Friday, September 18, 2020


 十二籃/12 Baskets - Angie與您分享時刻 20200918

司布真說:「如果我們要復興,就必須復興對神話語的崇敬。 如果我們想更多人悔改,就必須在講道中多加神的道; 即使我們用自己的話來解釋它,我們仍然必須依靠祂的話語,因為只有這樣才能祝福人們。 是神的話語拯救了人們,而不是我們對它的評論,無論該評論是有多正確。」


「義人的口是生命的泉源; 」箴言 10:11a
「義人的嘴唇牧養多人;」 箴言 10:21a
「義人的盼望帶來喜樂; 」箴言 10: 28a
「義人的口結出智慧; 」箴言 10: 31a

「耶和華-萬軍之上帝啊, 我得著祢的話就把它們吃了, 祢的話是我心中的歡喜快樂; 因我是稱為祢名下的人。」耶利米書 15:16 

「我用嘴唇傳揚祢口中一切的典章。」詩篇 119:13

Today’s sharing is my thought about a famous quote from Charles Spurgeon.
Spurgeonsaid “If we want revivals, we must revive our reverence for the Word of God. If we want conversions, we must put more of God’s Word into our sermons; even if we paraphrase it into our own words, it must still be His Word upon which we place our reliance, for the only power which will bless men lies in that. It is God’s Word that saves souls not our comment upon it, however correct that comment may be. ”

I think the so-called sermon or preaching is not merely a sermon preached by the pastor during a Sunday service. It is also when believers talk to others about the Word of God. Preaching a sermon is not the pastor’s exclusive right, but it is the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ that he commanded all of his followers to do. Some believers do not preach with their mouths, but use their lives to live out the Word of God. The preaching with our life not only blesses others, but it also impacts the transformation of other people's lives.

“The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain; ” Proverbs 10:11a NLT
“The words of the godly encourage many,” Proverbs 10:21a NLT
“The hopes of the godly result in happiness,” Proverbs 10:28a NLT
“The mouth of the godly person gives wise advice,”Proverbs 10:31a NLT

“When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies.” Jeremiah 15:16 NLT

“With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth.”Psalm 119:13 ESV

詩歌欣賞🎼🎶 Living Word of God

For inspiration - sing along if you like, or just focus on the words. 這首歌中的單詞確實很特別-希望您喜歡它。要專注和冥想的好話。 Praise and worship music that has been a part of the Chi...

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