Saturday, December 16, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第六十三課 約翰福音1章1-3節 (上)

Lesson #63 – 12/2/2017                                  講員:Kevin Berg   翻譯:Angie Berg

 “10And, You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; 11 they will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment, 12 like a robe you will roll them up, like a garment they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will have no end." ~Hebrews 1:10-12


Last week we barely started the gospel of John. We looked at just the beginning phrase found in John 1:1. We looked at the first three words, “In the beginning.” We contrasted it to the first three words in Genesis 1:1, which are the same three words. However, we made the statement that they had different meanings. I was wondering if anyone had a problem with this statement? Did anyone feel that if the words are the same, that certainly the meaning must be the same too?

上週我們幾乎沒有開始約翰的福音。 我們只看了約翰福音11中的開頭。 我們看了前三個字:“太初(起初)”。我們把它與創世記11中的前三個字相對比,這也是一樣的三個字。 但是,我們聲明他們有不同的含義。 我想知道這個聲明是否有人有問題? 有沒有人覺得如果這兩個字是一樣的,那當然意思也一樣呢?

The reason I ask is because it was difficult for me when I first learned about this verse. It didn’t make sense to me. Verse 1 goes on to say: “In the beginning was the Word.” There are various versions of the bible in English, and there is one version that expands this sentence a little, and it says:

我問的原因是,當我第一次得知這節經文時,對我來很難。 這對我沒有意義。 1節繼續:“太初有道。”聖經有各種的英文版本,有一個版本擴展了這個句子,它

“1In the beginning the Word already existed.”

In Genesis 1:1, it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

And, obviously, if God did the creating, he already existed when the heavens and the earth were created. But, in John 1:1, a better way to look at it is to say in the beginning, which actually wasn’t a beginning … the Word existed. This refers to the fact that there was never a time when God didn’t exist (He is all present.  He exists forever. )  He has no beginning and He will have no end. It refers to eternity past. The problem is that there is no way to know this unless you get into the grammar of the original language. We can only get to the actual meaning in the original language. However, I have decided not to go into the grammar of the original language with you. I am not trained in it, and I don’t understand it as well as I should to be teaching it. And it does get quite technical.

而且,顯然地,如果上帝做了創造,當天地創造時,就已經存在了。 但是,在約翰福音11中,更好的方式來看待它,這裡在開始時,這實際上不是一個開始......這個道就存在了。 這是指沒有任何時候上帝是不存在的事實(上帝永遠存)。 沒有開始,將無止盡。 它指的是永恆的過去。問題是沒有辦法知道這個除非你入原文的語法 我們只能用原文去理解實際意義。 但是,我決定不要和你一起進入原文的語法。 我沒有接受過這方面的訓練,我不明白這一點,我也不應該教它。 而且它確實相當專業的

We will learn that “The Word” refers to Jesus Christ later in John 1. So, this first sentence could read: “In the beginning, which wasn’t a beginning, Christ was. Or, maybe a little better, it could read simply, “Christ always existed.” Or, “The Word always existed.” So, the question is, why use the word “Word” to refer to Christ.

我們將會明白,“道”是約翰一章後面指的耶穌基督。所以,這第一句話可以解釋為:“太初不是開始,基督卻是。 或者,也許更好一些,它可以簡單地理解為“基督一直存在”,或者“這個道總是存在”。所以問題是為什麼用“這個詞來指代基督。

Anyone have any idea? Has anyone been through this before? We have studied many things in the past that can help in explaining this. We have learned that God’s Word, the bible, is the mind of Christ, as it is stated in 1 Corinthians. We have also learned that Jesus Christ, the unique person of all history, is the manifestation of God. He represents God to us. He made the statement, that if you have seen him, then you have seen the Father. He reveals invisible God to us.

任何人有任何想法嗎? 有沒有人之前讀過這個呢? 我們過去已經學習了很多可以幫助解釋這個。 我們已經知道,神的話語,就是聖經,正如哥林多前書所,是基督的心意。 我們也知道,耶穌基督是所有歷史中獨一無二的人,是上帝的顯現。 們而言他代表上帝。 他做了這樣的表述,如果你看到他,那你就看見了天父。 他向我們顯示了無形的上帝。

As we know, we normally use words to communicate. Christ communicates to us. Christ teaches us. In the gospels much of the communication Christ had for us is recorded. Christ reveals God to us through words, and that is one reason he came into the world. The Lord is God who cannot be seen by human eyes. When Moses asked to see the glory of God, the Lord answered him, " 20But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live."
" (Exodus 33:20) The apostle John wrote: " 18No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known. "(John 1:18) So Christ became flesh and made God known to man.

如我們所知,我們通常使用文字進行交流溝通。 基督與我們交流溝通。 基督教導我們。 福音書中記載了基督對我們的許多交流溝通。 基督通過言語向我們顯示神,這就是他來到這個世界的一個原因。是人目不能看見的 上帝。摩西要求看見上帝的榮耀時,耶和華回答説:你不能看見我的面,因為人見我 的面不能存活。(出埃及記3320)使徒約翰寫道:“18從來沒有人看見神,只有在父懷裏的獨生子將他表明出來。(約翰 福音118)所以基督成了肉身,使人認識神。

John uses language that has purpose. If we just read through it we may miss it, but the point is that this verse does not refer to the beginning of the humanity of Christ, it refers to the eternal state of existence before He came to earth in the form of man. And, he came to communicate who God is, and what He has done, so that we can understand Him.

約翰使用有目的的語言。 如果我們只是讀一下,我們可能會錯失它,但重要的是,這節經文並不是指基督人性的開始,而是指在以人的形式來到世上之前的永恆存在的狀態。 而且,他來傳達神是誰,做了什麼,以便我們能理解認識

It really isn’t complicated, but it also demonstrates the fact that God the Son is a different person from God the Father. We also learned this when when we studied the trinity. As we saw before, they are different, but closely associated with each other. Let’s go on in Chapter 1, and look at both verse 1 and 2, which reinforce the fact that Jesus Christ, the man, was also God:

這並不復雜,但它也證明了這樣一個事實:神子與父神不同。 當我們研究三位一體的時候,我們也學到了這一點。 正如我們之前所看到的,它們是不同的,但彼此密切相關。 讓我們繼續第一章,看看第一節和第二節,這強化了耶穌基督這個人也是神的事實:

1In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He existed in the beginning (eternally) with God.

1太初有道,道與神同在,道就是神。 2這道太初與神同在。

This man, Jesus Christ, who came to earth, was God. He existed always, just like God the Father has always existed. The man was God in the flesh. He had the same essence as God. Before Christ came in the flesh he was in existence from eternity past, just like God the Father.

這個來到人間的耶穌基督就是上帝。 永遠常存,就像父神一直存在的一樣。 那人是神的肉身。 他具有與上帝一樣的本質。 在基督降世以前,他就像父神一樣存在。

This is how John starts his book, to make it clear right from the beginning. His humanity had a beginning, however His deity did not. We can come to know God through Jesus Christ, or the Word. The Word communicates to us about God. Jesus Christ communicates to us about God.

這是約翰如何開始他的書,從一開始就明確表示。 他的人性有一個開始,然而他的神性並沒有。 我們可以通過耶穌基督或道來認識神。 神的道(話語)與我們溝通交流。 耶穌基督向我們傳達有關上帝的事。

We see this same principle in Colossians 2:9 –
我們在歌羅西書29中看到這個相同的原則 -

9For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.

In this verse the bible uses ‘Christ’ to teach the same principle. However, we see in John 1:1 that Christ is called the Word. The reality is that Christ is called many different things in scripture. Each time that a different term is used for Jesus Christ it teaches a principle of truth. Here, we have already seen that it means that he is the manifestation of God. He is also called the Son of God in different passages, and this refers to his deity. He is also referred to as the son of man, which refers to his humanity. Sometimes he is called a lion. Sometimes he is called the Lamb of God. The lion refers to the wrath that he shows to those who reject him. When called a lamb it refers to the sacrifice he made for us on the cross. He is called Lord, King, master, as well as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the son of David, and the Messiah.

在這節經文中,聖經用“基督”來教導同樣的原則。 然而,我們在約翰福音11中看到基督被稱為道。 事實是基督在聖經中被稱為許多不同的事物。 每一次對耶穌基督都使用不同的名詞,是用來教導真理的原則。 在這裡,我們已經看到,這意味著他是上帝的顯現。 他在不同的經文中也被稱為神的兒子,這是指他的神性。 他也被稱為人子,是指他的人性。 有時他被稱為獅子。 有時他被稱為上帝的羔羊。 獅子指的是他向那些拒他的人顯示的憤怒。 當被稱為一隻羔羊時,它指的是他在十字架上為我們所作的犧牲。 他被稱為神,王,主,以及萬王之王和萬主之主。 他是大衛的子孫,是彌賽亞。

Different names for different functions, for different audiences, and to explain different things about him, but all of them refer to one person: Our Lord Jesus Christ, undiminished deity and true humanity in one person. He humbled himself to come in the likeness of man, to reveal invisible God to us. And, he isn’t some impersonal revelation of God, he is a real person, flesh and blood, and God, in one person.

不同的名字,有不同的功能,為不同的觀眾,並用以解釋關於他的不同的事情,但他們都指同一個人:我們的主耶穌基督,不滅的神性和真正的人性集一身。 卑自己進入人的形象,向我們展現無形的上帝。 而且,他不是一些非個人的神的示,他是一個真正的人,有血有肉,而且是神,集於一身的。

Can anyone else think of any other names referring to Jesus Christ? Savior? Redeemer? The Alpha & the Omega, the beginning and the end?

有任何人可以想到任何其他的名字是指耶穌基督的嗎? 救主? 救贖主? 阿拉法俄梅戛,開始和結束?

This first part of the book of John starts out with infinity and eternity. However, quickly it is going to take us all the way down to the single individual, Jesus. I think that it is interesting that at the beginning of verse 2 that it changes from “the Word” to He. This is our first hint of who this is referring to, but we will get more as we go on.

約翰福音的第一部分開始於無限和永恆。 然而,很快它會把我們一路帶到單個的個人,耶穌。 我認為有趣的是,在第二節開頭,它從“道”變成了“”。 這是我們的第一個暗示指示他是誰,但是我們繼續下去會看到更多。

Remember in Genesis 1:1 that it said that God created the heavens and the earth. Since our discussion of the trinity we know that there are three persons in the Godhead. So, which one created the heavens and the earth? Anyone? In the past we learned that God the Father was the author of the plan, and that God the Son was the executer of that plan, so let’s look at verse 3:

請記住創世紀11上帝創造了天地。 自從我們對三位一體的討論以來,我們知道在神性中有三位。 那麼,哪一個創造了天地? 任何人? 在過去,我們學到父神是計劃的創始者,神子是計畫的執行者,所以我們來看第3節:

3All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

This may be something that you didn’t know. There are other verses that teach us the same thing. And, it may not be easy to understand, but as the baby Jesus laid in the manger, God the Son, his deity, was holding the universe together. As it says in Hebrews 1:3 –

這可能是你不知道的事情。 還有其他的經文告訴我們同樣的事情。 而且,這可能不容易理解,但是當耶穌在馬槽裡的時候,神子,他的神性將宇宙萬物托住在一起。 正如在希伯來書13中所 -

3He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. 

The whole concept of Jesus Christ being the God-man is difficult to understand. We have the bible, and therefore we can see the whole picture. But, can you imagine how it must have been for the people that lived in these ancient times? Sure, they could see the miracles he did. They knew about the prophecies, and could see that he fulfilled them. They could see him face to face and hear about all the things that he had done and taught. But, then along comes John and he says there is more to him than just being the Messiah, to just being an amazing man, he is also God. This man, he made everything that has ever been made? It is not an easy concept. What do you think, do you think that it would have been easier to believe in him back then, or today? To see him in person, or to have the whole story in the inspired written form and to know how it all ends, and all fits together?

耶穌基督為神人的整個概念很難理解。 我們有聖經,因此我們可以看到整個畫面。 但是,你能想像一下,這些古代人民怎麼樣呢? 當然,他們可以看到他所做的神蹟。 他們知道預言,可以看到他實現了它們。 他們可以面對面地看到他,聽到他所做和所教導的所有事情。 但是,接下來約翰,他他不僅僅是彌賽亞,或只是一個了不起的人,他也是上帝。 這個人, 他創造了所有曾經創造的東西? 這不是一個容易的概念。 你覺得呢,你認為當時或今天相信他會容易些呢? 親眼看到他,還是以靈示的書面形式來講述整個故事,並且知道這一切是如何結束的,而且都適切相合在一起呢?

There was a disciple named Thomas, who was close to Jesus, but he wouldn’t believe that Christ had been raised from the dead until he saw it with his own eyes. We will get to it in detail later, but let’s look at briefly now. It is found in John 20:24-25, and we will close with this.

有一個名叫多馬的門徒,他和耶穌很親近,但他不相信基督已經從死裡復活,直到他親眼看見。 我們稍後會詳細介紹,但現在我們來簡單的看一下。 在約翰福音2024-25中可以找到,我們將以此結束。

24Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. 25So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe."

24那十二個門徒中,有稱為低土馬多馬;耶穌來的時候,他沒有和他們同在。 25那些門徒就對他:「我們已經看見主了。」多馬:「我非看見他手上的釘痕,用指頭探入那釘痕,又用手探入他的肋旁,我總不信。」

But, doubting Thomas, as he is known today, did see Jesus’ resurrection body, and he did believe. In verses 27-29 of John 20 we read:

但是,懷疑的多馬,就像他今天所為人知的那樣,看到了耶穌的復活的身體,他才確實相信。 在約翰二十章二十九至二十九節,我們讀到:

27Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe."  28Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" 29Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

27就對多馬:「伸過你的指頭來,摸原文是看我的手;伸出你的手來,探入我的肋旁。不要疑惑,總要信!」 28多馬:「我的主!我的神!」 29耶穌對他:「你因看見了我才信;那沒有看見就信的有福了。」

The things that are written in the book of John are written here so that we will all believe. The initial belief is for eternal life. However, the more that we learn, the better we come to understand God. We come to understand, and come to know who “The Word” is, the Son of God, God in the flesh, our savior. We will get to know him very well, even intimately before we are done. And, the hope is that through the process we will develop a sincere appreciation for him, grow closer to him, and look forward to an eternity with him.

在約翰福音上記載的事之所以記載在這裡是為了我們都會相信。 最初的信念是永生。 然而,我們學得越多,我們就越了解上帝。 我們會了解,並且知道“道”是神子,神的肉身,我們的救主。 我們會更好地認識他,甚至在我們完成之前會更親密地認識他。 而且,希望通過這個過程,我們會對他發展誠摯的感謝,成長更親近他,並期待永恆與他同在。

Let’s pray.


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