Saturday, December 16, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第六十二課 約翰福音1章1節

Lesson #62 – 11/25/2017                                講員:Kevin Berg   翻譯:Angie Berg

“28Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."~Matthew 11:28-30

28凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。 29我心裏柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式;這樣,你們心裏就必得享安息。 30因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的。」~馬太福音11:28-30

I would guess that most everyone here has experienced the process of dating in the past. If we were to share our experiences with dating some stories would probably make us cry and some stories would make us laugh. However, I want you to remember why you went through the process of dating, no matter how painful it was. Think about why you went through dating. We were all looking for someone who was compatible with us; or possibly . Maybe we were looking for a companion. Whatever we thought we wanted, the bottom line was that we were looking for a relationship.

我猜想,這裡的大多數人過去都經歷了戀愛約會過程。 如果我們要分享我們約會的經歷,有些故事可能會讓我們哭,有些故事會讓我們笑。 但是,我想讓你記住為什麼你經歷了約會的過程,不管它有多痛苦。 想想為什麼你經歷了約會。 我們都在尋找一個與我們相配的人。 或者可能有人能使的我們完整 也許我們在尋找一個伴侶。 無論我們認為我們想要什麼,底線是我們在尋找一種關係。

The problem with dating is that it wasn’t always so great. We have all had experiences where we had a first date that was a disaster; where we couldn’t get away from the experience fast enough. We also probably had situations where it never got to the first date because there just wasn’t enough interest to even try a first date. However, those weren’t the situations that were really a problem. A much larger problem was the relationships we had that lasted a while, and later on we realized that it wouldn’t or couldn’t go any further. We may have gotten hurt, or we may have regretted wasting all that time for the relationship to just fizzle out. We learned that what we thought would fill that void in our life actually didn’t. We were left with disappointment; afterwards we may have had to go back to dating and start again; even though we didn’t want to.

約會的問題是,它並不總是那麼好。 我們都有過遇到第一次約會是災難的經歷, 我們無法快速擺這種經歷。 我們也可能有一些情況,就是連達到第一次約會都沒有,因為沒有足的興趣,甚至去嘗試第一次的約會。 但是,這些情況並不是真正的問題。 一個更大的問題是我們之間的關係持續了一段時間,後來我們意識到,它不會或不能再進一步。 我們可能會受到傷害,否則我們可能會後悔一直在浪費時間在終將熄滅的關係中。 我們了解到,我們認為填補我們生活中的空白實際上並沒有。 我們失望了, 之後我們可能不得不回到約會的過程,重新開始; 即使是我們不想要。

However, the good thing is that some of our dating worked out in the end. We actually found what we were looking for, even if we didn’t know what we were looking for. We found a relationship that could actually last, it lead to some great times, and times of getting to know each other. As we got to know this one special person, it wasn’t like before, it actually lead us to grow closer, and it didn’t lead to greater and greater disappointment. Following this, there was an engagement, and finally it lead to marriage.

然而,好的事情是,我們的一些約會最終成正果。 我們確實找到了我們正在尋找的,即使我們不知道我們在找什麼東西。 我們找到了一個可以持續的關係,這會導致一些美好的時,以及開始了解彼此的時刻。 當我們認識這個特別的人時候,就不像以前那樣,實際上導致我們越來越親近,也沒有導致越來越大的失望。 接著在此之後,有訂婚,最後導致婚姻。

So, right after the wedding, we knew the other person perfectly because of the dating process, right? We knew everything we needed to know, and there wouldn’t be any surprises after marriage, correct? As we all know, the process of getting to know someone starts while we are dating, but it isn’t complete just because we have said, “I do.” The process of getting to know each other continues.

所以,婚禮之後,因為約會過程我們完全了解對方,對吧? 我們知道我們需要知道的一切,結婚後不會有什麼驚喜,對嗎? 眾所周知,在我們約會的過程中,開始認識某個人的過程只是開始,但只因為我們已經過,“我願意”,這個過程還並不完整。相互認識彼此的過程還在繼續進行中。

We have made a commitment to stay together no matter what, however some things may come up after we are married. We have all heard the statement, “If I knew that about you before we married … hmmm.” And, hopefully it is followed with, “I would have married you anyway.”

我們已經做出了一個無論如何都會在一起的承諾,但是我們結婚後可能會出現一些事情。 我們都聽到了這樣的法:“如果我在結婚之前就知道你的話......。”而且,希望隨之而來的是,“無論如何,我還是會和你結婚的(我還是會嫁給你,我還是會娶妳)。

A true, lasting, long-term relationship takes time. Do you think that a couple that has been married 50 years knows each other better than someone who has been married 5 years? The real answer is, “it depends”. If the couple who has been married for 50 year rarely talked, rarely shared anything with each other, and who rarely asked questions of each other maybe got to the end of the 50 years not knowing each other much better than after the first couple of years. If the couple who was married 5 years had spent a lot of time together exploring things in life, who talked and shared intimate things with one another, they actually may be closer, and know each other better than the couple that has been married 50 years.

一個真實,持久的長期關係需要時間。 你認為已經結婚50年的夫妻比結婚5年的人彼此更認識對方嗎? 真正的答案是“看情況而定”。 如果結婚五十年的夫妻很少話,很少分享一些東西,很少有人問彼此問題,也許到了五十年之後,還不如起初那些年認識對方多呢! 如果結婚五年的夫妻花了很多時間在一起探索生活中的事情,彼此交談和分享親密的事情,那麼他們實際上可能會更親近一些,並且比已婚50年的夫妻更了解對方。

Relationships take time. Relationships take interest. Relationships between two people are not necessarily fun and games all of the time, and they are never perfect. Sometimes it is good to keep a little mystery in a relationship, and sometimes it is not. When we make a promise at our wedding to stick with it until death does us part, it means that we will have to endure some things; we will have to make the effort to work out some problems. There will be good times and there will be difficult times. There will be quiet times, and there will be times when the talking doesn’t stop until the topic has been discussed in every intimate detail. There will be things that come up from the past that you didn’t know about. A common thing to hear is, “Why didn’t you tell me about that before.” And, it is legitimate to say, “Well, it never came up.” Or, “I didn’t think that it was important.” However, in the end, hopefully for all of us, it is so much better than the disasters we experienced during the dating process, before we met our spouse. I would think that you would not want to go back to that, even during times when we experience stress and turmoil in our marriage.

關係需要時間。關係需要有興趣。兩個人之間的關係不一定總是有樂趣和玩耍,而且也不是完美的。有時在一段關係中保持一點神秘感是有益的,有時卻不是。當我們在婚禮上作出承諾時,要堅持到死才使我們分開,這意味著我們將不得不忍受一些事情; 我們將不得不努力解決一些問題。會有美好的時候,會有困難的時候。會有安靜的時候,有些時候會交談不停,直到話題每個細 節都討論了 。有時會出現一些你不知道的前塵往事。一個常見的事情是,“你為什麼沒有告訴我以前的事情呢?”而且,,它從來沒有提到啊!”是合理的。或者,“我認為這並不重要。但是,最後,希望對我們所有人來,這比在我們遇見我們的配偶之前的約會過程中遇到的災難要好得多了。我認為即使是在我們婚姻中經歷了壓力和動蕩的時候,你也不想回到那個景況。

As probably some of you have already figured out, this is an analogy to the spiritual life. Each step that we have just discussed relates to our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Before we know our Lord we have been searching for something to satisfy us in life. We had some disasters that we identified quickly, and we had stuck with some things too long that we finally discovered were not going to fill the void in our life. Like the analogy of dating we may have looked to other things for answers in life: some turn to alcohol or drugs, some think sex will solve everything, some become workaholics chasing money, or even others look to leisure or entertainment to satisfy what is missing in their life.  Cars, travel, speed, motorcycles, extreme sports, or becoming an adrenaline junky – all may bring stimulation, but don’t last, and can leave us feeling like there must be more. There are so many different directions our lives can take, so many distractions. But, let me caution you, some of these things are bad and sinful, but others are only a problem if we place our hope in them, in of themselves something like a car isn’t a problem at all, even if it is a nice car. It is only if they become an obsession or we think that they will solve our problems and satisfy us, that they become like a bad dating situation, like in this analogy.

也許你們中有些人已經知道了,這就是屬靈生活的一個比。我們剛剛討論的每一步都與我們與主耶穌基督的關係有關。在我們認識我們的主之前,我們一直在尋找一些東西來滿足我們的生命。我們遇到了一些我們很快就發現的災難,而且有些事情我們陷入了太長時間,最終發現我們並沒有填補我們生命中的空白。就像約會的比,我們可能已經在尋找其他的東西來尋求生命的答案:有些人轉向是酒精或毒品,有些人認為性愛會解決所有問題,有些人會變成追求金錢的工作狂,甚至有些人會尋找閒暇或樂來滿足在他們的生命中缺少的東西。汽車,旅遊,速度,摩托車,極限運動,或成為一個腎上腺素的癮君子 - 都可能帶來刺激,但不會持久,可以讓我們感覺就像一定還有更多。我們的生命可以有很多不同的方向,如此多的分心。但是,讓我告誡你們,這些東西中的一些是壞的和有罪的,但是如果我們把希望寄託在他們身上,其他的只是一個問題,而像汽車這樣的東西本身就不是一個問題,即使它是一個好車。只有當他們成為痴迷,或者我們認為他們解決我們的問題和滿足我們的時候,他們就像這個比變得像個糟糕的約會的情況一樣。

When we first heard about Jesus Christ we may not have known how great a relationship could have with him. We may have been skeptical. We needed to learn more, we needed to ask questions; we needed to get more information before we could make a decision. Could this be who and what I have been looking for? Am I going down a road that will just lead to disappointment again? Is this really true? We may have needed to spend more time before we made a commitment.

當我們第一次聽到耶穌基督的時候,我們可能不知道與他可以有多麼美好的關係。 我們可能一直懷疑。 我們需要學習更多,我們需要提問; 我們需要得到更多的信息才能做出決定。 難道這就是那位和我一直在尋找的嗎? 我是否會走上一條只會導致失望的道路? 這是真的嗎? 我們可能需要花更多時間才能作出承諾委身。

Just like the serious decision to finally get married, it is a serious decision to accept Christ as our savior.  When we accept Christ it is just like saying, “I do” during a wedding ceremony. We finally realize that he is the real deal. The void in our life can finally be filled. This person, the unique person of Jesus Christ, is the one, so we said yes. We knew a little about him, enough to decide to accept the free gift he offered. But, like getting married, there are some things we still don’t know about him. At this point we have to make a decision, “Do I want to get to know him better?” Maybe we think that we know him well enough. Maybe we are satisfied and we say, “Okay, that is taken care of, I’ll see you in heaven; but for now I am going to go back and live my life as I want to live it.” If we do that it is like the old couple that have been married for 50 years, but hardly know each other, because they didn’t take the time to continue to get to know each other.


We can be Christians for decades and not know Christ very well. Or, we can be Christians for a half a decade and know our Lord quite well. We can be interested in knowing him better; we can be learning what he has for us, and what he has done for us. We can be growing in our knowledge of our Lord. We can be developing a relationship with him that is close and intimate, and we can continue to seek more.

我們可以成為基督徒幾十年了,而不是很瞭解基督。 或者,我們可以成為基督徒半個世紀了,相當了解我們的主。 我們可以有興趣更加地認識他; 我們可以學習他我們的一切,以及他為我們所做的一切。 我們可以憑著對主的認識而成長。 我們可以發展與親近的親密關係,我們可以繼續尋求更多。

From this analogy, we know the difference: We have to work at it, and spend time to develop this relationship. We can’t get discouraged. We have to be interested and motivated. You might have questions, and it may take time for them to be answered. We may learning about A, but have questions about C, but they won’t be answered until we get through both A and B. Only then will the understanding come, and things make sense. Also, in some cases, it may take something being repeated multiple times before we get it.

從這個比,我們知道不同之處:我們必須努力,花時間來發展這種關係。 我們不能灰心。 我們必須有興趣和動力。 您可能有疑問,可能需要一段時間才能得到答覆。 我們可能會學習A,但對C有疑問,但是在我們完成AB之前,他們不會得到答覆。只有這樣,理解才會來臨,事情才合理。 而且,在某些情況下,可能需要重複多次才能領悟得到。

Some spouses have had frustration and they have said, “I have told you that so many times, why don’t you understand?” It may be the same with getting to know God and His Word. There are certain things we get right away, however there are some things that just don’t click in the beginning. Stick with it, and I guarantee that if you are patient that it will come through. Don’t expect to get all the answers at once, and especially not in one night. Be assured that it is worth putting the time into this relationship. Marriage is worth spending time on; it can lead to the closest relationship between two people that there is; and developing your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is also worth spending time on. The reality is that our relationship with God, with our Lord Jesus Christ, is a relationship that is for all of eternity.

有些配偶有挫敗感,他們:“我已經告訴過你很多次了,為什麼你不明白?”認識上帝和的話語也許是一樣的。 有一些東西我們馬上明白了,但有些東西在開始時就是無法理解 堅持下去,我保證,如果你有耐心,會獲得明白的。 不要期望一次就得到所有的答案,特別是不會在一個晚上就得到。 請放心,這是得花時間在這種關係上的。婚姻得花時間的; 它可以導致兩個人之間最親密的關係; 發展與主耶穌基督的關係也得花時間。 現實是,我們與上帝,我們的主耶穌基督的關係,是永恆的關係。

One of the things that is critically important in a marriage relationship is to be like-minded. When people speak of drifting apart in a relationship it is often due to a difference in thinking. Priorities may become different, or motivation and direction in life may become different. For a believer who is on fire for the Lord to be married to an unbeliever is the furthest from being like-minded that a couple can be; and that is why God forbids it. Not being like-minded can lead to despair and loneliness in marriage.

在婚姻關係中至關重要的事情之一就是要有意念相同。 當人們談到在一段關係中漸行漸遠時,往往是由於思想上的差異。 優先次序可能會變得不同,或者生命中的動機和方向可能會變得不同。 因為一個為主發熱心的信徒與一個不信的人結婚,是一對夫婦意念想法相離的最遠的; 這就是為什麼上帝禁止它的原因。 不相似會導致婚姻中的望和孤獨。

The point is that we are about to embark on a journey of getting to know our Lord. And, we can become like-minded with Christ through his Word. The Word of God is the thinking of Christ. As we come to know it we can also think like him; we can renovate our thinking by learning the absolute truth found in the bible. We are going to assume that we have all said, “I do” to Jesus Christ. We are committed. Now is the time to discover to whom we are committed to. We also will find out what actually happened when we said, “I do.” We will discover some close personal, intimate things about him. Some things we may have heard before and we understand. However, some things we may not have been taught before, and they may be difficult to understand. There may even be some surprises and some mysteries revealed. However, it will take time; and it will take interest and motivation for us all. It will be a journey, but a journey we will take together. Be patient. Just as it takes time to get to know the people we are close to, it will take time to get to know our Lord, and his thinking. And, this journey will begin for us in John chapter 1 and verse 1.


Turn in your bibles to John 1:1


Right from the beginning of this study we are going to see something that is definitely not obvious. We are only going to look at the first three words of this verse. This first phrase is something that we will have to analyze a little to understand. The first phrase of this book sounds like a similar phrase in the bible, which may sound familiar:

這個學習一開始,我們將看到一些對不明顯的事情。 我們只會看這節經文的前三個字。 這第一句話是我們必須分析一下才能理解的。 這本書的第一句話聽起來像聖經中的一個類似的短句,聽起來很熟悉:

John 1:1 - “In the beginning”

Does anyone recognize this from another part of the bible? Keep you finger in John 1:1 and turn to Genesis 1:1 In the English we have the exact same phrase. Is it the same in the Chinese? Hebrews 1:10, and John 1:2 both contain this phrase as well.

有沒有人從聖經的另一部分認出來這一句? 保持你的手指在約翰福音11,並翻到創世記11在英語中我們有完全相同的短語。 中文也一樣嗎? 希伯來書1:10,約翰福音12也都包含這句話。

Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning”

Hebrews 1:10-12 says:
“10And, "You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; 11 they will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment, 12 like a robe you will roll them up, like a garment they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will have no end."


Even though the words “In the beginning” looks the same in these verses, they have different meanings. One relates to the creator, and one relates to what the creator creates. Hebrews 1:12 gives us a good hint as to where the differences are in these verses. However, it will take more time than we have tonight to get into it in the detail required to understand it fully. So, we will have to start here next week.

儘管這些經文中的“起初”這兩個字看起來是一樣的,但它們卻有不同的含義。 一個涉及造物主,一個涉及造物主的創作。 希伯來書1:12給了我們很好的暗示這些經文的區別在哪裡。 然而, 需要今天晚上更多的時間來詳細了解它所需要的細節。 所以,我們下週必需從這裡開始。

Let’s pray.


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