十二籃靈糧事工12 Baskets- Angie與您分享時刻20201203
何必如我意?Why does it has to be as I wish?
不論是順境或者是困境,也不論我們是喜歡或不喜歡,都有神的美意在。就像出埃及地的以色列人不知道明天將如何,也不知道明天將走到哪裡去,只有日夜緊緊的跟隨雲柱與火柱,有神的同在,必不失誤。所以世人嘆人生,不如意事,十常八九,然而信徒們的信心是有確據的,只要有神同在何必順我境如我意,因為神的美意超越我們所能想像,我願意信靠我主,我大能神掌管我生命的每一天,無論何去何往何景況。 哈利路亞!救恩,榮耀與權能都屬乎我們的神。
“你要察看神的作為; 因神使為曲的,誰能變為直呢? 遇亨通的日子你當喜樂;遭患難的日子你當思想;因為神使這兩樣並列,為的是叫人查不出身後有甚麼事。”
- 傳道書 7:13-14 CUNP-神
“祂苦煉你,任你飢餓,將你和你列祖所不認識的嗎哪賜給你吃,使你知道,人活着不是單靠食物,乃是靠耶和華口裏所出的一切話。” - 申命記 8:3 CUNP-神
- 雅各書 5:13 CUNP-神
“救恩屬乎耶和華; 願祢賜福給祢的百姓。 (細拉)” - 詩篇 3:8 CUNP-神
「你從水中經過,我必與你同在; 你蹚過江河,水必不漫過你; 你從火中行過,必不被燒, 火焰也不着在你身上。」- 以賽亞書 43:2 CUNP-神
God’s perfect will exists whether we are in good times or difficult times, and whether we like it or not. Just like the Israelites who came out of Egypt didn't know what the future would be like, nor where they would go tomorrow, they could only follow the pillar of cloud during the day and the fire at night. With the presence of God, there would be no mistakes. Therefore, we must realize that life is not always going to be as we wish. However, the faith of believers is assured. As long as God is with us, why do we care whether the circumstances are pleasing to us or not. God’s perfect will is beyond our imagination. I am willing to trust with all of my days to the Lord God Almighty. Let God reign in my life and be in charge no matter where and what circumstances He takes me to. Hallelujah!Salvation, deliverance, glory, and power all belong to our God.
“Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked? In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him.” - Ecclesiastes 7:13-14 ESV
“And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” - Deuteronomy 8:3 ESV
“Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.” - James 5:13 ESV
“Salvation belongs to the Lord; your blessing be on your people! Selah”
- Psalm 3:8 ESV
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”- Isaiah 43:2 ESV
詩歌欣賞🎼:Reckless Love/不顧一切的愛
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