#65 – 12/16/2017 講員:Kevin
Berg 翻譯:Angie
Turn in your bibles to John chapter 1.
We have gone through the first three verses already,
which say:
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with
God. 3All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing
made that was made.
1太初有道,道與神同在,道就是神。 2這道太初與神同在。 3萬物是藉着祂造的;凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉着祂造的。
In the past we learned about the attributes of God.
We learned that God was infinite or eternal; we learned that He was
all-powerful. We learned that God was the creator of all things, and that He
had the power over life. As John makes his case for Jesus being God, he uses
these attributes to show that Jesus possesses these attributes as well.
過去我們學習到神的屬性。 我們知道神是無限的或永恆的; 我們了解到祂是全能的。 我們知道神是萬物的創造者,祂擁有超越生命的力量。 正如約翰把耶穌當作神的例子,他用這些屬性來表明耶穌也擁有這些屬性。
It is the same thing that we would do if we were
trying to convince someone about someone else. Let’s say I wanted to convince
you that someone here was smart. I could say, “They got the highest scores on
these standardized exams; they got into the best university; they have a degree
in these areas; they have been very successful in a certain area of life.” I
would finish it up with, “See, they must be smart.”
如果我們試圖說服某人關於其他人,我們也會這樣做。 假設我想說服你,這裡有人很聰明。 我可以說,“他們在這些標准考試中得分最高, 他們進入了最好的大學; 他們在這些領域有學位; 他們在某個生活領域取得了很大的成功,“我會以這句話做結束,”看,他們一定很聰明。
John is doing the same thing here. He is listing the
things that are true of Jesus, and the conclusion that he wants us to come to
is: “Okay, I see now, he must be God.”
約翰在這裡做同樣的事情。 他列出耶穌真實的事情,他希望我們來到的結論是:“好吧,我現在明白了,他一定是神”。
He started with the fact that he was with God from
the very beginning, and that in reality he was God. Then it goes on to say that
He is even the creator. You couldn’t say that of anyone if they weren’t God.
Now in verse 4 John is going to continue his argument by saying, “and he even
has the power over life itself.” Who could have that power except God Himself?
Let’s look at it:
他開頭就說從起初祂與神同在的事實,而事實上祂就是神 。 然後它繼續說,他甚至是造物主。如果他們不是神你不能這麼說任何人。 現在在第4節中,約翰將繼續說:“而且他甚至擁有超越生命本身的力量。”除了神自己,誰能擁有這種能力呢? 我們來看看它:
4In him was life, and the life was the light of
Another translation says it even clearer:
“4The Word
gave life to everything, and his life brought light to everyone.”
“4道將生命賜予萬物,他的生命為每個人帶來了光亮 。”
Only God can create the universe, and only God can
create life. We see this first in the book of Genesis. In Genesis chapter one
we see God creating and bringing light into the world.
我們在創世記首先看到這一點。 在創世記第一章中,我們看到上帝創造光,並將光帶入世界。
Genesis 1:3-4: “3And God said, ‘Let there be
light,’ and there was light. 4And God saw that the light was good. And God
separated the light from the darkness.”
創世記1:3-4:“3神說:「要有光」,就有了光。 4神看光是好的,就把光暗分開了。”
In Genesis 2:7, we see the power of God displayed
in creating man, and bringing life to him:
7then the Lord God formed the man of dust
from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man
became a living creature.
The people that John was writing to originally knew
these scriptures very well. They knew what John was getting at; they knew that
it was just another way to say that Jesus was also God. And, we should know as
well. We also see that he not only created life, but in his person he
continuously existed as life. He has always had life, and the power over life.
約翰寫信的對象很熟悉這些經文。 他們知道約翰在做什麼; 他們知道這只是另一種說耶穌也是神的方式。 而且,我們也應該知道。 我們也看到,祂不僅創造了生命,而且在祂的人身上,祂不斷地以生命存在。 祂一直有生命。
The second part of verse 4 introduces us to a topic
that is found in many parts of the book of John. It is the use of the word
“light”. We saw in Genesis 1 that light was good. In this account it is a
literal light, but also the figurative light of God’s presence. When Christ
came to the earth he brought the light of God’s presence as well. There is a
word in English: ‘enlighten.’ This word is a verb. You can see that ‘light’ is
a part of the word. This word means to instruct or to impart knowledge. Another
definition is to, “shed light upon a particular subject.” In English we have an
expression that when someone finally understands something, they say, “I can
see it now.” It means that they understand. And, that is what light allows us
to do; to see. It is true in learning, it is true in spiritual things, and it
is true in the physical world.
第四節的第二部分向我們介紹了約翰福音書中許多部分的主題。 這是使用“光”這個字。 我們在創世記第一章看到,光是好的。 從這個角度來說,這是一種文字的光,也是上帝存在的象徵性的亮光。 當基督來到地上的時候,祂也帶來了神同在的亮光。 有一個英文單詞:“啟迪,啟發,啟蒙”。這個單詞是一個動詞。 你可以看到“光”是這個詞的一部分。 這個詞的意思是指導或傳授知識。 另一個定義是“揭示一個特定的主題”。在英語中,我們有一個表達,當有人終於理解了某些東西時,他們會說:“我現在可以看到它了”,這意味著他們理解。 而這正是亮光使我們能夠做到的。 看見。 這在學習中是真實的,這在屬靈的事物中是真實的,並且這在物質世界中是真實的。
If we turned off all of the lights in this room,
you wouldn’t be able to see anything. If we had a flashlight, we could
illuminate different parts of the room. When we turn all of the lights on the
whole room is illuminated. The same term is used in teaching or learning. When
we learn a certain subject we are illuminated in that subject; or we understand
如果我們關掉了這個房間所有的燈,你什麼也看不見。 如果我們有手電筒,我們可以照亮房間的不同角落。 當我們把整個房間所有的燈都打開時整個房間也照亮了。 在教學或學習中同樣的使用這個詞。 當我們學習某個科目的時候,我們在這個科目中被照亮了。 或者我們理解它。
Here, Christ is saying that he is the light. It
means that he is the illumination of the truth. His life brings light to men.
It is equated with the knowledge of God, and how Christ is the illuminator of
that knowledge. The Word, Jesus Christ, his life, brings light to us. His life
makes the spiritual life clear to us. We can understand the things of God
through his life. He is the living word, and it is presented to us through the
written Word.
在這裡,基督說祂是光。 這意味著祂是光照真理。 祂的生命給人們帶來了光亮。 這等同於認識神,而且基督是這認識的照亮者。 道,耶穌基督,祂的生命,給我們帶來光亮。 祂的生命使我們的屬靈生活變得清晰。 我們可以通過祂的一生了解上帝的事情。 祂是活潑的道(充滿生命力的道),是通過書面文字呈現給我們的。
The bible often refers to the world that we live in
as being dark. This refers to sin, it refers to the fact that Satan is the
ruler of this world, and it refers to Satan’s cosmic system. But, in verse 5 we
see that the darkness can’t overcome Jesus’ light.
聖經常常指我們生活在黑暗中的世界。 這是指罪惡而言,是指撒旦是這個世界的統治者,是指撒旦的宇宙系統。 但是在第五節我們看到黑暗無法克服耶穌的光。
5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness
has not overcome it.
The word ‘overcome’ can mean that the light is not
overpowered by the darkness. It can also mean that the darkness cannot
comprehend or understand the light. It is possible that John meant a double meaning
here, but we have no way of knowing from the original language. Both meanings
provide us with some understanding of this reference to light.
“戰勝,克服”這個詞可能意味著光不會被黑暗所壓制。 這也意味著黑暗不能理解或理解光。 約翰可能在這裡意味著雙重含義,但我們無法從原始語言中知道。 這兩個含義為我們提供了一些關於光的理解。
Other verses in the bible can also help us
understand the concept of light as it is used in the spiritual sense. We know
that Jesus, as man, was born lower than angels and therefore lower than Satan.
However, this verse states that Satan’s darkness cannot overcome Jesus’ light.
The truth found in the bible is greater than the lies of Satan’s cosmic system.
When we understand the truths that have been revealed to us, they can shine
light upon the lies that are often perpetuated throughout this world. We can
see clearly the schemes of the devil if we have the light of God’s Word in our
soul. The darkness of the lie cannot overcome the absolute truth. The
enlightenment we receive forces out the darkness.
聖經中的其他經文也可以幫助我們理解在屬靈意義上使用的光的概念。 我們知道耶穌作為人,出生比天使低,因此比撒但低。 然而,這節經文指出撒但的黑暗無法克服耶穌的光芒。 聖經中的真理大於撒但宇宙系統的謊言。 當我們明白已經向我們揭示顯露的真理時,他們可以照亮那些在這個世界上永久存在的謊言。 如果我們的靈魂中有神的話語的光,我們就能清楚地看到魔鬼的陰謀。 謊言的黑暗無法戰勝絕對真理。 我們受到的啟蒙驅逐出黑暗。
This is a very important topic, and it is something
that is critical to understand as we go further into the book of John. What we
would like to do is to look at some bible verses together to help with the
overall biblical concept of “light”. We won’t spend a lot of time on each one,
because they should be self-explanatory, especially when taken all together. We
will start with Ephesians 5:8-11:
這是一個非常重要的話題,當我們進一步閱讀約翰福音時,這是很至關重要的。 我們想要做的是一起來看一些聖經經文,以幫助瞭解整個聖經中“光”的概念。 我們不會花很多時間在每一個經節,因為它們應該是不言而喻的,特別是把它們都結合在一起的時候。 我們將從以弗所書5:8-11開始:
Ephesians 5:8-11
8for at one time you were darkness, but now you are
light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9(for the fruit of light is found
in all that is good and right and true), 10and try to discern what is
pleasing to the Lord. 11Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness,
but instead expose them.
8從前你們是暗昧的,但如今在主裏面是光明的,行事為人就當像光明的子女。9光明所結的果子就是一切良善、公義、誠實。 10總要察驗何為主所喜悅的事。 11那暗昧無益的事,不要與人同行,倒要責備行這事的人;
John 12:35-36:
35So Jesus said to them, "The light is
among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest
darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he
is going. 36While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may
become sons of light."
35耶穌對他們說:「光在你們中間還有不多的時候,應當趁着有光行走,免得黑暗臨到你們;那在黑暗裏行走的,不知道往何處去。 36你們應當趁着有光,信從這光,使你們成為光明之子。」
Isaiah 60:19
19 The sun shall be no more your light by day,
nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the Lord will
be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.
John 3:19-20
19And this is the judgment: the light has come into
the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their
works were evil. 20For everyone who does wicked things hates the light
and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
19光來到世間,世人因自己的行為是惡的,不愛光,倒愛黑暗,定他們的罪就是在此。 20凡作惡的便恨光,並不來就光,恐怕他的行為受責備。
John 8:12
12Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I
am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but
will have the light of life."
Hopefully, this is a good start to the
understanding of how light is used in the bible. We will see the concept again
a number of times in our study. And, with the picture in our minds of a light
in a dark room, we can understand how the light of Christ can illuminate our
souls. In simple terms, light is good. The light of God’s Word is good. God
shining His light upon us is good. Darkness? Not so good.
在我們的學習中,我們會再次看到這個概念。 而且,藉著在我們的腦海裏有一道光照亮黑暗的房間的畫面,我們就能明白基督的亮光如何照亮我們的心靈。
簡而言之,光是好的。 神話語的光是美善的。 神將祂的光照耀在我們身上是美好的。 黑暗呢? 不太好。
Read John 1:4&5 again to close.
Let’s pray.