Saturday, October 24, 2020

十二籃/12Baskets 20201024

  十二籃靈糧事工12 Baskets- Angie與您分享時刻20201024
我們都聽過人們說錢是邪惡的。 人們還可能說,如果有人有錢,那他們就是邪惡的。 這兩個陳述都是錯誤的。 聖經清楚地說明了有關金錢的問題是什麼-1提摩太6:10說:
「貪財是萬惡之根。有人貪戀錢財,就被引誘離了真道,用許多愁苦把自己刺透了。」提摩太前書 6:10 CUNP-
 問題不在於金錢本身,而是對金錢的熱愛(貪財)導致了問題。 我們不想背離信仰,但對金錢的熱愛卻會造成這樣。 首先,我們要愛上帝,其它任何愛都不能取而代之。 我們要先敬拜上帝,而不要敬拜任何人事物。 我們需要金錢,我們有責任養家糊口,但是我們也有責任不讓它成為我們生活中的首位。
「因為你的財寶在哪裏,你的心也在那裏。」」馬太福音 6:21 CUNP-
「你豈要定睛在虛無的 錢財 上嗎? 因錢財必長翅膀,如鷹向天飛去。」箴言 23:5 CUNP-
「我兒,要將你的心歸我; 你的眼目也要喜悅我的道路。」
箴言 23:26 CUNP-

We have all heard people say that money is evil. People also might say that if someone has money that they are evil. Both statements are false. The bible makes it clear what the issue with money is - 1Timothy 6:10 says, 
“For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
The issue isn’t money itself, it is the love of moneygreediness about money) that causes issues. We don’t want to wander away from the faith, and the love of money has the power to do just that. We are to love God, first, and no other love should take that place. We are to worship God first, and not worship anyone or anything above that worship. We need money, we have a responsibility to support our families, but we also have the responsibility for it not to take over the number one position in our lives.
“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Matthew 6:21 NLT
“In the blink of an eye wealth disappears, for it will sprout wings and fly away like an eagle.” Proverbs 23:5 NLT
“O my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways.” Proverbs 23:26 NLT

English: I Give You My Heart

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