Wednesday, January 27, 2021


十二籃靈糧事工12 Baskets- Angie與您分享時刻20210127

保重/Take Care


「他患病在床,耶和華必扶持他; 在病榻中祢使他恢復健康。

詩篇 41:3

「你們要休息,要知道我是神! 」詩篇 46:10a

「耶和華的眼目看顧敬畏祂的人 和仰望祂慈愛的人,」

詩篇 33:18


 求祢醫治我,因為我得罪了你。」詩篇 41:4



約翰三書 1:2

People often say "Take care" when they say goodbye to each other. This word means to protect and cherish your good health.  Our spiritual life is the same, we need to take good care!  Because the health of spiritual life is related to our relationship with God, and our hope for eternal life. Healthy spiritual life shows our faith in God. Such faith drives away fear and anxiety and brings us hope and peace.  Since we know God will look after us and protect us,  we have confidence that God must have a beautiful plan for us.  Dear brothers and sisters, take care!  Not only the physical body, but also the spiritual life!  May we all have a healthy body and mature spiritual life, to fulfill the life plan and purpose God has in store for us, and press on toward the goal!

“The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; 

in his illness you restore him to full health.”

Psalm 41:3 ESV

“Be still, and know that I am God. ”

Psalm 46:10a ESV

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, 

on those who hope in his steadfast love,”

Psalm 33:18 ESV

“As for me, I said, “O Lord, be gracious to me; 

heal me, for I have sinned against you!””

Psalm 41:4 ESV

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you 

and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.”

3 John 1:2 NLT




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