,為我們眾人捨了,豈不也把萬物和他一同白白地賜給我們嗎?

“19And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:19

腓立比書4:19 – 19我的神必照榮耀的豐富,在基督耶穌裏,使你們一切所需用的都充足。

God is always faithful.


In the past we had people share their testimonies here. We are in Acts 16. In this passage of scripture there are two men who are in a situation where, when it is all done, they will also have an amazing testimony to share. The stories we have heard here, and this account in Acts 16, and many other people’s lives show that God is always faithful.

過去我們有人在這裏分享他們的見證。我們是在使徒行傳第十六章。在這段經節我們有兩個人處在一個狀況中, 在事情都過去後, 他們將有奇妙的見證可分享。 我們在這裏聽到的故事是紀錄在使徒行傳十六章,而許多其他人的生命都展現神總是信實的。

We have focused on Paul and Silas in Acts 16, but we have been introduced to another person in verse 27. We are not given his name; he is simply referred to as “the jailer”. The jailer was commanded to make sure that these two prisoners were “kept safely”, in verse 23. He had the duty, (and he took the responsibility seriously) to make sure these men didn’t escape.

我們在使徒行傳16章中重點關注在保羅和西拉,但我們已經在第27節介紹了另一個人。 這裏沒有給我們他的名字,他被簡稱為“獄卒”。 在第23節獄卒被命令確保這兩名囚犯 要“安全看管”。他有責任(而他也認真對待他的責任),以確保這些人不會逃跑。

The jailer witnessed Paul and Silas being thrown into the prison. He also witnessed the fact that they were praying and singing hymns the night that they were thrown into prison. It says that the other prisoners were listening, but inevitably the jailer was listening too.

獄卒見證了保羅和西拉被扔進監獄。 他還目睹了他們在被扔進監獄的那一天晚上禱告和唱讚美詩的事實。 這裏說道,其他囚犯正在聽,但不可避免地,獄卒也在聽。

After the earthquake the jailer woke up and panicked. The fact that he woke up meant that he had to sleep in the prison as well. If we think about it, it is possible that he works a lot and when not working he is with his family, as we will see in a little bit. It also seems as if he goes from not knowing much about Christ to accepting Christ as his Lord and savior.

地震過後,獄卒醒來,驚慌失措。 他醒來的意思是說,他也必須在監獄裡睡覺。 如果我們思考一下,他可能會工作很多,而且他不工作時他才在家和他的家人在一起,我們待會兒將會看到這一點。 似乎他也從不太了解基督到接受基督作為他的主和救主。

There is a bible verse that we have looked at before that says, “Seek, and you shall find.” (Matthew 7:7) I believe that this Jailer was seeking. He may not have known what or whom he was seeking, but God knew that he was seeking, and that he was open to the truth. If someone wants to know God, is seeking God, is positive to hearing the truth, then God promises to provide. God is always faithful.

我們以前看過的一個聖經經文,說:“尋找必尋見。”(馬太福音77)我相信這個獄卒正在尋求。 他可能不知道他正在尋找什麼或者是誰,但上帝知道他正在尋求,而且他對真理是開放的。 如果有人想認識上帝,正在尋求上帝,是積極的聽取真理,那麼上帝應許必供應。 上帝永遠是信實的。

When we first started in Acts 16, you may have had a hard time, and you may have been thinking, “What good could possibly come from this situation?” Or, “How could God turn these difficult circumstances into something that could glorify Him?” Well, we are about to find out.


Turn in your bibles to Acts 16:30. We looked at verses 30 and 31 last week, but let’s review briefly and then move on in this chapter to verse 32:

把你的聖經翻到使徒行傳1630節。我們上星期看了30 31節,當讓我們很簡短的回顧一下然後繼續看這章的32節。

“30Then he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" 31And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household." 32And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.”

30又領他們出來,說:「二位先生,我當怎樣行才可以得救?」 31他們說:「當信主耶穌,你和你一家都必得救。」 32他們就把主的道講給他和他全家的人聽。

In verse 32, what is “The word of the Lord” that Paul and Silas are speaking to the Jailer?


We looked at some verses in John chapter 3 last week, these verses also emphasized believing on the Lord for salvation. There is one additional passage in John that we should be familiar with: John 20:31:

我們上週在約翰福音第3章中看到了一些經文,這些經文也強調相信主的救恩。 在約翰福音中還有一個經句,我們應該很熟悉:約翰福音20:31

“31but these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life through his name.”


“These things are written.”  In this verse, it is specifically referring to what was written in the epistle of John, including some of the verses we saw last week. So, what things are written that would help someone to believe in Christ and have eternal life?

記這些事。”在這節經文中,它具體指的是約翰書信中寫的,包括我們上週看到的一些經文。 那麼記載了什麼東西可以幫助人相信基督並有永生呢?

There are many things written in the book of John that would lead someone to believe in Christ. If you simply state, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” As we saw in Acts 16 and verse 31, someone might ask, “Who is he? What did he do, who or what am I to believe in?” So, we see that both the book of John, and Paul and Silas provided additional information to the jailer, and as we see in verse 32 in Acts 16 also the people in the jailer’s household.

約翰福音中寫的許多事情會引領人相信基督。 如果你簡單地說:“相信主耶穌基督,你們必得救”。正如我們在使徒行傳16章和31節所看到的,有人會問:“他是誰? 他做了甚麼,誰或者什麼是我相信的呢?“所以,我們看到約翰福音和保羅和西拉都向獄卒提供了更多的信息,並且在獄卒家中的其他人,正如我們在使徒行傳1632節中所看到的。

The jailer was excited, he had been seeking, he had been trying different things in life but nothing was quite right. There was still something missing, until Paul and Silas came along. These guys were beaten, thrown into prison, and then singing hymns and praying, and then the earthquake hits, all the doors fly open, their bonds are released and they still don’t leave, even though the jailer was asleep! There was something different here, this could possibly be the thing that he was seeking, and when he heard the message of grace, and that it was available to everyone, it was too much. He had to include his family in this; they HAD to hear this! This was fantastic!

獄卒興奮的是,他一直在尋找,他一直在嘗試生活中的不同事物,但沒有什麼是對的。 仍然缺失某一些東西,直到保羅和西拉來了。 這些傢伙被毆打,被扔進監獄,然後唱詩讚美,禱告,然後地震,所有的門都飛開,他們的枷鎖被解開,即使獄卒睡著了,他們仍然不離開! 這裡有一些不同之處,這可能是他正在尋找的東西,當他聽到恩典的信息,而且這是大家都可以使用的,太豐盛了。 他不得不把他的家人包括在這裡; 他們一定要聽到這個信息! 這太棒了!

So, let’s go on and see what happens next: in verses 33-34.

“33Even at that hour of the night, the jailer cared for them and washed their wounds. Then he and everyone in his household were immediately baptized. 34He brought them into his house and set a meal before them, and he and his entire household rejoiced because they all believed in God.”

33當夜,就在那時候,禁卒把他們帶去,洗他們的傷;他和屬乎他的人立時都受了洗。 34於是禁卒領他們上自己家裏去,給他們擺上飯。他和全家,因為信了神,都很喜樂。

Yesterday, they were headed for the lake of fire. Now, they are all headed for an eternity with God in heaven. Do you think that this is a reason to rejoice? I am sure that this was a moment of joy for the jailer as his entire household just believed and were saved. But, this also must have been very rewarding for Paul and Silas. When they were first drug into the town square being accused of a crime that wasn’t a crime, I doubt if they had any idea that this could turn out like this. This is an excellent example of what Deuteronomy 23:5 means by God turning cursing into blessing.

昨天,他們是向著地獄的火湖前往的。 現在,他們是向著永生在天堂與神同在前往的。 你認為這是一個喜樂的原因嗎? 我相信,這是獄卒的喜樂時刻,因為他的整個家庭都相信並得救。 但是,對保羅和西拉來說,這也一定是非常有獲得的。 當他們第一次進入鎮的廣場被指控犯罪的罪名時,我懷疑他們是否有任何想法,結果可能是這樣的。 這就是申命記235所意味的上帝將詛咒變成祝福很好的例子。

I have heard of people who have given the gospel to a person or to a group, and the things that came of it were beyond what they ever imagined. I am sure you have as well. I could tell you some very encouraging stories, but if something comes to your mind, maybe you would like to share it with the group tonight. Let’s not use any names, so that we can protect people’s privacy; And let’s not use any accounts of people who are a part of this group. This is for sharing something from the past, if you would like to. Anyone?

我聽說有人向一個人或一個團體傳福音,而事情超出了他們所能想像的那樣。 我相信你也一樣。 我可以告訴你一些非常令人鼓舞的故事,但是如果你心裏想到有什麼事情,也許你想和小組分享。 我們不用任何名字,以保護人們的隱私; 讓我們不要使用任何屬於這個群組的人的名字。 這是為了分享過去的事情,如果你願意的話。 有沒有任何人要分享?

Do you think that the Holy Spirit was at work in this account in Acts chapter 16? Can you see that Paul and Silas had to:
11.     Trust in God.
22.     Keep their eyes on God, not on themselves.
33.     Leave the circumstances in His hands.

你認為聖靈在使徒行傳第16章的這個紀錄中動工嗎? 你能看到保羅和西拉必須:
1. 信靠上帝
2. 定睛在神,而不在於自己。
3. 把情況交託在祂手裡。

However, what else did Paul and Silas have to “do”? They had to be prepared. God uses prepared people. God used Paul and Silas because when the jailer asked them what must he do to be saved, they had the answer. They were prepared to not only answer the question, but also to speak the word of the Lord to him and his household. They had spent hours sitting right where you are right now. They spent time preparing to serve the Lord, and to glorify the Lord. They knew passages of scripture by heart. They knew the concepts of scripture by heart. And, they knew our Lord Jesus Christ, and what he taught.

然而,還有什麼是保羅和西拉必需做得呢? 他們必須做好準備。 上帝使用準備好的人。 上帝使用保羅和西拉,因為獄卒問他們他必需要做什麼才能得救,他們已經有答案。 他們準備不僅回答這個問題,還要對他和他的家人說主的話語。 他們花了好多小時坐在你現在的地方。 他們花時間準備來服事主,並榮耀主。 他們心中知道經文的段落。 他們心裡知道經文的概念。 他們知道我們的主耶穌基督,和他所教導的。

Can anyone here recite a passage of scripture that relates to the gospel of Jesus Christ? It doesn’t have to be exact, although when you memorize scripture that is the goal. Just shout it out if you know one. Acts 16:31 is a good one to begin with.  Certain verses will sound a little different because of the word order or the specific words used, but it is the concept of the verse that is important. John 3:16 is a good example. It may sound a little different, but the concept is the same and the message that gets through is the same.

在這裏有沒有任何人可以背誦與耶穌基督的福音相關的經文呢? 它不一定是精確的,雖然那是當你在記憶經文時的目標。 如果你知道一個,就大聲說出來。 使徒行傳16:31是一個很好的開始。 某些經文聽起來有點不一樣,因為字的次序不同或使用的具體的單詞不同,但它重要的是經文的概念。 約翰福音3:16是一個很好的例子。 聽起來有點不同,但概念是一樣的,傳遞的信息是一樣的。

The surprises aren’t over in Acts 16, we have one more account, that is quite interesting, to look at. But, we are out of time tonight, so we will go on to verse 35 next week.

使徒行傳16章中的驚喜還沒有結束,我們還有一個紀錄要看,這是非常有趣的。 但是,今天晚上我們已經時間不夠了,所以我們下週會繼續看35節。

Let’s pray.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第五十課 - 使徒行傳16:27-32

Lesson #50 – 7/22/2017                                  講員:Kevin Berg      翻譯:Angie Berg

We have done something while we have gone through this passage of scripture, in Acts 16: We have tried to come up with what Paul and Silas could have been thinking while going through these circumstances that they have found themselves in. The passage didn’t give us all of the details, so we had to read between the lines a little, using what we did have in the passage to draw some conclusions. Why would we do this? One obvious reason is to make us think. But, the main reason is that when we are faced with our own difficult situations we don’t know how to go from the situation to the solution. Here in Acts 16 we see the solution, but we need to know how to get to the solution; we have to compare scripture with scripture to get the whole picture.

在使徒行傳16章中,我們經歷了這段經文,我們已經做了一些試圖想出保羅和西拉在經歷這些情況下可能會想到的一切事情。 這段經文沒有給我們所有的細節,所以我們不得不在字裏行間讀出一點端倪,使用我們在經文中所有的做出結論。 為什麼我們這樣做呢? 一個很明顯的原因就是要讓我們思考。 但是,主要原因是當我們面對自己的困境時,我們不知道如何從困境走向解決的辦法。 在使徒行傳16章中,我們看到了解決的辦法,但是我們需要知道如何解決問題; 我們必須比較經文與經文,以獲得整體情況。

We have taken our time through this passage of scripture, for this very reason. It doesn’t take long to read through this passage of scripture. And, after we have read through it, we have a pretty good idea of what happened. But, the purpose here has been to really look at the account closely; to think about it, to contemplate it, to drill down into it, and to actually study it. It is easy to read through it, but I hope that you agree that we wouldn’t have gotten as much out of it that way. We want it to be applicable to us right now, we want to learn from it, and not just have it be a nice story.

就是由於這個原因,我們已經花了相當的時間讀過這段經文。 讀這段經文不需要很長時間。 而且,在我們讀之後,我們對發生了什麼有一個很好的了解。 但是,這裡的目的是真正地關注這個紀錄; 思想它,思考它,深思熟慮地探討,並實際研究它。 雖然讀是很容易的,但我希望你們贊同如此的話我們不會得到那麼多。 我們希望的是現在就能適用於我們,我們想從中學習,而不僅僅只是當作是一個很好的故事而已。

The thing about this passage is that it allows us to use what we have already learned. It doesn’t give us all the answers, but many of the answers have already been given to us in prior lessons. It helps us to review and remember.

關於這段經文的主要事情就是,它允許我們使用我們已經學習到的東西。 它沒有給我們所有的答案,但是許多答案已經在以前的課程中給了我們。 它有助於我們審和牢牢的記住。

One topic that we learned about in the past was prayer. We spent a number of hours on the topic of prayer. And, when Paul and Silas were in prison one of the things they did was pray. When we first learned about prayer, we had to think, and we had to concentrate on what we were learning. Now, when the topic of prayer comes up again, we have to think and concentrate again to recall those things we learned.

過去我們學到的一個主題是禱告。 我們花了好幾個小時在禱告的主題上。 而保羅和西拉在監獄裡,他們所做的一件事就是祈禱。 當我們第一次學習禱告時,我們不得不思考,我們不得不專注於我們正在學習的東西。 現在,當禱告的主題再次出現時,我們必須再思考和集中精力來回憶起我們所學過的東西。

So, we could ask the question, “What were Paul & Silas praying about while they were in prison?” However, as with other things, we don’t know, the text does not tell us. But, a better question would be, “What would we be praying about if we were in their shoes?” Then it helps for us to remember the topic of prayer. Can anyone remember the different areas of prayer that we studied? One area is Thanksgiving. Let’s quickly review the different areas of prayer that the bible teaches.

所以,我們可以問一個問題:“保羅和西拉在監獄裡祈禱什麼?”但是,與其他事情一樣,我們不知道,經文中並沒有告訴我們。 但是,一個更好的問題是,“如果我們在同樣的情況裡,我們會為什麼禱告呢?”那麽,這有助於我們記起禱告的主題。 有沒有人記得我們學習過的禱告的不同部份? 感恩是其中之一。 讓我們快速回顧一下聖經所教導的禱告不同的部份。

Paul was an apostle, he was taught by many different people, and some of them were taught directly by our Lord. We can assume that since he wrote more New Testament books than anyone else, that he knew a thing or two about prayer. So, a quick review, before we go on. Prayer can have a number of different sections to it:

.   .     Thanksgiving / praise.
2.     Prayer for others, called intercessory prayer. This may also include prayer for ministries.
3.     Prayer for guidance. Also, God’s will to be done.
4.     Prayer for yourself.

保羅是使徒,他是由許多不同的人教導的,其中一些是由我們的主直接教導的。 我們可以假設,由於他寫了比任何人更多的新約書信,他應該知道一兩件關於禱告的事。 所以,我們繼續之前,快速回顧一下 禱告可以有許多不同的部分:
1. 感恩/讚美
2. 為別人禱告,稱之為代禱。 這也可能包括為使命為事工禱告。
3. 祈禱指引。 此外,神的旨意成全。
4. 為自己禱告

So, do you think that the only prayer that Paul & Silas prayed was, “God help us! Get us out of these terrible circumstances.”?

那麼,你認為保羅和西拉的禱告只有禱告就是“上帝幫助我們! 讓我們離這些可怕的情況嗎?”

We can assume that they had other prayers. That they were thinking of something other than their own situation. We can be confident that they were asking God to show them why they were there. They surely were praying for guidance. They may have been praying for the other prisoners. They may have asked to be shown how they could minister to these people. 

我們可以假設他們有其他的禱告。 他們在思考自己的景況。 我們可以相信他們要求上帝告訴他們為什麼他們在那裡。 他們當然正在祈禱指引。 他們可能為其他囚犯禱告。 他們可能會要神求向他們展示如何為這些人服事。

Something happened earlier, in Acts chapter 4, that sounds quite similar to what we are studying now, and it gives us insight into what is going on in Paul and Silas’ minds. In Acts 4:27-31, it says:

在“使徒行傳”第四章中更早發生的事情,聽起來和我們現在正在學習的非常相似,它讓我們深入了解保羅和西拉的心情。 在使徒行傳427-31,它

“27In fact, this has happened here in this very city! For Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate the governor, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel were all united against Jesus, your holy servant, whom you anointed. 28But everything they did was determined beforehand according to your will. 29And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. 30Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus. 31After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.”

“27  希律本丟彼拉多,外邦人和以色列民,果然在這城裏聚集,要攻打你所膏的聖僕#僕:或譯子耶穌, 28成就你手和你意旨所預定必有的事。 29-30他們恐嚇我們,現在求主鑒察,一面叫你僕人大放膽量講你的道,一面伸出你的手來醫治疾病,並且使神蹟奇事因着你聖僕#僕:或譯子耶穌的名行出來。」 31禱告完了,聚會的地方震動,他們就都被聖靈充滿,放膽講論神的道。

Sound familiar? It is very possible that the prayers of Paul and Silas were quite similar to this prayer, “Father, give us great boldness in preaching your Word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.” Not too far fetched is it?

聽起來很熟悉吧? 保羅和西拉的禱告很可能與這個禱告非常相似,“父神啊!賜給我們大膽的宣講你的話語。 奉主耶穌的名,我們禱告。 阿門,“不是很牽強吧?”

Okay, let’s move on. We have recently had an earthquake in the prison in Acts 16; all the doors were opened, all the chains were released.

好的,我們繼續吧。 我們最近在使徒行傳16章看到在監獄裡發生地震。 所有的門被打開,所有的鎖鏈被斷開。

Let’s see what happens next, in verse 27 & 28. Did they pass the test, did they escape while they had the chance? Let’s read it.

我們來看看接下來發生什麼,在2728節。他們通過了試驗嗎?他們有機會逃跑嗎? 我們來看看吧!

“27When the jailer woke and saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. 28But Paul cried with a loud voice, "Do not harm yourself, for we are all here." 

27禁卒一醒,看見監門全開,以為囚犯已經逃走,就拔刀要自殺。 28保羅大聲呼叫:「不要傷害自己!我們都在這。」”

Let’s think about something. Did Paul and Silas do the right thing? Did they make the right decision to stay put? What does it take to do the right thing? By being a good example, do you think that they were a positive influence on the other prisoners?

讓我們來思考一下。 保羅和西拉做了正確的事嗎? 他們做出了正確的決定嗎? 做正確的事情需要做些什麼? 作為一個很好的例子,你認為他們對其他囚犯有正面的影響嗎?

I love the phrase, “supposing that the prisoners had escaped.” It is exactly what the general consensus was last week. He assumed, like we did, that the normal response was for all of the prisoners to leave when they had the opportunity to. But, isn’t it amazing that they didn’t? Do these men show that they had integrity and honor?

我喜歡這個句子,“假設囚犯逃了”,這正是上週我們普遍的共識。 他(獄卒)像我們一樣假設,正當回應是所有的囚犯有機會都會離開。 但是,是否很訝異他們沒有離開呢? 這兩人是否表現出誠信德行和尊嚴?

Let’s go on to verse 29:

“29And the jailer called for lights and rushed in, and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas.”

What is the jailer saying by his actions? Do you get a sense of appreciation? Do you think he is thankful for the decision that they made? Do you think that doing the right thing has an effect on other people? Are these two men good ambassadors for Christ Jesus? This is obviously an amazing testimony. Let’s see what happens next – the jailer has a question in verse 30:

的行為明了什麼? 你有感覺得到感激嗎? 你認為他感激他們做出的決定嗎? 你認為做正確的事情對其他人有影響嗎? 這兩個人是否是基督耶穌的大使? 這顯然是一個了不起的見證。 讓我們看看接下來會發生什麼 - 獄卒在30節有一個問題:

“30 Then he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"”

Hold your place in Acts 16, and turn in your bible to John chapter 3. If someone asked you this question, "Sirs (or Madame), what must I do to be saved?" and you didn’t have your bible with you, what would you say? A Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus had the same question at the beginning of John chapter 3, and Jesus answered it for him. Let’s start at the end and work our way back by looking at John 3:36, first:

保留使徒行傳16章,把你的聖經翻到約翰福音章第3章。如果有人問你這個問題,“先生(或夫人),我該怎麼辦才能得救? 你沒有你的聖經在身邊,你會什麼? 一個叫尼哥底母的法利賽人, 在約翰福音第3章的開頭有同樣的問題,耶穌回答他 讓我們從最後開始看回頭,先看約翰福音3:36

“36Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”


Then John 3:17&18:

“17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.  18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

“17因為神差他的兒子降世,不是要定世人的罪#或譯:審判世人;下同,乃是要叫世人因他得救。 18信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已經定了,因為他不信神獨生子的名。

Now, we can look at the most famous verse of them all. The verse that many have memorized, John 3:16:

現在,我們看看所有的最著名的經句 這是許多人都會背誦的經文在約翰福音3:16

“16"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”


Let’s go back to Acts 16, and verses 31 & 32 to wrap it up for this evening:

31And they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household." 32And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.

“31他們:「當信主耶穌,你和你一家都必得救。」 32他們就把主的道講給他和他全家的人聽。

I believe at this point that Paul & Silas’ prayers were answered. God has made it clear to them why they are there. They did do the right thing, and here is the result.

我相信在這時候,保羅和西拉的禱告得到了回答。 上帝已經顯明他們為什麼在那裡。 他們做了正確的事情,這是結果。

Is this the answer we would have given if someone asked us this question? It is clear, hopefully there is no confusion. They didn’t mince their words. We have all had a chance in our lives to obey this, and I am confident that everyone here tonight has done just that. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. This promises eternity with God, and eternity in heaven. Quite a pivotal set of passages of scripture.

如果有人問我們這個問題,我們會給出答案嗎? 很明顯,希望沒有困惑。 他們沒有說得不清不楚 我們都有機會在我們的生命中遵守這一點,我相信今天晚上的每個人都這樣做了。 相信主耶穌基督,你必得救。 這應許永生和上帝一起,永生在天堂。 非常關鍵性的一些經文。

Paul and Silas made a good decision, but not nearly as good of a decision as the decision to believe in Christ, which has eternal ramifications. And it is critical to note that God allows us to make the decision; we can accept Christ for who he is or we can reject him and say that we don’t believe. It is up to us and we either reap the benefits, or suffer the consequences.

保羅和西拉做出了一個很好的決定,但不如決定相信基督的決定那樣好,因為基督是據有永恆的後果。 請注意上帝允許我們作決定是至關重要的。 我們可以接受基督為著他是誰,或者我們可以拒他,我們不相信。 這取決於我們,我們要么收穫好處,要么遭受後果。

Next week we will continue on in Acts 16.

Let’s pray.