Saturday, December 16, 2017

中英文雙語團契 第六十四課 約翰福音1章1-3節(下)

Lesson #64 – 12/9/2017                                  講員:Kevin Berg   翻譯:Angie Berg

“10And, You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; 11 they will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment, 12 like a robe you will roll them up, like a garment they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will have no end." Hebrews 1:10-12

A couple of weeks ago we used a dating and marriage analogy to describe the process of getting to know our Lord Jesus Christ. It was emphasized that just like in marriage it takes time to get to know our Lord. And, because you are so close to your spouse, you probably know them better than other people know them. You have probably heard someone say about their spouse, “Yes, but you don’t know them like I know them.”
幾個星期前,我們用約會和婚姻的比喻來形容認識我們的主耶穌基督的過程。 有強調說,就像在婚姻中,認識我們的主是需要時間的。 而且,因為你和你的配偶如此親密,所以你可能比其他人更了解他們。 你可能已經聽到有人說起他們的配偶說:“是的,但你不像我那樣認識他們。”

As we take this journey together in the book of John, we need to warn you. You are starting down a road where you are going to get to know our Lord very well. As you do you may run into people who don’t know him as well as you do. You will be able to discern between truths about him and falsehoods. You will find people talking about ‘Jesus’. However, you may quickly get to a point where you say to yourself, “who are they talking about?” It doesn’t sound like the same person that I know.” You may realize that they don’t know him as well as you do, or in your mind you may realize that they don’t know him at all.
當我們一起在約翰福音的旅程中,我們需要提醒你。 你正開始一條道路, 在那裡 你會非常熟悉認識我們的主 當你這樣做,你可能會碰到一些人像你那樣熟悉認識祂。 你將能夠辨別關於祂的真相和謊言。 你會發現人們在談論“耶穌”。 然而,你可能很快就會對自己說:“他們在說誰啊?”這聽起來不像我所認識知道的同一個人。“你可能會意識到他們並不了解祂好像你那樣,或者在你的腦海裡,你可能會意識到他們根本不認識祂。

We don’t point this out so that you can straighten them out, although in some cases it might be a God given opportunity to witness to them. We don’t warn you about this so that you can be judgmental of them. We just are telling you so that you are aware of the situation and it doesn’t cause confusion for you. We don’t want to learn about our Lord only to have other people come along and plant a seed of doubt. It won’t happen to all of us, but it probably will happen to a good number of us. Don’t fret, just stick to what you have learned from the Word of God.
我們並不是指出這一點,所以你可以更正別人,儘管在某些情況下,它可能是一個上帝給的機會來向他們做見證。 我們不是要提醒你們,讓你可以論斷他人。 我們只是告訴你,讓你警覺這種情況,不是要給你造成困惑。 我們不要學習認識了我們的主,卻讓別人來,種下一顆懷疑的種子。 這不會發生在我們所有人身上,但是這可能會發生在我們中許多人身上。 不要著急,只要堅持從神的話語中學到的東西。

Throughout history there have been religions, cults, sects, that have used the name of Jesus, but in a way that is unrecognizable from our knowledge of him. You may hear of groups of people have some really different theories about who Jesus is. These theories are in opposition to what God’s word teaches. Some have gained popularity at different times in history, and some are relatively small and less known. The things that all of these have in common is that they reject what Christ himself proclaimed to be. And, they reject what the bible teaches about who he is and what he has done for us.
縱觀歷史,一直有宗教,邪教,教派,使用耶穌的名字,但在某種程度上是就我們對祂的認識所無法辨認的。 你可能聽說一群人對於耶穌是誰有一些非常不同的理論。 這些理論與上帝的話所教導的是相反的。 有些在歷史上不同時期獲得了普及,有些則相對較小而且鮮為人知。 所有這些共同之處在於他們拒絕了基督自己所宣稱的。 而且,他們拒絕聖經教導他是誰,還有他為我們做了什麼。

A common thing that you may hear is, “Oh, yeah I believe Jesus was a historical figure, he was a good man, maybe even a prophet, but, I don’t believe he was anything more.” They think that he was a good man? In John 14:6-7, it says:
你可能聽到的一個共同點是,“哦,是的,我相信耶穌是一個歷史人物,他是一個好人,甚至可能是一個先知,但我不相信他是任何更多過這些的。”他們認為他是 一個好人? 約翰福音146-7這麼說:

6Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  7If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him."
6耶穌說:「我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉我,沒有人能到父那去。 7你們若認識我,也就認識我的父。從今以後,你們認識祂,並且已經看見。」

Jesus equates himself with God the Father. He states that he is the only way to God the Father, and if you know me, you know God the Father. If someone thinks that he is a good person, but they don’t believe that he is who he says he is, then they are saying that Jesus a liar. If Jesus is a liar, then he is not a good man. People either believe that he is the Son of God, God in the flesh, or they believe that he is the greatest fraud of all human history. There is no middle ground.
耶穌把自己等同於父神。 他說他是到父神那的唯一道路,如果你認識我,就認識父神。 如果有人認為他是一個好人,但他們不相信他是他自稱的,那麼他們就是說這個耶穌是個騙子。 如果耶穌是個騙子,那他就不是好人。 人們要麼相信祂是神的兒子,肉身的,否則他們就是相信他是人類歷史上最偉大的騙子。 沒有中間地帶

We don’t go through this discussion so that we can win arguments. We don't go through this to point out anyone’s lack of rational thinking. We go through this so that we are prepared. So, that we are not caught off guard. So, that we don’t get confused. And, so that when we run across someone who doesn’t know what God’s word says, and make false statements about our Lord Jesus Christ, that it doesn’t cause us to doubt, or to get us off track. We need to stick with it, we need to have endurance, and we need to hold the course, no matter what is thrown at us. We need to have faith that what we are learning in the book of John is truth. And, we don’t need anyone to plant a seed of doubt in our minds or hearts to the contrary. It says in Ephesians 4:13-16:
我們不是要通過這個討論,如此我們可以贏得爭論。 我們不是通過這個去指出任何人缺乏理性的思考。 我們通過這個,以便我們做好準備。 因此,我們不是毫無防備的,不會措手不及。 所以,我們不會感到困惑。 而且,當我們碰到一個不知道上帝的話是怎麼說的人,並且對我們的主耶穌基督做出錯誤的陳述時,它不會造成我們懷疑,或者讓我們脫離軌道。 我們需要堅持下去,我們需要有耐心,我們需要堅持走下去,不管是什麼東西扔向我們。 我們需要相信我們在約翰福音書裡所學的是真理。 而且,我們不需要任何人在我們的頭腦埋下懷疑的種子或內心悖逆。 在以弗所書413-16中說:

“13until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 15Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”
13直等到我們眾人在真道上同歸於一,認識神的兒子,得以長大成人,滿有基督長成的身量, 14使我們不再作小孩子,中了人的詭計和欺騙的法術,被一切異教之風搖動,飄來飄去,就隨從各樣的異端; 15惟用愛心說誠實話,凡事長進,連於元首基督, 16全身都靠祂聯絡得合式,百節各按各職,照各體的功用彼此相助,便叫身體漸漸增長,在愛中建立自己。

This is what our Lord told his disciples, it was the reason that they should equip the believers after Christ left. They were to build up the believers, to teach the believers so that they would become mature in the faith, and (here repeat verse 14).
這就是我們的主對門徒所說的,就是他們在基督離開之後要裝備眾信徒的原因。 他們要建立信徒,教導信徒,使他們在信心上成熟,(這裡重複十四節)。

This is why we are studying the book of John. We need to mature; we need to be built up; we need to learn, so that we are not deceived. So, that someone doesn't come along and say, “Jesus was a good man, a historical figure, but you don’t believe that stuff about him being the Son of God, do you?” As, we continue on in John, chapter 1, hopefully all of us will closer and closer to answering, “Yes, I do believe it.” And, we may even be able to follow it up with, “Let me tell you why.”
這就是為什麼我們學習約翰福音。 我們需要成熟; 我們需要建立起來; 我們需要學習,這樣我們才不會受騙。 所以,不會有人來說,“耶穌是一個好人,一個歷史人物,但是你不會相信他是神的兒子那些玩意吧,你信嗎?”當我們繼續學習約翰福音 ,希望我們所有人都會越來越貼近這樣地回答:“是的,我確實相信。”而且,我們甚至可以接著說,“讓我告訴你為什麼”。

Turn in your bibles to John chapter 1. We have gone through the first three verses, which say:

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
1太初有道,道與神同在,道就是神。 2這道太初與神同在。 3萬物是藉祂造的;凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉祂造的。

There was some confusion last week. There were some concepts taught last week that were difficult to understand. Before we go on, does anyone have any questions on these first three verses?

上周有一些困惑。 上周有教導一些難以理解的概念。 在我們繼續之前,有沒有人對這三節經文有任何疑問?

Questions and answers

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